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Riven wiped the blood off his face with the back of his sleeve as he quickly walked through the woods, stepping over fallen branches, the leaves crunching under the weight of his boots.

Behind him followed the woman who saved him. She hasn't spoken yet, but she had decided to follow Riven, or maybe she was just going the same way.

Either way, Riven needed to go back to the farm.

Riven paused mid walk as the sound of twigs snapped , and he glanced back at the woman who took her sword out.

"..help..someone help!" Riven pulls out his knife before running towards the shouting. It sounds familiar, but Riven couldn't place who it belonged to.

".. help!" Riven was closer now, and then he saw her. It was Andrea, and she was being chased by walkers.

Riven runs over, body slamming into a walker before jamming his knife into its head as the woman has taken care of the other walkers.

"Andrea, hey, you okay?" Riven questioned as he turned to look at Andrea as he stood up, slightly panting.

"Riven?" Andrea asked as she stood up, looking at him in slight shock, "Where the hell have you been?"

"Oh, you know, decided to take an adventure with Randall through the woods," he sarcastically said,

"I was kidnapped by that asshole. He tried to kill, and the Samurai saved me." Riven gestured to the woman who stood watching them.

Andrea glances at her before looking at Riven, "The farm was overrun by walkers."

"My brother?" Riven asked, and Andrea shook her head,

"I don't know, we were fighting the walkers, and then the barn caught on fire.. I lost sight of everyone else." Andrea told him, and Riven nodded before he turned and started walking towards the farm.

"Hey, it's suicide going back there!" Andrea blocked his way, and Riven glared at her,

"I honestly don't give a shit. I need to make sure my brother made it out and move out of my way." Riven told her, but Andrea stood in his way.

He let's out a sigh before looking at the samurai, "You heard me tell her to move out my way." He turns to Andrea before roughly pushing her to the side.

"Asshole!" Riven only flicks her off before running off.

As he ran, he could feel his chest becoming tight, his breathing became heavier,

It didn't take long for him to reach the farm, and he just stopped, his eyes frantically searching for his brother,

He couldn't lose Daryl, not after barely making things right.

His hands were shaking, and he curled them into fist, and he took a step forward, but he was stopped by a hand on his arm, pulling him back.

He sharply turned to the person who stopped him and saw the woman who had saved him before.

"Let. Me. Go." She shook her head,

"No. Look, everyone who was here is gone. They made it out." She told him, gesturing towards the farm , and Riven looks over,

A few walkers lingered around, and the fire was dying down.

He brought his hand to his chest , barely noticing the woman had removed her hand from him.

"Riven, you okay?" Andrea's voice sound distant, yet she was beside him,

"I..i..can't breathe." Riven tried taking deep breaths like before, but it wasn't working.

His chest was becoming tighter, and it was becoming harder to breathe. His vision was blurry, and his head was pulsing.

"Riven, you need to calm down and breathe." Andrea told him, and Riven turns his head towards her, his eyes narrowing,

"I'm...fuckin'..trying." Riven smacks his fist against his chest, taking deep and slow breaths,

He turned around and walked back into the woods. He needed to get away from the farm, and he needed to find Daryl.

"Riven, you can't just walk away when you're having a panic attack." Andrea told him, and Riven waves her off, the tightness in his chest was fading, but his heart was still racing, and his hands were sweaty and shaking.

"I need to find Daryl."

He passed his tongue over his lips, his mouth was dry,

"We can't go on a crazy search, Riven. We need water, we need food, we need shelter." Andrea told him, and Riven scoffs,

"Well good fucking luck, Andrea, I'm going to find Daryl, with or without you, I honestly don't fucking care." Riven replied,

"I'm going with him." The woman spoke up, and Andrea scoffs, shaking her head.

"It's a suicide mission." Riven rolls his eyes, sharply turning to face Andrea,

"Everything is a suicide mission these days. Literally, I don't give a shit if it's a suicide mission, I am not stopping, Givin' up, until I find Daryl, "Riven told her,

"Now you can either go on your own, or shut up, and come with us, your pick." Riven said before turning around and continued walking.

Andrea sighs, shaking her head, following after Riven and the woman who has yet to introduce herself, "If I get killed, I'm blaming you."

"Well, boo hoo, who cares, nothin' new." Riven replied, not bothering to turn to look at her.

Andrea huffs, "Say, who are you anyway? You're following after Riven like a lost puppy with walkers?"

"You slept with Shane. You have no right to judge her." Riven told her, and Andrea narrowed her eyes at him, and he grinned to himself as he felt her glaring.

"My name is Michonne, and the walkers stay." The woman spoke, and Riven laughs, turning to look at her,

"Michonne? I like it, It suits you, but I'm still calling you samurai." Riven told her, turning around, almost bumping into a tree, but he caught himself at the last second.

"Are you always like this? The quick mood changes?" Michonne questioned, and Andrea huffs out a small laugh,

"You haven't seen it yet. Trust me, five more minutes with Riven, and you'll see how many mood changes he has."Andrea told her,

"Shut up."


1010 words


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