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"..keep running!" Michonne yelled as she and Riven ran through the woods, the sound of cars behind them, the sound of men yelling.

"I knew there was something off about that creep calling himself the governor." Riven replied, jumping over a fallen branch,

It was barely a couple of hours since they left Woodbury, and the governor had sent people after them, to either capture them or kill them, neither Riven nor Michonne stuck around to find out which was it was.

A gunshot rang out, and Riven let's out a shout, falling to the ground, his hand flying towards his right upper thigh as blood gushed out of the wound.

"Son of bitch!" Riven cursed, and Michonne helped him, throwing his arm over his shoulder as she wrapped an arm around his slim waist,

Riven kept his hand on his wound, his fingers soaked in blood once more, his leg pulsing in pain with every hurried step he took.

Governors men were closer to them, now, and Riven noticed that he was only slowing down Michonne.

Riven pulled himself away from her, using a tree as supported as Michonne turned to face him as she stopped.

"What are you doing? We need to go, now." Michonne told him, her voice urgent as she reaches for him, but Riven waved her off,

"Go. I'm only slowing you down, and don't fucking argue with me," Riven looks towards the men that were approaching them.

"Don't you fucking give that asshole the satisfaction of catching both of us, or killing both of us." Riven told her, looking back at Michonne,

"Don't you die on me." Michonne told him and he let out a small laugh, flicking her off.

"Fuck off." Michonne cracks a small grin before she ran, leaving Riven behind, and he pulled out his knives as he hid behind a tree.

He hasn't killed anyone before. He didn't have to because Michonne did it for him. She had told him that he didn't have to take a life if he didn't want to, but he needed to.

If Michonne was going to get away, he needed to buy her time.

A man rushed past him, but Riven quickly stuck out his foot, tripping him, and he didn't hesitate to violently thrust his knife into the man's skull, instantly killing him.

Hands grab him, lifting him up, but he swung his arm back, his elbow connecting with someone's face and the sound of bone breaking sound before a pain yell did.

Riven smirked before a punch was delivered to his stomach, and he groaned before thrusting his knife into a man's stomach, twisting the knife and lifting it before pulling it out.

The man fell to the ground, bleeding out, and Riven was punched in the face before something hard connected with his injured leg, making him scream out as he fell.

"Are all you Dixons assholes?" Riven glares at Martinez, who was the one who hit with a metal baseball bat.

"Boo-hoo, go cry about it to your governor." Riven spat out, wincing as he sat up,

Martinez chuckled, "You're lucky the governor wants you alive."

Riven smirks, "Oh, so you follow orders like a good obedient little bitch, huh?"

Martinez punched Riven in the face, and Riven tasted the metallic before the pain erupted from his jaw.

He spat blood out towards Martinez, "Fuck you."

Martinez wiped the blood off his face, "You two, take him back to Woodbury, you know where, the rest of you, follow me, we need to find that bitch he's was with."

Riven was roughly pulled up by his arm before being dragged, he let's out a groan.

Riven was taken back to one of the cars, and his world darkened as his head was roughly smacked against the car.


Riven flinches awake, his eyes wide, frantically looking around before they narrow as he spotted the governor,

He was in a room with no windows, his hands were tied above him to god knows what probably a pipe.

His wound was still bleeding, a pool of blood underneath him, but he just kept glaring at the governor who sat on a chair, a metal table in front of him.

"You killed two of my men." He spoke, his voice calm with a hint of anger behind his words.

"Boo - fucking- hoo." Riven grumbled out, his jaw aching from Martinez punch eariler.

The governor stood up, the chair scrapping as he did, and he walked over to Riven, standing in front of him before kneeling down,

The governor reached his hands out, and Riven tried to move back, "Don't fucking touch me."

He was ignored as his hips were gripped tightly and his lower half was forcefully pulled forward, directly into the governors lap,

Riven's breathing picked up, his heart hammering in fear, but he didn't let it show.

The governor hand trailed down to his wound, and Riven let out a scream as he pressed his fingers into his wound.

"You fucking asshole!" Riven gritted out through the pain.

"You deserve punishment for killing two of my men after I help you." Governor told Riven, with a shake of his head, pulling his blooded fingers out, blood oozes out of Riven's wound,

Riven titled his head back before bringing it violently forward, smacking his head against governor face,

The governor let out a shout before roughly pushing Riven on his back, and he got on top of him, wrapping his arms around his neck,

Riven's arms were straining by his position, pain burned through his body, as his airway was blocked, but then the Governor removed his hands, but he didn't move from his position,

The governor let out a small grunt, and Riven felt tears welling up in his eyes, but he refused to cry in front of the governor.

He clenched his eyes, shame creeping up on him as the governor kept grunting as he pleasured himself against Riven.

Riven didn't know how long the governor did it for, but it felt like forever when the governor got off him, stood up, and left the room.

Riven pulled himself, a small, quiet sob escaping him, his breathing was erratic, his hands were shaking, but he couldn't bring himself to calm himself down at the moment.

Tears slid down his face, and he held his breath as the door opened, but he felt relief pass over him as he saw it only Merle.

"Came..to tell me..how much..of a.." Riven couldn't even form a sentence, and Merle rushes over to him.

"What the hell happened to you?" Merle questioned, and Riven just let out a small sob,

Merle reached his hand out, but Riven flinched back,

"You need to take deep breaths, little brother." Merle told him, and Riven just kept sobbing, his shoulders shaking, and Merle didn't know what to do.

He's never seen Riven like this, not even after a beating from their father.

Merle carefully reached out, grabbing the back of Riven's neck, before pulling him into his embrace, and Riven clenched his shirt in his fist,

"I'm sorry.." Riven breathed out, "I'm so sorry."

"You ain't got nothing to apologize for, little brother."


1210 words



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