Trapped In Woge

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Juno POV:

Larry appeared behind Nick, I pulled him out of the way, letting Larry grab on to me instead. "Get it out! Get it out! Please. Ack!" Larry cried out, digging into the skin on the back of his neck. "Stop, stop, stop. Don't move." I compelled Larry turning him around and seeing a device sticking out of his neck. I brought him back to the couch, "Get me a large cup." I said from the living room, soon Nick brought out a large blue cup for me. I summoned a knife, stabbing myself in the neck and holding the cup to the wound. Nick and Monroe gagged at my method, but it was the fastest way to fill the cup.

"You won't feel this, go to sleep." I compelled Larry, laying him almost facedown. I summoned a scalpel, cutting into his neck and seeing a circular metal device with a long metal wire attached to it. I gently pulled it out, holding a towel to the wound while I sat him up. "Nick, pour the blood in his mouth." I told him, holding Larry and his wound. He hadn't come over yet, "Muscle up and get over here. You want Larry to die?" I asked him. He took a deep breath before picking up the cup and slowly pouring the blood in Larry's mouth. I laid Larry down, removing the towel and seeing his wound had healed.

I waved my hand over his face waking him up. "Thank you. I didn't mean to. I I didn't want to. I I tried." Larry said, but then he passed out again. "I think he needs some real sleep. I'll cloak his scent so dogs can't track him." I said to Nick and Monroe, waving my hands in circles over Larry. I also put an another spell on him, allowing him to come back to life as a Human Wesen instead of a Vampire Wesen. About five minutes later he woged back and his heart stopped beating. "He'll come back, and he'll be okay." I told a devastated Monroe. Hank called Nick, "What's up, Hank?" Nick asked. "Something strange is going on out here, man." Hank responded. "Like what?" Nick asked. "I was out with the dogs. They found something but scared the hell out of them. I went to check, and got hit." Hank told him.

"You got hit? You know by what?" Nick asked, looking at Monroe. "I don't know. But I tell you one thing... whoever or whatever I saw was moving fast. But it had to be the same guy he was wearing that red shirt. I'm coming back to the Precinct." Hank told him before hanging up. I made a Golem of Larry using his blood. I summoned a fresh set of clothes, using magic to bring him to the bathroom and change him. I took his bloody clothes and the metal instrument I pulled out of his neck, and put the clothes on the Golem. I placed the instrument in it's hands, and brought it out to the woods.

I walked back into Monroe's house, "You said Larry was seeing a Doctor?" I asked. "Yeah, Brinkerhoff. He's got an office downtown. He sees a few guys I know." Monroe answered. "Oh, is he one of those..." Nick waited for Monroe to fill in his blanks. "Wildermann." Monroe said. "Wildermann?" Nick asked, more to himself. "Smart loners. Like the woods, cabins, campfires, hiking. You know, back-to-nature eco-warrior types. Thoreau, Emerson, Abbey. Same as Larry. But if you're thinking of talking to Brinkerhoff, avoid couches, you know?" Monroe told us. Nick and I waited for Dr. Brinkerhoff to finish his book signing.

Nick held up a book for him to sign, "Who shall I make it out to?" Dr. Brinkerhoff asked. "Larry Mackenzie." Nick said. "Are you a friend?" The doctor asked. "No. We're investigation a homicide. I understand Mr. Mackenzie was a patient of yours. You were helping him with a, uh, certain problem he was having?" Nick asked. We could see a ripple happening under the doctor's skin. "I heard rumors that someone like you was here, but one hears many rumors in a psychiatric practice. You know you're hated and feared by Wesen. It's interesting that you chose to join the police." Brinkerhoff said to Nick.

"For me being a Grimm came first, for him being a cop came first. I'm F.B.I. and we are asking the questions." I told him. "I need you to ask about Larry Mackenzie." Nick said. "Does your partner know? Or anyone at the department?" Brinkerhoff asked. I snapped in his face loudly. "Asshole, we are asking the questions. You answer them." I told him, gaining his attention. "I'm sorry, it's in my nature to be inquisitive and this is such a rare opportunity." Brinkerhoff said. "We all have secrets, Doctor. Let's talk about Larry's. How long have you been treating him?" Nick asked. "As you know, Detective, I can't speak about specific patients." Brinkerhoff said.

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