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"..that's probably the most dumbest shit I've ever heard in my entire life, and trust me, I've lived with Merle for half my life." Riven said, shaking his head, and Calvin rolled his eyes,

"Well then, what do you suggest we do?" The three of them have been searching for Negan and his people, trying to form a plan that doesn't involve half-assing it as Abraham used to say.

"Look," Riven paused and turned to face Calvin and Riley, who had been quiet since they left the cabin. "First, we need to make sure we get the right guy. We need to find Negan before doing anything,"

"Because if we kill the wrong guy, and Negan lives, we fucked up on our part, and we can't fuck up because that would mean more of our people will get killed." Riven told them,

"..I've been listening in on the radio chatter, "Riley spoke, causing Riven and Calvin to look at him, "Negan's group is called the saviors, and they're searching for us."

Calvin snorts, "Guess Big bad Negan is scared that Angry bird over here will find him."

"I've already planned eight different deaths." Riven said, and Calvin chuckles,

"Just eight?" Riven looks at him, and Calvin would admit, the cold, murderous look in the kid eyes scared him a bit.

"Slow, very slow, painful deaths. Negan doesn't deserve an easy way out." Riven replied. He was going to give Negan a very slow, painful death for what he did to Abraham and Glenn.

He wasn't their to witness their deaths, but with the way Negan described them, well,he could only imagine how horrifying it must've been and traumatizing to Maggie.

"..shit," He cursed under his breath, "Riley, you need to go to Maggie."

"I'm fine here." Riley replied, and Riven shook his head.

"No. She needs you, Riley. She's pregnant, and she just lost the father of her baby." Riven told him, worried about Maggie's condition and her baby.

Riven had only found out that Maggie was pregnant because Glenn couldn't keep a secret.

All Riven wanted was to ask him a question when Glenn blurted out that Maggie was pregnant and Riven didn't really know what to do with that information, but He was already planning on beating Riley in being the best uncle to Maggie's kid.

"Wait.. Maggie's pregnant, and I'm just finding this out now?" Riley questioned in disbelief. How could he be the only one who didn't know about Maggie's pregnancy.

"Well, now you know." Riven replied, and Riley shook his head,

"No. I'm not leaving you alone in this hunt for this bastard who killed Glenn and Abraham." Riley told him,

"Riley, I can handle myself, I'm an adult, and Maggie needs you more than I do. She loves Glenn more than anything in this world, and she just lost him. You can't let her go through it alone." Riven said, and Riley scoffed,

"You're not an adult. You're like, what? Sixteen? You're practically a baby with a gun." Riley told him, and Calvin laughs,

"A baby with sharp knives." Riven glared at both of them.

"I am not a baby. I'm in my twenties, I think, don't know, don't care. If you are that worried, I have that guy." Riven gestured to Calvin, who smirked, throwing an arm over Riven's shoulder.

Riven made a face of disgust and shoved Calvin away from him. "Don't touch me."

Calvin ignored him, "I got the kid. He won't die on my watch." He smacked Riven in the back with so much force that it made Riven stumble forward a bit.

"The fuck was that for!?" Riven snapped him, and Calvin raised his hand in defense,

"It a pat in the back. It's not my fault you're so skinny that you stumble over a gust of wind." Calvin replied, taking a step back from Riven,

"Yeah. No. I don't trust him with you." Riley told Calvin, who looked offended by that, and Riven rolled his eyes,

"Don't you trust me?" Riven questioned, and Riley stared at him for a moment before sighing,

"I trust you more than I like, "Riley spoke, and Riven grinned

"But I want a radio update every hour, and no buts about it." Riley sternly told him,

Riven saluted him, "Sir, yes, sir." He sarcastically said,

"Don't push it." Riley said, and he turned to look at Calvin,

"If anything, and I mean anything happens to him, I will personally shoot you myself." Riley threatened him, and Calvin nodded, a bit terrified of Riley.

"Okay, let's get going, and hey, I want an update on Maggie and the baby. Don't tell her I said I want an update. She'll think I'm going soft, and I'm not soft." Riven said, and Riley smirked,

He was definitely telling Maggie how much of a softie Riven was.

"Stay safe, I mean it."


"..it's so freaking hot out here." Calvin complained, rubbing the sweat off his forehead as he stepped over a fallen branch,

He and Riven had been walking through the woods for hours. The sun was setting, but it was still hot and humid.

Calvin looked over at Riven, who had his gun in his hands, walking ahead of him with his jacket, and possibly a sleeve shirt underneath that jacket.

He didn't seem to be sweating or bothered by the weather, and Calvin narrowed his eyes at him, "How are you not hot?"

Riven glanced at him for a brief second, "I have you know many people have found me attractive..at least that's what Riley told me."

"That's not what I meant, and it's true, so many do found you attractive, don't see why, you're an asshole, but I meant, how are you so unbothered by the weather?" Calvin questioned,

"It's chilly, Cal." Riven muttered, and Calvin scoffed, about to say something when suddenly, Riven pushed them towards the ground, hiding behind a fallen tree branch,

"What the.."

"Shh." Riven shushed him and gestured for him to listen, and Calvin did. There was distant chatter,

Calvin noticed a familiar look in Riven's eyes, the same look he got when he was planning something stupid.

Calvin reached his hand out, grabbing Riven by his jacket as he was about to get up and pull him back down.

"Don't even think about it, kid." Calvin told him, shaking his head at him, "I promised Riley I'll look out for you, so, whatever you've got plan in that insane head of yours, don't even think about it."

Riven stared at him, not saying anything, the chatter was getting closer, and he nodded,

"Alright, what do you suggest we do?" Calvin hummed,

"Well, for starters, we stay away from those guys." Calvin replied, and Riven glanced towards the chatter,

"Come on, follow me.."

1138 words

Riven and Reagan will have a different meeting this time


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