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Carl trailed behind Riven as they walked back into camp, and Riven let out a small curse as he spotted Lori walking over to them with a stern and angry expression on her face.

"You had no right taking Carl into those woods." Lori spoke as she approached them, pulling Carl over to her while staring at Riven.

"He didn't, I followed him. Told me to fuck off when he saw me." Carl defended Riven, and Lori looked at him,

"Carl, not right now." Lori told him before looking at Riven, who scoffed,

"Maybe next time don't tell your kid to go and hang out with me when you feel like you need go sneak around with that boy toy of yours." Riven told her,

"Boy toy?" Carl repeated, and Lori gave Riven a look,

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but next time you decide to take my son, tell me." Lori told him, and Riven shook his head, huffing, walking past her,

"..it wasn't his fault, mom.." Carl's voice became distant as Riven walked further into the camp.

"..hey, you're back early. Everything okay?" Dale questioned as Riven walked by the RV, and Riven pauses, looking up at Dale,

"..I hate people." With that Riven walked away, and Dale watched him go, a small chuckle leaving him.

Riven headed to his tent, but as he was walking towards it, he heard a yelp, making his head snap towards the sound,

Sophia had her hand on her cheek, tears sliding down her face as she clenched her doll in her other arm, and her father stood in front of her with a smug look on his face like he was some tough guy for beating up little girls.

Carol pulled Sophia into her arms, hugging her, and Riven clenched his fist, his hands shaking with anger.

His body moved before his mind caught up to what he was doing and before he knew it, his right fist collided with Ed's face.

Ed stumbled back, but Riven wasn't done, he kept punching Ed, the skin of his knuckles breaking as his fist made contact with Ed's face,

"..you like hittin' little girls, huh!? How does it feel to get beat up, you complete waste of sperm!" Riven shouted, blood splattered on his face,

"..hey! Hey get off him!" Hands were around him, and Riven was pulled away from Ed,

Carol cries as she kneeled beside Ed, gently cupping his bruised face in her hands, while Sophia stood aside, crying, her cheek purple and lip cut.

Riven shrugged off the hands on him and rushes forward but something hard collided with the side of his head, knocking him over, but it didn't knock him out.

He could feel something rushing down the side of his head as it pulses in pain, and he lifted his head, breathing heavily, and he narrowed his eyes at Shane.

Shane Walsh, a cop, and Lori's boy toy. Riven hated him, less than he hated Ed, but still he hated him,

Shane thought he was better than everyone, better than his brothers, but he was just a man.

"Calm down." Shane told him, holding out his hands like Riven was some wild animal.

Riven scoffed, standing up, he stumbled when he did as a wave of dizziness hit him but he caught himself, he glared at Shane,

"Calm down? That piece of shit was hittin' his little girl, and you expec' me to calm down? Go fuck yourselves!" Riven snapped,

"I ain't gonna stand aroun' like the rest of you and let it happen!" Shane took a step towards him, and Riven stepped up to him,

"You gonn' hit me? Come on, hit me," Riven taunted, "Just know I'm gonna fight back and it ain't gonna be pretty."

"No! Don't hurt him!" Sophia ran over to Riven, hugging his waist, and hiding her face in his side,

"Why don't we all just calm down." Lori suggested, sending Riven and Shane a look as if telling them not to argue with her.

Shane and Riven stared at each other before Riven let out a small huff, "Whatever."

Sophia sniffles as she moves towards her mother, and once she is with her mother, Riven storms off.

"..Riven, wait," Amy, another survivor, younger sister of Andrea, called out as she jogged to catch up with him.

"Fuck off." Riven mumbled but Amy ignored him, and she grabbed his arm, stopping him from walking,

"You're injured, let me take a look at the head wound of yours." Amy told him, not giving him a chance to speak as she all but dragged him to the RV.

"I'm fine, I don't need or want your pity." Riven pulled his arm free from Amy's grip.

Amy sighed, "It's not pity, Riven. Focusing on you gets my worry off my sister for a while,"

"She hasn't been back. She should've been back by now." Amy told him, and Riven stares at her for a second before sighing and taking a seat on the on the steps of the RV.

"Fine, but if I see a needle, I'm runnin'. " Amy grinned,

"Oh, so Mr. Tough Guy is scared of needles. it's good to know." Amy said, gently grabbing Riven's chin and turning his head to the side.

Riven scoffed, "I ain't afraid of no needles."

Truth was, he wasn't scared of needles, he's afraid of what's in them. One of Merle's friends injected a needle in him, and it made him feel weird, and he wasn't so fond of it.

He would rather not remember that moment at all, and none of his brothers knew about it, and he liked to keep it that way.

Amy hummed, "Well, you're in luck. It doesn't seem like you need stitches, and it's just a small cut,"

"Kinda lucky for getting hit by the butt of a shoutgun, I have no clue on what Shane was thinking do that." Amy sat down next to him, reaching inside of the RV and grabbing a med kit before grabbing Riven's hand,

"..he should've done that to that bastard." Riven mumbled, and Amy chuckles,

"Amen to that," She said, starting to clean at Riven's knuckles, "Hey, you did what we all wanted to do."

"Everyone turns a blind eye when a kid' gettin' abused, but can't turn a blind eye when someone's beating up a piece of shit?" Riven shook his head,

"Somethin' is clearly wrong with this set of people around here."


1088 words


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