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Andrea had shot Daryl. It was a graze, but she still shot him. Riven didn't know who in their right mind actually let Andrea have a gun.

He wanted to give her a piece of her mind for shooting his brother, but he promised Hershel that he would watch his behavior, so, instead, Riven paid a visit to Daryl.

Daryl lay in bed, clearly bored out of his mind, and he lifted his head as he heard someone walk in, only to relax when he saw it was his little brother.

"..shouldn't you be restin' and shit?" Daryl grumbled, and Riven sits down on the chair, kicking his feet up, and Daryl throws a glare at him when Riven nudges him to move his legs, which he did

"Hershel gave me the okay to walk around but not to do anything." Riven replied, opening the book he had, and props his elbows on the arms of the chairs,

Daryl watches him for a second before looking up at the ceiling, "I remember you would always come home late cause you were at the library, reading until it closed."

"I remember you and Merle would lock me out of the house." Riven bitterly mumbled,

Daryl sighs, "I'm sorry."

Riven lowers the book and looks at Daryl, confused yet also concerned.
"What? Should I get Hershel? I think there's something wrong with you."

Daryl rolls his eyes scoffing, "Shut up, I'm tryin' to apologize for being a shitty brother, alright?"

"If you don't want it, then I'll take it right back." Daryl told him, huffing,

Riven lowers his feet, sitting straighter, "You can take your apology and shove it up your ass."

"Excuse me?" Daryl sits up, groaning a little as he did so.

Riven scoffs, glaring at him, "You can't just apologize out of nowhere, Daryl, not after everything,"

"You were..are a shit brother, Daryl," Riven told him, slamming the book shut, "Your apologies are worth shit."

"I'm tryin' to make things right between us." Daryl said, and Riven stood up, shaking his head,

"No. It's too late for that, Daryl," Riven snapped, "You're trying to make things right? Well, why not before? Why not when dad was beating the shit out of me, huh? Or when you and Merle locked me out of the house in freezin' cold temperatures!?"

"For years, I've tried to make things right, I tried to be your brother, but you pushed me away. You always kept reminding me that I'm your half brother," Riven pauses, and he shakes his head,

"You have no idea how hard it is to accept the fact that I will never be your brother like Merle is." Riven told him,

"You are my brother, Riven," Daryl spoke, "You are my little brother."

Riven looks away from Daryl, his eyes glistening with tears, but he refused to let them fall,

"Fuck. You. Big brother." Riven spat out before he walked out of the room, stopping as he almost bumped into Andrea,

He shoots her a glare, and walks past her, shoulders roughly bumping.

He walks down the stairs, "Hey, you alright?" Lori questioned, stopping Riven by grabbing his arm, and she frowns as she saw his teary eyes,

"Oh, honey, what's wrong?" Lori questioned, and Riven clenched his jaw, clenching his fists, his nails digging into his palms.

Lori gently grabs his arm, "Come on, Carl needs some company, he's bored out of his mind."

Riven takes a deep breath, and let it out, nodding his head, not trusting his voice at the moment, and not wanting to snap at Lori or Carl.

Riven walks outside with Lori and sees Carl on the porch stairs, sitting bored out of his mind.

Riven cleared his throat, and Carl lifted his head, smiling as he spots Riven, "Let's go bother Glenn."

Carl stands up, "I saw him by the RV a few seconds ago."

Riven follows after Carl, and Lori watches them go with a small frown.

"..your eyes are red, were you crying?" Carl questioned, and Riven lightly scoffs,

"No." Carl didn't push any further as he and Riven reached Glenn, who looked nervous.

"Hi, Glenn." Carl greeted, and Glenn turned to them, and Riven narrowed his eyes at Glenn.

"Lori's pregnant, and there's walkers in the barn." Glenn blurted out, his eyes widening.

Carl and Riven shared a look before looking at Glenn,

"Mom's pregnant?" Carl questioned in disbelief,

"There's walkers in the barn?" Riven asked,

"Uh.. you guys didn't hear this from me," Glenn told them, "but yes to both of those things. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Maggie doesn't want me to tell anyone about the walkers, and Lori doesn't want me telling anyone about her being pregnant."

Riven snorts, "Yeah, tell the guy who can't keep secrets, secrets. They missed up big time on their part."

"My mom is pregnant. What do I do?" Carl questioned, looking at Riven, who looks down at him,


"Tell me what to do, I don't know how to act about this." Carl told him, and Riven sighs,

"Don't be an asshole. Talk to her first, and support her because she'll need it and kick anyone's ass that gives her trouble." Riven told him, and Carl nodded, grinning,

"I'll protect her and my little brother..or sister," Carl said before frowning, "but what are we gonna do about the walkers in the barn?"

"Nothin," Riven replied, shaking his head, "this is Hershel's farm, we can't just take over his farm, if he has walkers in the barn, then let him, they haven't bothered us yet,"

"He thinks they're sick, give him some time to come to terms that they're not sick people, these people in the barns probably used to be his neighbors, his friends, "Riven looks between Glenn and Carl,

"If you guys are so worried about it, then talk to Rick, tell him to talk to Hershel, or talk to the old man, yourself." Riven said,

Glenn blinks, "That's the most I've heard you say."

Riven rolls his eyes, "Whatever."

"I gotta talk to my mom." Carl turns around and walks away, and Glenn sighs,

"If I tell anyone else, I'm betraying Maggie." Glenn runs a hand through his hair,

Riven chuckles, "Dude, the farmers' daughter? No wonder I heard bangs a few times during the night."

Glenn blushes and cleares his throat, "You heard that?"

"Unfortunately, I did."


1075 words


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