The Addict Wesen

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Juno POV:

I met up with Nick at Monroe's house in the morning, he had brought pictures of the shops labeled ingredients. "Nothing in the spice shop was illegal." Nick told Monroe. "It's a shame really. He was a nice guy." Monroe said. "Is there anything in these reports that someone would kill for?" Nick asked. "I'm sure there is. But I don't know what any of these words mean. Beramethyl Silacybanate? Hornisolic Fullmanoxin? I mean, what the heck is this stuff?" Monroe asked rhetorically. "Could you tell by looking at it?" Nick asked in return. "Maybe." Monroe shrugged. We drove out to the spice shop, knocking on the door with Monroe behind us.

"Another Partner?" Rosalee asked, opening the door. "Sort of. This is Monroe. Monroe, this is Rosalee Calvert." Nick introduced. "I knew your brother. I'm sorry." Monroe said, shaking her hand. "We need to get into the basement." Nick said. "Do you need me to go with you?" Rosalee asked. "No, just a little follow up." Nick answered. She let us in, eyeing Monroe. I walked downstairs with them, Monroe picked up a bottle. "Hey, this box was opened and it looks like some of the vials were taken." Nick said, flashing his light in a box.

"I can't be certain, but it looks a little bit like "J"." Monroe said, holding his bottle to the light. "It's derived from Jansene. It's a kind of mold. It's lethal to most of humanity, but it has an opiate-like effect Used correctly, it's an incredible painkiller. But if it's used for recreational purposes, it's like meth mixed with rat poison and helium. It's highly addictive. It's terrible for your liver, and it's not so good for your brain either. Of course, if you had a brain, you wouldn't be using the stuff in the first place." Monroe explained. Rosalee walked down, "Did you find something?" She asked.

"Do you know of a drug called "J"?" Nick asked. "Yes." She answered. "Do you know if your brother was selling it?" Nick asked. "Even if he was, it''s not illegal." She replied. "She's right. That's why you, you know, cop you, has never heard of it." Monroe chimed in. "I need to know everything in this basement that a Wesen would kill for." I said, gaining her attention. "Will it help you find the men who killed my brother?" Rosalee asked. "I hope so." I told her. "Then I'll do it now." She replied, crossing her arms at the cold. "Okay. I'll call you later." Nick said, guiding Monroe back upstairs.

Rosalee grabbed Monroe's arm, stopping him. "You said you knew my brother?" She asked. "Yes." Monroe answered confused. She woged, trying to get a read on him. He woged in return, they both went back to human form, nodding. "I just wanted to make sure." She told him. "So they don't know, do they?" Rosalee asked Nick. "Who?" He asked confused. "The cops you work with. They don't know who you are." Rosalee said. "No. Does it matter?" He asked. "I'm just trying to understand how this works." She replied. "It's, um... it's a little complicated." Monroe chimed in. "Yeah I can see that. Just find the men who killed my brother." Rosalee said.

We dropped Monroe back home before heading to the Precinct. I got a call from Rosalee, she told me that two men broke into the shop while she was there. She told me that she cut one of them and managed to escape, and was hiding out in her brother's house. I sent a protection detail to her location, telling them to rotate every two hours, doing property sweeps. I went and picked her up, bringing her to the Precinct. We were looking over pictures of felons when she I.D.ed the two men. "How do you both do this?" Rosalee asked. "Well, we start with last known addresses, see if we can find them or somebody who knows them." Nick answered, assuming the detective work. "That's not what she means, Nick." I told him, pursing my lips.

"I mean you, as a cop. And the people you work with have no idea?" Rosalee asked him, more directly. "He's only been at this for a few months. I've been at this for eight years. Lying to the Kehrseite comes with the job." I answered for him. "Kehrseite?" Nick asked. "The humans who don't know, Hank for example." I told him. "I don't envy you. It's not easy living two lives. Suppose you checked into mine." Rosalee said. "Next of kin are usually the first suspects. You were arrested a couple times for breaking and entering?" Nick asked, not judging her.

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