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"..you should be resting, Riven." Michonne spoke, glancing at Riven who was walking behind her, following after her and hershel,

"I can't sleep, and I'm bored of lying in bed all day. The least I can do is help hershel pick some leaves." Riven replied, and Michonne narrowed her eyes at him,

"You're shivering." Michonne noted, and Riven pulled his jacket closer to him, Michonne had managed to get all the blood off his jacket.

"I'm fine, "Riven told her. He felt like complete shit but he couldn't just lay in bed all day, and he was worried about Carol.

She had gone with Rick out in a supply run, but only Rick returned, saying that Carol decided to stay back to gather more supplies,

Riven thought it was bullshit. He knew something else was going on, but nobody was telling him, maybe it was because only Rick knew, but Riley seemed suspicious. He was a horrible liar.

"Do you know when Carol's coming back?" Riven questioned, and Michonne shook her head.


Riven sighs, but he pauses as he hears a twig snapping, and he glances around, pulling out his knives,

He listened closely, but there wasn't another sound, and he lowered his guard, shaking his head before continuing walking, a bit faster to catch up with Michonne and hershel.

Something felt off to him. He couldn't place what it was, but he felt like someone was watching them.

"..I think we should head back." Riven spoke up, on guard once more,

"Is something wrong?" Hershel questioned, turning to look at him as well as Michonne, who noticed that Riven was on guard, his grip on his knives were tight,

"Something doesn't feel right. It feels like someone's watching us." Riven replied, and Michonne nodded her head, glancing at hershel,

"We'll head back just to be on the safe side." Hershel nodded,


Footsteps were heard, and Riven saw a man behind Michonne, and Michonne hand went to her sword, but a voice stopped her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'll blow this old man brains out." Michonne glared at the men and women surrounding them, holding them at gunpoint.

"I'll be careful around these two, " Riven tensed as he heard a familiar voice, anger filled his body,

"Michonne and Riven are dangerous." The governor appeared in Riven's line of view with a smug look on his face.

"Says the fucking psychotic murderous pervert." Riven spat out, taking a step forward but a gun pressing against his temple stopped him.

"Don't take another step, kid." Riven barley spared a glance to the man and kept his angered eyes on the governor.

"You should've taken the shot when you had the chance," the governor told him, stepping closer to him, "Maybe Merle would've still been alive."

Riven swung out his fist, but he was pushed roughly to the ground with a knee digging into his bag, and his knives were taken from him.

"Leave him alone! He's just a kid!" Hershel shouted,

"My brother is dead because you killed him!" Riven struggled, glaring at the governor, who crouched down in front of him, reaching his hand out.

"Don't touch him!" Michonne yelled, and the governor threw her a smirk as he stood up.

"Take them."


Riven sat in between Michonne and hershel, a glare on his face, His hands working to untie the rope around his wrists,

The governor walked into the RV they were in and smiled at them.  "Comfortable, are we?"

"Just tell us what this is. Please." Hershel spoke, and the governor looked at him,

"It isn't personal." The governor told him,

"Then what is it?" Hershel questioned, and the governor turned to Michonne instead of answering his question.

"Michonne, I want you to know... Penny, my daughter, she was dead. I know that now. Now, I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone. I need the prison, that's it. There are people I need to keep alive. You three are gonna help me take it. No one needs to die." The governor told them,

Riven scoffed, and the governor looked at him, "It's bullshit. You enjoy killing people, and whatever bullshit you're telling those people? It's gonna get them killed,"

"You don't care about taking over the prison. You just want all of us dead." Riven said, and the governor shook his head,

"That's not true." It was all lies. It was just pure bullshit that the governor was spilling out.

Riven chuckles, rolling his eyes, "I bet your ass is real jealous of all that shit that's comin' out of your mouth."

"Believe it or not -"

"Not." Riven interrupted, a small grin on his face, and the governor looked at him irritated,

"Stop it, you want the prison?" Hershel questioned, and the governor nodded

"Yeah. And I'll take it as peacefully as I can." He replied,

"Governor -" the governor interrupted hershel,

"Don't call me that." Hershel ignored him as he continued speaking.

"Your people, our people, we can find a way to live together. These people you need to keep alive, do you love them?" Hershel questioned,

"You're a good man, Hershel, a better man than Rick." The governor told him,

"Everything you've said, the way you've said it, you've changed. So has Rick." Hershel said,

"The two of us will never be able to live together. Michonne and I, we'll never be able to live together." The governor argued,

"We'll find a way." Hershel argued,

"I found a way!" The governor raises his voice a bit, " I'm trying hard. There's all kinds of ways I could do this. This way, you get to live, and I get to be..."

"You say you want to take this prison as peacefully as possible. That means you'd be willing to hurt people to get it. My daughters would be there." Hershel spoke, "That's who you'd be hurting. If you understand what it's like to have a daughter, then how can you threaten to kill someone else's?"

"Because they aren't mine." The governor simply replied with a small shrug.

"You won't get the prison so easily, Governor, " Riven spoke, and the governor glared at him, "So, You can take your peaceful talk and shove it so far up your ass..."



1053 words


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