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Riven bolted up as the sound of gunfire echoed throughout the prison, Judith ear piercing cries snapped his attention to her, she was beside him, her face red, puffy, her eyes watery as tears streamed down her face, her mouth open as she let out screams of fright.

Riven picked her up and held her close, "Shh,it's okay, jude, shh."

Judith wasn't calming down, and the gunfire hadn't stopped yet, and Riven wanted to see what was happening. He wanted to help, but he couldn't leave Judith.

Riven stood up, wincing, and he limped out of the cell and into the next one, on the right, since apparently Riley's cell rook was right next to his,

His room was between Riley and Daryl's. Well, Daryl wasn't there anymore.

Riven limped into Riley's room, and he glanced around before spotting the poorly hidden Walkman under his pillow,

He walked over to the bottom bunk and sat down, grabbing the Walkman and the headphones, gently placing them over judith's ears, and he pressed play, hoping it wasn't some weird music that played, but Riven knew Riley, and his shit taste in music, but as he looked down at Judith, it seemed to be calming her down.

The gunfire soon stopped, and Riven anxiously waited for anyone to come by. He hoped nobody was dead.

It wasn't long before he heard hurried footsteps, "Judith, Riven!" It was Beth, and she ran past Riley's room,

"Riven! Judith!"

"In here!" Riven called out, and Beth appeared a second later, running into the room, breathing heavily, relief in her eyes.

"Oh, thank God. You scared the hell out of me." Beth walked over and sat down next to Riven, looking at Judith, who sniffles every once in a while.

"She got scared, figured Riley had something to block out the noise of gunfire," Riven replied, "everyone okay?"

Beth sighs, "mostly everyone. Axel is dead," she noticed the confusion on Riven's face,

"You don't know who that is, do you?" Riven shook his head,

"No clue. Was he important or something?" Riven quietly asked, and Beth shrugged,

"He was the last of the prisoners that were here.. he was kind weird, though." Beth said, and Riven looks at Judith, who had fallen asleep, exhausted from screaming her lungs out.

"Oh, and Daryl's back." Beth told him, and as soon as she did, Daryl appeared by the door, awkwardly standing there when he noticed Beth with Riven.

"I'll um, leave you two be." Beth stood up and reached for Judith, but the second she grabbed her, Judith started fussing, clinging to Riven.

"It's okay." Riven told Beth, who smiled a little before she walked out of the room, and Daryl still awkwardly stood by the cell door.

"Was it him?" Riven questioned, and Daryl nodded,

"Yeah. He's gone, now." Daryl told him, and Riven narrowed his eyes at him,


Daryl sighs, "I know.. what he did to you."

Riven looks away from Daryl, "Riley told you?"

Daryl scoffed, "Didn't have to, figured it out, but you told him before your own brothers?"

"He figured it out by himself, made him promise not to tell anyone, especially you, Merle, and Michonne." Riven told him,

"Eariler, you said you wouldn't let another go Scott free..governor wasn't the first was he?" Daryl quietly asked, and Riven sighs,

"I was fourteen..and I made a mistake of letting my guard down when Merle friends were around..it was a long time ago." Riven replied,

"Which one was it?" Daryl questioned, and Riven looked at him,


Daryl nodded, "Sorry," Daryl gestured to Judith, "looks like little ass kicker likes you."

Riven looks down at Judith and smiles a little, "Yeah, the only grimes kid that doesn't annoy me."

Daryl chuckled, shaking his head before walking out of the room, and Riven stood up, holding Judith close as he limped out of the cell,

Michonne walked over, a small limp in her step, and Riven grins at her, "Look at that, we match."

Michonne grins at him, flicking him off, her eyes softening as she looks at Judith, and Riven noticed, his grin became a small smile,

"There it is, "Michonne smirked, "You do have a cute smile."

Riven rolled his eyes, "Shut up."

"You should smile more. It's adorable." Michonne teased him as Rick walked over, glancing at Michonne before looking at Judith,

"She hasn't had a diaper change. That's your job." Riven told him, handing him Judith,

Judith didn't fuss this time, and Rick scrunched his nose, "Yeah, she needs a diaper change."

"I'm gonna find Merle." Riven shares a look with Michonne before walking away Rick and Michonne.


"..baby brother! You's gonna let me bunk with you? They're trying to keep me in the dog house." Merle spoke as Riven walked into the room,

Daryl sat on a table a few feet away, fixing his crossbow, A frown on his face,

Riven shrugged, "Guess so, but if you snore too loud, I'm kicking you out."

Merle grins, and Daryl lifts his head, shaking it,

"Nah, Rick ain't want him in there." Merle frowns, rolling his eyes,

"Daryl became Rick's bitch." Merle commented

"Like you weren't the governors." Riven retorted,

Daryl chuckled and Merle scoffs,

Riven sat down, stretching his injured leg out with a small groan,

"Hey, catch." Riven barley had time to catch what Daryl had thrown at him, and it was a black sketch book.

"Grabbed it back in the highway after the farm." Daryl said, and Merle laughs,

"Thought you quit lovin' that shit." Riven frowned, shrugging,

"Never did."

Daryl throws Merle a look, and Merle narrowed his eyes at him before rolling his eyes,

"Why don't you sketch dear old Merle, see how rusty your skills are." Merle said, and Riven shook his head,

"Nah, think dad will be rolling in his grave if I do." Riven quietly said, and Merle scoffed,

"Who gives a shit what that old bastard wants? He ain't even here." Merle told him, and Riven stood up, placing the book down.

"I'm good."


1018 words


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