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Riven followed after the men that were creating such ruckus. Calvin followed after Riven once, realizing the kid wasn't going to just walk away once Riven had realized the men were Negan's people.

"..hello! You call this searching!? Spread out, and do not come back until you find something!" A young man with dark curly hair and green eyes yelled, and all but one started moving in all directions.

The one who stayed behind was a tall young man, his aura radiating off dominance,

The other laughed, "Man, those guys are idiots."

"There's only two." Riven whispered, grabbing his gun, but Calvin stopped him.

"No. They look dangerous, especially the handsome one." Calvin whispered back, and Riven looked towards the handsome one. He did, in fact, look dangerous, not one to mess around.

"I won't miss." Riven replied, lining up his gun to take the shot, but he paused as he heard footsteps behind him, and he quickly spun around, startling a young boy who held a gun in his hand.

The young boy's eyes darted between Riven and towards the two men,

"Drop it." Riven lowly demanded, not wanting to shoot a young kid.

"..over here!" The kid shakily yelled, and Riven cursed, standing up,

"God dammit." Calvin grabbed Riven by his arm and started to run, and it didn't take long for Riven to start running beside him,

"Get them!" A commanding voice yelled before gunshots flew past them,

Riven felt his body jerk forward, almost tripping, but he managed to catch himself,

"Shit, shit, shit!" Calvin cursed, flinching as bullets flew close to him, missing by inches, hitting trees or the ground.

Suddenly, Riven let out a shout as he tackled to the ground, but he swung his arm back, his elbow connecting with his attackers face,

A low grunt was heard, and Riven switched their positions, seeing the handsome man from before,

Riven pulled out his knife, raising it to strike, but he heard yelling coming closer, and he cursed, standing up, but he stumbled,

A hot searing pain erupted from his lower back, causing him to let out a small gasp, and Calvin rushed over to him,

"I thought you were right behind me!" Calvin grabbed Riven's arm and started pulling him as the others were approaching them.

Riven only made a few seconds before he fell to the ground, "shit, kid! Come on, get up!"

Riven couldn't move his legs. He couldn't really feel anything below his waist, and he looked at Calvin, "Go, I can't move, just go. Don't let them catch us both."

Calvin shook his head, "Absolutely not!"

The saviors were getting closer, "Cal, you have to go.. I think I was shot, okay? I can't feel my legs right now, so get the fuck out of here, man, live to find your kid."

Calvin look hesitated but he ran off before the saviors could approach, and Riven pushed himself so he was leaning his back against a tree, and he grabbed his gun that was beside him, and lifted it up.

Saviors approached him, and he pulled the trigger, aiming for their heads, and he saw the one that tackled him earlier.

He aimed at him, but as he pressed against the trigger, the gun clicked, and he let out a small groan of disappointment.

Something pressed against the side of his head, "Drop it." It was a gun, and Riven chuckled, dropping his gun,

"It's out of bullets anyway." Riven said, turning his head to look at the guy, who's holding a gun to his head.

It was the other guy from before, and the one who tackled him stood in front of him, glaring down at him.

Riven lifted his head, looking up at him with a smile, "Hi, you fucking shot me."

It was quiet for a moment before the man spoke, "You killed half of my men and you elbowed me in the face. I'd say we're even."

"Well, I didn't kill you, so I'd say we are definitely not even." Riven replied, his tone dripping with its usual sarcasm.

The other man crouched down beside him, titling his head in slight amusement, "You know, I've never seen someone smile with a gun pointing to their head."

"It kinda scares me." He admitted, earning a small laugh from Riven,

"That scares you, huh? My brother always told me my smile was kinda creepy in a way." Riven's hand inched towards his knife, his fingers barely touching the handle when his wrist was caught in a tight grip.

Riven snapped his head towards the other man, who was now closer than before, holding his wrist in his hand,

The other man softly gasped, "Dude, your wrist is so small, and you were about to stab me? Dude, so not cool!"

"What are you waitin' for? Why don't you just kill me?" Riven questioned, and the man let go of his wrist, taking his knife from him.

"You're not afraid of dying, and there's no fun in that. Where were you shot?" The man spoke, his eyes roaming Riven's body searching for the injury.

"Well, here's a hint. I can't feel my fucking legs, so take a guess." Riven replied, and he was moved to his side,

"You shot him in the lower back, looks like possibly in the spine if he's losing feelings in his legs." Riven shrugged off the man touching him, and he glared at both of them,

"Stop touchin' me. Jesus, nobody knows anything about consent, huh?" Riven muttered under his breath,

"Let's take him back to the sanctuary. I'm gonna carry you if that's alright." The man who shot him put an arm underneath his legs before lifting him up.

"No, no, let go of me. I'd rather crawl than have you carry me like this." Riven told him, struggling in his hold, but the man only tightened his arms around him.

"Stop moving. You'll move the bullet and make yourself paralyzed for the rest of your life." The man told him, and Riven huffed, embarrassed by his position at the moment.

"Wow, Reagan, skip right through asking him out, proposing and straight to carrying him in bridal style, I'm impressed. Maybe learn his name first." The man that followed them as the man, Reagan, began to walk.

"I'm Adan, by the way." He threw a small smirk at Riven, "What's your name, pretty boy?"

Riven glared at Adan, "definitely not pretty boy."

Adan laughed, "Okay..pretty boy."

1087 words


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