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Riven wanted to murder Reagan Smith. That literal douchebag for so many reasons, but the main reason was for not killing him when he had the chance.

If Reagan had just simply killed him back then, then he wouldn't be lying on his stomach with his back exposed as London, who was so gracefully brought in by Negan, surgically removed the bullet from his back.

The only ones in the room at the current moment were London, of course. The doctor that works for Negan, Riven, hated him as much as he hated Reagan,

Speaking of Reagan, that douchebag was also in the room in the corner with his arms crossed, watching London's every movement, like he couldn't trust London, and Riven wanted to scoff, but he was told not to move as much.

Adan had left the infirmary once Negan had returned per Negan's request, but Riven wasn't really paying attention to what Negan was saying.

Negan left the second he brought London, saying something about Rick and some other things, but once again, Riven wasn't paying attention to Negan.

Riven didn't feel much pain, just a few tingles of pain every once in a while.

His scars on his back were exposed to everyone in the room. London had seen his scars once but never again, and Riven never wanted anyone seeing his scars.

He preferred to keep his shirt on, but London had all but cut it off of him once he turned him on his stomach.

It wasn't like he felt embarrassed by the scars, but he wasn't too keen on people staring at them with pity.

"..talk to me." London softly demanded, and Riven let out a small, barely noticeable sighed,

"I'm gonna murder that guy when I'm better." Riven mumbled, gesturing towards Reagan,

"He's the reason why I'm like this.."

"I'm pretty sure your parents had to do why you're like that." Reagan spoke, interrupting Riven, who threw him a glare,

"I meant on my stomach while having a bullet surgically removed from my back because someone in the fucking room shot me in the spine." Riven corrected, a small huff leaving him, as he rested his head on his arms, looking directly at Reagan.

"And you're one to talk. Your dad is a fucking dick, kills people with a baseball bat he named Lucille, and apparently has a weird fucking obsession with Rick now." Riven told him,

Reagan pushed himself away from his little corner and approached Riven, sitting in the chair directly in front of him.

"Whip or belt?" Reagan questioned, and Riven clenched his hands into fists, wanting to punch Reagan at the moment.

"Why are you even here?" Riven asked instead of answering, "Don't you have anything better to do than watch someone pull out the bullet you put in me?"

"Maybe I feel guilty, ever thought of that?" Reagan replied, and Riven scoffed,

"London, does this guy look guilty to you?" Riven asked, and London barely glanced up as he replied,

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