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Riley pats the dirt with the shovel, evening it out, and Riven places the makeshift cross he made while Riley buried the old couple.

Riley watches as Riven places a photo on the cross. It was the old couple, a happy version of them.

"I'll wait in the truck." Riven quietly spoke before he walked away from the grave and towards the truck.

Riley let out a sigh, placing the shovel down, "Hope you two live a happy eternal life."

He walks over to the truck and gets in the driver seat, starting up the truck as he closes the door behind him.

Riven pulled out the gun from his waistband. He had decided to pick it up as Riley was taking the old couple outside.

He cleaned the gun a little bit, but there was still some bloodstain.

He held out the gun towards Riley, "The old couple used it to kill themselves," Riley glanced at the gun, a frown on his face, and he took it, placing it on the dashboard.

"They only used one bullet," Riven pulled out a box of ammo he found in one of the drawers, placing it on the dashboard with a small thud, "the box is practically full."

Riven leans back against the seat, a small wince leaving him as he adjusts himself to make himself comfortable.

Riley looks at him and sees a red smudge on Riven's side, "You opened your stitches."

Riven leans his head against the window, "just popped one open, that's all. I'm not giving up on Sophia."

Riley starts to drive, heading back to his house, "We're not giving up, but you are in no condition to be moving around, and searchin'."

Riven glares at him, "Then stop the car and let me out, I'll walk if I have to."

Riley shook his head, "No, and don't even think about jumping out of this car, or I swear to god, I will knock you out."

"I'm not stoppin'!" Riven snapped, sitting up straighter, "I am not about to rest while Sophia is out there!"

"I was supposed to protect her, but I didn't! And it's my fault she's out there, scared out of her mind!" Riven looked away from Riley, shaking his head,

"I was a jerk to her the last time I saw her. If I had stayed with her, then maybe she would still be with her mother." Riven quietly said.

"It's not your fault, "Riley spoke after a moment, "It's not your fault, Riven, I heard what happened, and none of it was your fault."

Riven scoffs, "Then why does it feel like it is?"

"Look, I'll keep lookin' for her, but you need to promise me that you'll take it easy, okay? You are no good to Sophia if you end up dropping dead because you didn't let your wound heal." Riley told him, glancing at Riven, who turns to look at him,

Riven stares at Riley for a moment before nodding his head,

"Okay, fine."


"..what in the hell were you thinking!" Shane shouted, rushing over to Riven and Riley, who got of the truck,

"Oh, wait," Shane chuckles, "I don't think you were thinking cause Dixons aren't smart."

Riven glares at him, stepping up to him, "the fuck you just say?"

"Hey, hey, calm down, both of you." Rick told them, pushing himself in between them,

"Yeah, you aren't in any condition to be fightin' right now, Riven," Riley said, pushing Riven towards his father,

"But I can totally fight in your place, say, if you want to fight someone, fight someone your own size," Riley told Shane before he chuckles,

"Oh wait, I'm taller."

"Nobody is fighting nobody!" Hershel spoke, eyes narrowing at everyone, and he turns to Riven,

"You need watch your language. Come on, let's get you stitched back up." Hershal all but drags Riven back into the house, and once the door shuts behind them, Riley turns to Shane,

"Just a reminder, this is my dad's place, you want to keep livin' here? Then I suggest you don't try to start fights with a teenager." Riley told him,

"We won't start any fights," Rick spoke, sending Shane a look before looking at Riley,

"Thank you for looking out for Riven." Riley shrugs,

"The kid doesn't need lookin' after." With that, Riley turns and walks towards his house, passing Maggie and Beth.

"..ouch, careful old man." Riley chuckles as he enters the house, hearing Riven, and he walks into the living room, leaning against the frame with arms crossed over his chest,

"Careful? Well, you should've been careful before going and popping a stitch." Hershel told Riven, shaking his head, as Riven watches him stitch him up again,

"I am..sorry," Riley blinked in surprise. Did he just hear Riven apologize to his father? He must be hearing things.

"I shouldn't have done what I did, and I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you and your family," Riven told Hershel, lowering his shirt once Hershel is done.

"I'll try to..behave and watch my language, but I won't make any promises about my behavior and language, and I'm not lying down all day, the couch is just fine for me." Riven finished, and Hershal nods,

"I'll accept that." Riven nods at Hershal before he rolls his eyes,

"Riley, if you don't stop grinning, I swear to god, I'll punch you." Hershal raises an eyebrow at Riven, who grins,

"I'll start watching my behavior and language, now." Riley laughs, pushing himself off the frame,

Hershel looks at Riley, "Don't think you won't get punishment for what you did." Riley stops laughing, and Riven lets out a laugh that he quickly pretends it was a cough as Hershal throws him a look.

"You'll be cleaning after the horses." Hershal told Riley before leaving the living room.

Riven turns to face Riley with a smirk, "Good luck cleaning horse shit."

Riley raises his hand and flicks him out, "Good luck doing absolutely nothing all day."

"I'll read."


1011 words


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