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Riven had patched up Riley, who was now able to stand, but Tara still decided to help him. Riley guessed she felt bad, but it wasn't her fault. She didn't kill anyone, and she was just scared.

"Alright, you know how to kill the dead?" Riven asked Tara, who nodded,

"Uh, yeah, just aim for the head, right?" Riven narrowed his eyes at her but nodded his head,

"Hey, if you can't, just give me the gun, I'm a good shot." Riley told Tara, who nodded, giving a small smile.


"Shh, did you guys hear that?" Riven interrupted, and Riley, Tara listened closely, but they couldn't hear anything besides snarls.

"I don't hear anything." Riley told him,

"Yeah, me neither." Tara said, shaking her head, but Riven ignored them as he turned around, facing up,

He walked out, closing the gate behind him,

"Hey, what the heck are you doing?" Riley questioned, but Riven once again ignored him.

"Hey! Is someone up there?" Riven spoke, and not a second later, Glenn appeared,

"Riven, is that you?" Glenn questioned in confusion, and Riven lifted his hand, waving at him,

"Yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants, what are you doing up there?" Riven questioned,

"Come looking for Maggie, where is she?" Glenn asked, glancing around, and his eyes stopped on Riley,

"The hell happened to you?" Glenn asked him, and Riley threw him a small grin.

"I was shot. Don't worry, Nurse dixon patched me right up." Riley replied, and Riven threw him an annoyed look.

"We're leaving the prison. It's gone..so is Hershel." Riven told him, and Glenn looked down at him, in disbelief,


"The governor killed him. We're the only ones left in the prison, we'll find Maggie, we'll find everyone." Riven replied, and Glenn sighed,

"I'll be right down." Riven nodded as Glenn disappeared from his view, and he turned around to face Tara and Riley,

He walked over and opened the gate, helping Tara take out Riley, who leaned his weight of Riven, who stumbled when he did so.

"Why are you so heavy?" Riven mumbled, and Riley looked at him,

"Why are you so skinny?" Riven threw him a glare, but he sighed, looking away from Riley.

"It's pure muscle, which you don't have." Riley told him in a teasing tone.

"I may not have muscle, but I do have a knife, and I know how to stab someone in a non-lethal way." Riven immediately replied

"Are you two always like this?" Tara questioned, glancing between Riley and Riven, slightly amused,

"Unfortunately, they are." Glenn spoke as he reached them, in riot gear.

"You good?" Riley questioned, and Glenn nodded,

"Yeah. Let's find Maggie."


Glenn had passed out after a couple of minutes of walking, and Riley had decided a few seconds after Glenn to pass out as well, leaving Riven and Tara with two unconscious men.

"Walker." Tara spoke, and Riven pulled out his knife, walked over to the walker, and jammed the knife into the walkers eye socket,

The sound of an engine caught Tara's and Riven attention. A truck stopped in front of them,

Riven and Tara shared a look before their attention was brought to the truck. When the driver side door opened, a red-headed man jumped out, followed by a woman and another man.

The red head smirked at them, "Hi."

Riven narrowed his eyes at them, standing closer to Tara, "You gonna kill us?"

"Gonna give me a reason to, kid?" The red head questioned, still grinning,

"Are they dead?" The other man spoke, glancing around in a nervous way.

"No. Just unconscious. Have you guys seen anyone else?" Riven questioned, keeping his eyes on the red head,

"No. You're the only ones we encounter today." The women replied,

Riven noticed another man in the back of the truck, two in fact, one with a grin and the other with an emotionless expression.

The woman noticed, "That's London and Calvin, I'm rosita, that's Abraham, and Eugene." She introduced, gesturing to each of them.

"I'm Tara, that's Riven, "Tara spoke, gesturing to herself and Riven, then she gestured to Glenn and Riley.

"And those two are Glenn and Riley, who just passed out. Do you guys mind giving us a ride?" Tara questioned, and Riven looked at her, and Tara shrugged at him.

"Sure, but we're heading that way, and we ain't turning back." Abraham said,

"Hey, one of you come and help me with them!"

Abraham, with the help of Calvin, managed to gently place Riley and Glenn in the back of the truck.

Riven got on the back of the truck and held out his hand for Tara, who took his hand, and he helped her up.

"Thanks." She smiled at him before going to sit next to Glenn and Riley,

Riven sat close by, but also in front of London and Calvin.

The truck started to move soon, and it was quiet for a while.

Riven removed Michonne's sword from his back, and he took it out, pulling out a rag from his bag.

"That's a nice sword, you got there, kid." Calvin spoke, leaning forward to take a closer look at it.

"It's not his," Tara spoke, and Calvin glanced at her, "I mean, it was his friend sword. He used it to kill the governor, who used it to kill his other friend, Riley's dad."

"Damm." Calvin mumbled, leaning back,

"Your hand," London spoke, staring at Riven, who looked at him, "It's burned."

Riven looked down at his hand, turning it over to look at his palm. His skin was red and burned, and the pain went numb a while ago.

It was bleeding, and Riven looked at London. "It's nothing."

"It's a second-degree burn. It'll leave a scar. If treated right, but ignore it, and you'll have to cut off your hand." London told him,

"Dude, why didn't you say anything?" Tara questioned, grabbing Riven's bag, taking out the medical supplies,

"Save that for Riley." Riven told her, and Tara scoffed,

"You want your hand to be cut off? No, I didn't think so, so shut up, and let me patch it up." She said, narrowing her eyes at him with a look that said,"Try me."

"London here can do it. He's a field medic." Calvin spoke, nudging London, who glared at him but nodded at Riven,

"Fine, but try anything , and we'll see how sharp this sword really is."


1085 words


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