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"..why do I get to ride in the back with that guy?" Glenn whispered, shouted, gesturing to the bleeding young man in the back of the car,

Dave and douche bag Tony were killed by Rick, and things just went to shit afterward. The gunshots attracted the walkers, but the young man accidentally impaled himself in a fence, and his screaming wasn't helping anyone.

"Are you seriously arguing about this?" Riley questioned, from his truck, staring at Glenn in disbelief, and Riven rolled his eyes,

"Go with Riley." Riven pushed Glenn towards Riley's truck, and he got in the car, in the back with the bleeding young man who was crying.

Glenn rushed over to the passenger side of Riley's truck, barely having time to close the door as Riley took off.

Rick quickly took off after Riley, driving fast.

The young man cried out in pain at the movement, and Riven takes off his jacket, and lifted up the young man leg, sliding his jacket underneath him, before lowering the young man's leg, and tying the sleeves of his jacket together, and pulling them, tightly securing the blood from exiting the wound.

The young man cried out as pressure was put on his wound. "..thank..thank you."

Riven stared at him for a second before looking away, grimacing as his hands were covered in blood, and his jacket was worse, he knows for sure there was no use saving his jacket.

"..I'm Randall, what's..what's your name?" The young man questioned, staring at Riven, who was getting uncomfortable by his staring.

Rick noticed as he glanced at the mirror. "Don't talk to him." Rick told Randall, who glanced at him, and he looked back at Riven.

"How old are you? Sixteen?" Riven pulls out his knife and presses it against Randall's throat with a glare,

"Shut. Up." Riven told him, and Randall eyed the knife, and his eyes met Riven's, and he slowly nodded his head.

Riven holds the knife against Randall's throat for a moment before pulling back, keeping his knife out, just in case.

"You have pretty eyes, I mean..the moonlight makes them pretty.." Randall, let's out a shout of pain as Riven pressed his finger against his wound, leaning forward,

"Keep talkin', and I will literally throw you out of this car and let the dead tear you apart." Riven threatened, glaring at Randall, who nodded

Riven removed his fingers and huffed, "Can I throw him out?"

"I haven't even done any.." Randall cut himself off as Riven throws him an irritated look.

Rick glances at Riven and huffs, "Not yet, but if he keeps talking, we might."

Riven smirks at Randall, "I like the sound of that, so you better keep your mouth shut for the rest of the ride, and oh,"

"We can't let you see where our place is."


Riven ran a hand through his hair. It was slightly wet from the shower he had due to being covered in blood from Randall.

He was wearing simple dark jeans with a grey sleeve t-shirt that Riley had lent him with a black baggy jacket, with grey-ish ankle socks, he held his boots in his hand as he walked down the hallway.

He paused outside of Beth's room as he was walking by, and he knocked on the door before walking in.

He walked over to the chair in the room, sitting down, and bent down to put his shoes on.

Beth sat on her bed, a bandaged around her wrist. She had tried to kill herself earlier, and Riven also heard that Lori had slapped Andrea, and he was upset he missed it.

"..what are you doing?" Beth quietly questioned, and Riven glances at her,

"Putting my boots on, and now I'm tyin' my shoelaces." Riven replied, and Beth stared at him before she looked down at her lap.

"You here to judge me too?" Beth asked, and Riven scoffs as he ties his shoes.

"No. Everyone here are fucking idiots for judging you because you made a rash decision based on your grief," Riven told her, as he finished tying his shoelaces, and he leans back against the chair,

"I honestly don't care, I've done some stupid shit in my life, just thought I'd check out your room." Riven said, glancing around

"Thank you," Beth spoke with a small smile, "thank you for not caring about the fact that I tried to kill myself."

Riven turns his head to look at Beth, and he let's out a small sigh, "Can I tell you somethin'? And promise to keep it between us?"

Beth nodded, and Riven stood up, walking over to Beth, and dropping himself beside her,

He held up his pinky, "You gotta pinky promise."

Beth giggles, and hooks her pinky with Riven, and once satisfied, Riven grins, "I once took an entire bottle of expired pills,"

"My brother, my eldest brother, Merle, used to steal all kinds of medication from people, "Riven frowns,

"So, one day, I came back from the library , my dad was gone, I don't know where and I didn't care, my brother, Merle was high on the couch, and Daryl was with some girl in his room,"

"And I just..I don't remember why , but I just grabbed an expired pull bottle from Merle, and I went to my room, and I took all of them, and I went to bed," Riven chuckled,

"I thought I would wake up dead, and my dad and brothers would find me, and I don't know..feel guilty and shit." Riven said,

Beth frowns, " How old were you?"

Riven hums, "Twelve. I woke up with a bad stomach ache and huge fucking migraine."

"..did you ever try again?" Beth quietly asked, and Riven sat up,

"Yeah, the day the world went to shit, I was going to do it when my brothers called me told me to start packin' their shit," he stood up,

"I should've just done it."

Beth shook her head, "Well, I'm glad you didn't. You are important to the group, to all of us, Riven."

Riven stared at her, "so are you." With that he walked out her room, only to be met with Daryl.

Riven cursed, "How much did you hear?"

"Did you really try to kill yourself twice?" Daryl quietly questioned, and Riven sighs,

"Well, it wasn't like my family gave me a reason not too."


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