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Tyrese was dead.

Rick and his group came back, and Tyrese was dead. He was bitten, and they cut off his arm, but he died anyway.

They buried him and continued on their way. Towards Washington. Sasha was grieving both her brother and Bob.

Maggie and Riley were grieving their father and sister. Everyone was grieving in their own ways, and Daryl even wondered off earlier.

Riven felt suffocate in the group. It was too overwhelming to be around everyone.

He glanced at the group, and everyone was walking ahead of him. He fidget with his bracelet before he decided to sneak away from the group.

He wanted to be alone. He needed to be alone. He wasn't over the death of Beth yet, and Tyrese's dying...it didn't help much.

Tyrese was a good man. He had a good heart, and he didn't deserve to die. Beth didn't either. Riven wondered why it couldn't be him?

He wasn't a good person. He wasn't as kind as Tyrese and Beth, so why would they die and not him? It should've been him, not them.

They didn't deserve to die, and he did. The more further he walked away from the group, the more he wondered if it'll be better off on his own.

No attachments, no more grieving over the loss of a friend. Just himself and a world full of dead people.

Maybe he'll just be better off dead. He could just end it like he's been planning since he was twelve years old. This time, he didn't have expired pills to take, but he had his gun.

He hasn't really used his gun since the death of Beth. It was like he could still hear the sound of the gunshot every time he held his gun in his hand.

"..pathetic retard!" He shook his head at the distant memory of his father yelling at him.

"..always with your crying. Quit your whining, boy! Man up!" Riven clenched his hands into fists, digging his nails into his palms.

"..I'd give you something to cry about! C'mere!"

Riven swung out his arm, punching the nearest tree, tears streamed down his face as he clenched his jaw tightly.

He pulled his arm back and punched the tree again. The skin on his knuckles broke as they violently made contact with the tree.

"..baby brother, you still cryin' over some books? Such a pussy, baby brother!"

Riven clenched his eyes shut as it started to rain. "Shut. Up."


Riven backed up from the tree, bringing his blooded hands up to his ears. His tears were mixed with the rain dripping down his hair, sliding down his face.

The blood from his hands mixed with the rain, and he let out a breathy sob,

Thunder boomed in the sky, followed by the sky lighting up.

"..Riven!" Suddenly, he violently flinched back as he felt his hands being grabbed, and he opened his eyes, seeing Riley standing in front of him.

"Come on! We gotta go." Riley told him, grabbing his arm, and Riven let himself get dragged, trying to keep with Riley.

The rain poured down faster and harder as the wind began to pick up. Riley and Riven made it back to the road,

"We need to find shelter." Riley glanced to the sides, a stressful look in his eyes and Riven felt bad that he was the one making Riley stress at the moment.

He should be with Maggie, not him.

"Come on, this way." Riley pulled at his arm, and Riven quickly matched Riley's pace, not wanting to burden him any longer.

They rushed down the road, where Riley hoped there would be any type of place for shelter. At least until the storm passes and they could regroup with the others.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a walker came at him, and he cursed, pushing the walker away from him as he pulled out his gun.

The walker approached him, swaying with the strong wind as Riley lifted his gun and pulled the trigger.

The walker fell dead to the ground, and he spun to face Riven, but he felt his heart still like before when he realized Riven wasn't with the group anymore.

Riven wasn't there. Worry and dread filled him, was Riven dead? Just like Beth. Did he lose him, too?

He frantically glanced around for Riven, "Riven!?"

"Riley!" Spinning around towards the sound of Riven's voice, he saw him running over, holding something in his arms, but Riley couldn't make out what it was.

"Come on, I found a place." Riven told him, urging him to follow, and Riley did.

Riley followed Riven for a minute before they approached an old small house. They rushed inside once Riley had prayed open the door with force.

Riven stood in the middle of the dark hallway, soaking wet and shivering as Riley blocked the front door.

Rain loudly smacked against the windows, and Riley ran a hand through his hair, letting out a deep breath.

"..I'm sorry." It was so quiet, Riley probably wouldn't have heard it if he wasn't paying close attention.

Riley shook his head, turning to face Riven, "It's okay, there's nothing to be sorry for."

Riley noticed the way Riven was shivering. He noticed the blood coating his hands, the way his eyes looked sunken, and the way his skin was extra pale, but his jacket was off, and he was holding it in his arms, like he was covering something.

Something that was also shivering. Confused, yet weary, Riley took a step forward towards Riven, "What's that?"

Riley took notice of the way Riven's arms seemed to tighten as he took a small step back from Riley, and Riley halted his steps.

"It's okay, Riven." Riven took a deep breath, and he let out a shaky one. He sniffled and pulled the jacket down a little bit, revealing a small puppy.

"..she's scared, and I couldn't leave her out there." Riven quietly told him, he seemed scared, like Riley was going to harm them.

"Yeah, I wouldn't either." Riley replied, a small smile on his face, and Riven seemed to relax a little,

"Come on, kid, let's see if we could find anything to warm up."

1046 words


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