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"..i spy with my little eye, pouty cheeks, and a glare." Michonne spoke, grinning as she did so, and Andrea chuckles before coughing. She had caught a cold during the winter,

Months had flown by quickly after the farm. They had no luck in finding the group, but they kept searching.

"Come on, angry bird, you still mad about eariler?" Michonne questioned, grinning as Riven throws her an irritated look,

"Don't call me angry bird, and you literally pushed me into a river!" Michonne chuckles,

"As I recall, you slipped."

"You pushed me!" Riven huffs, shaking his head. His clothes were still drying as eariler, Michonne, has shoved him, leading him to accidentally slip into a river,

He was already annoyed with the fact that he hadn't found Daryl, losing hope that he might not be alive, but he hasn't let himself think that far,

Daryl was alive, and hopefully soon, he'll find him. He was also annoyed by the fact that Michonne kept teasing him and annoying him further,

Andrea complaining and remarks didn't help at all.

"I swear to god, I'm gonna push you into the next walker I see," Riven threatened, "..one's with teeth." He corrected himself as he saw Michonne walkers.

"That's murder." Michonne told him, and Riven smirks,

"Is it? I'd say it's an accident.. no witnesses aroun'." Riven said, and Andrea coughs,

"I'm a witness." Riven looks at her,

"I'll toss you to the walkers too."

Andrea and Michonne shared a look, chuckling.

"Smile for once, Angry bird. I bet that smile of yours is adorable." Michonne teased, and Riven shook his head,

His smile wasn't adorable or pretty. He probably had an ugly smile.

He sighed, and he stood up from the floor. They had found a building earlier, but neither of them had fallen asleep yet.

"Where are you heading off to?" Andrea questioned, and Riven glances at her,

"See if I can find anything." Riven replied, with a small shrug,

"It's no use. There's nothing around here." Andrea told him, and Riven sighs,

"I'm just gonna check, fuck off." With that, Riven walks away, and second later a door, slamming echoed.

"He's just worried." Michonne told Andrea, who sighs, coughing a bit,

"..hm, he's always like that, "she chuckles, " only time I see him less worried is when he's mad at you."

"Which is all the time. Little angry bird doesn't know how to be happy." Michonne replied, and Andrea frowns,

"He never had a good life growing up, he lost his eldest brother, then lost a friend, my sister, then he lost another friend, and..he can't lose his brother," Andrea told her,

"His brothers are way worse than him. Just be glad we got stuck with the youngest Dixon."


"..son of!" Riven curses as he kicks a rusted car, running a hand through his hair in frustration,

He lets out a yell of frustration and punch the window, the dirty glass shattering, and he lets out a deep breath, feeling his hand getting wet with his blood,

It was a small cut, and Riven glared down at it, pulling out a bandana, he found a while ago, and wrapping it around his hand.

He leans his back against the rusted car, the sun beaming down on him, and he lifts his head, glaring at the sun.

A pulsing ache brought his attention to his hand, letting out a deep breath as the frustration in his body slowly faded away.

Andrea was right. There wasn't much in the town they were in, but Riven thought he could find something. He felt completely useless.

He couldn't find his brother. He couldn't find any medication or something to help Andrea get better, and he hated himself for getting frustrated with Michonne when she's only trying to help him relax a little and ease his worry.

He appreciated her endless teasing and her weird mom jokes. After those few months, they had gotten closer. It didn't seem like it, but they did.

Michonne was probably the only reason why he hasn't completely lost his shit yet, and the reason he hasn't completely snapped at Andrea.

There were a few times when he snapped at both of them, but Michonne had quickly put him in his place, snapping right back.

Riven would never admit it, but he liked Michonne. She didn't treat him like some wild animal. She treated him like a moody teenager, but she also treated him like an adult, which he was glad,

He wasn't some little kid who needed protection from everything. He's seen the horrors of the world way before the dead started to walk.

It felt like Michonne knew him, which she couldn't because even Riven himself didn't know himself.

He didn't understand himself at all, not most times, but Michonne seemed to have figured him out. She found a way to calm his panic attacks without knocking him out.

She would hum. It was low and quiet yet soothing humming. It almost sounded like an old musical.

They never talked about it, but Riven made sure that Michonne knew he appreciated it, mostly by granola bars, whenever he found some.

"..Riven!" Lifting his head, he saw Michonne and Andrea walking over to him.

"What happened to your hand?" Andrea questioned as soon as she saw Riven's hand, his fingers slowly dripping blood into the ground,

"My guess, " Michonne spoke, gesturing towards the rusted car, "he lost a fight with that window."

Riven glances at the broken window, chuckling as he pushes himself off the car, "I punched that window, I'm fine."

Michonne stood in front of him, grabbing his hand and removing the bandana, and she shook her head,

"It's deep." There was a small cut on the palm on his hand, deep enough that blood kept oozing out, the skin parted, and Riven wants to peel it off, never liking the way the skin felt when it was hanging there, flipping around like a loose thread.

Michonne lightly whacked him in the side of his head, "Dumbass."

Riven glares at her, but before he could tell her off for smacking him, a helicopter flew above them,

They watched as the helicopter went down a few miles from where they were, a distant crash echoed before smoke appeared in the air.

Riven ties the bandana back on his hand and looks at Michonne, "we can't just leave them."

"They could be dead." Michonne told him, and Riven shrugged,

"They could be alive," He argued, and he looked over at Andrea, "but only if she's up for it."

Michonne looked at Andrea, "I am. Those people could still be alive." Andrea spoke, and Riven nodded,

"Alright, well, what are we waitin' for?"


1127 words


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