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The sky was darkening as Riven headed to find Maggie and the others to tell them that Sam had taken his knives from the armory, but had managed to lose one and the only other person who knew about the knives was Brendon.

Riven didn't know Brendon enough. He barely had any interactions with Brendon, only seeing him from afar, but Brendon was creepy in a way.

If Brendon seriously was the one who murdered that guy and framed him, then why would he do it?

Riven let out a small sighed, and he paused as he saw the infirmary not far from where he was standing.

Maybe he should see if Tara's awake before he heads to find Maggie.

As he headed towards the infirmary, an eerie feeling came over him. It felt like someone was watching him, but the streets of Alexandria were empty,

Distantly, he could see a faint glow of fire and distant dark figures, but none of them were looking his way.

Riven bit at his bottom lip, debating if he should head to the infirmary or towards the fire.

Last time he had this feeling, he was at the infirmary, and he found a body, and he was framed for a murder, but if he heads over towards the fire where people were gathering, he'll look suspicious.

Before he could make up his mind, his feet were already moving, guiding him towards the infirmary.

Suddenly, as he was walking, a hand covered his mouth before he felt something pricking at the skin of neck, almost like a needle,

His eyes widened as his heart began to race, pounding in his chest, a feeling of fear and dread filled him as he could recall the last time a needle pierced his skin.

He struggled as his vision began to blur. His body felt heavy, like something was pulling him down.

He tried to blink away the blurriness, but it was no use. The more he blinked, the harder it got for him to keep his eyes open.

Then, in a second, his body went slack as his eyes closed.


Rick had killed Pete Anderson after he killed Deanna's husband with Michonne's sword.

Daryl had come back with a man named Morgan Jones who apparently knew Rick and was shocked to see what Rick had done.

The people of Alexandria had all gone home afterward, whispering to themselves, some even crying, some scared.

Daryl had gone over to the others, who were all standing close to each other, noticing the lack of presence of his younger brother.

"Where's my brother?" Was the first thing Daryl had asked when he approached the group.

Daryl noticed the looks the others shared, and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What? He ain't dead, is he?"

"God, no," Riley shook his head, and he let out a tired sighed, "He's being framed for a murder that happened yesterday."

"Murder? The hell he pissed off this time?" Daryl asked, shaking his head,

His little brother always had the knack of pissing people off even without trying to.

"Daryl?" Daryl turned around at the sound of his name being called, and a woman approached him.

A familiar woman who he only saw a couple of times, and he narrowed his eyes into a glare,

"You still breathing?" He scoffed, "thought you'd be dead by now. Heck, I thought you died years ago."

"Well, I didn't. I spoke to Riven earlier.."

"The fuck you do that for?" Daryl interrupted her, his voice full of anger, "the hell you tell him, huh?"

"Who is she? Riven was pisssd at her earlier." Rosita crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes into a glare.

"I'm Riven's mother.."

"You ain't his mama. Quit callin' yourself that." Daryl harshly interrupted, moving closer to Esme.

"If I ever see you near my brother, I kill ya myself, do you understand that? He ain't need to deal with your druggie ass." Daryl, all but spat out.

He never liked Esme, always hated her. He only tolerated her enough until Riven was born.

"But he dealt with Merle.." Daryl went to lunge at Esme, but he was held back by Riley and Abraham,

"Daryl, walk away, now." Riley demanded, and Daryl glanced at him before scoffing, and he walked away.

Riley turned to Esme, his theory of her being Riven's mother was confirmed, "and you, you stay far, far away from Riven,"

"If he wants to get to know you, then it would be in his terms, and his terms only, and he will not be alone with you, ever." Riley told her, his voice full of authority.

Esme sighed, "I just want to have my son, please, talk to him for me?"

"Why do you want him now?" Maggie spoke, gaining Esme attention, "You abandoned him all those years ago. He's doing just fine without you. Don't ruin that."

Maggie walked away, followed by Glenn, and then slowly the others followed, leaving Esme by herself.

Esme watched as the group walked away. They weren't going to stop her from getting her son.

She was the only left, and she turned to head back to her home to come with a plan to talk with Riven alone, to make him believe her.

As she was heading back home, something hard collided with the back of her head, instantly knocking her down to the ground unconscious but still breathing.

Her attacker grabbed her and lifted her up over their shoulder before disappearing into the shadows without alerting anyone of their presence.

934 words

A very short chapter, I'm sorry!


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