Wesen Plague

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Juno POV:

It had been a couple weeks since Hank learned the truth. I also explained how my compulsion works and freed him of all the compulsion I had placed on him. I told Hank how Adalind had tried to use him to manipulate Nick. Showing him the trailer was a fun experience, a new Kehrseite-Schlich-Kennen. 'A human who knows' is essentially what it means. We were called out to an Assault. Hank drove me out to the scene, meeting up with Nick and Wu. "Got a call about an assault?" Hank asked looking around. "This looks like a traffic accident. Why are we here?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets.

"Little bit of both. That's the driver of the truck who was rear-ended. Got out to talk to the driver behind him, said he looked pretty sick. Offered to call for help. Driver just attacked him. That's according to Gilko. That's his name, Ryan Gilko. Works for Parks and Rec. No priors." Wu told us. I looked around seeing a blood trail that led to a nearby building. I pulled out my gun, "Hank with me!" I called out, hearing him jog over. I nodded to him, indicating that I would walk in first. There was blood and glass and broken shit everywhere. We could hear someone smashing things on the upper floor. Hank pulled out his gun, following up behind me.

We called out to Mr. Stanton, the owner of the truck that crashed. We found him in a dark, file room, throwing things about. "Put your hands where we can see them!" Hank ordered, pointing his gun and flashlight at the obviously ill man. He looked like he had some sort of skin virus. "Don't fucking think about it!" I yelled as he raised two metal drawers up in the air. "He's thinking about it." I told Hank as we stood our ground. Mr. Stanton woged into a Reinigen, throwing the drawers and charging at us. Hank and I fired our weapons, killing Mr. Stanton. He had sores and small wounds covering his body. "Don't touch him without gloves." I told Hank as he was about to flip the body over. Nick and Wu charged in finding Hank and me over Mr. Stanton's dead body. "He charged at us after throwing items. We warned him and he was uncooperative." I told Sergeant Wu for the report.

I went with Hank and Nick to the trailer, looking over Reinigen histories. None of the books showed any type of illness related to them, Wesen related illnesses usually are reserved for Blutbaden or Wesen with certain needs. The Jinnamuru Xunte comes to mind, a fly like Wesen who feed off human tears. It's best for everyone including the Jinnamuru Xunte for them to be killed, if not they experience terrible migraines constantly. Nick wanted Monroe to woge for Hank, but I thought it would be best to wait for a better time. Hank only learned about all this, a few weeks ago.

I left Hank and Nick in the trailer while I headed off to the Spice & Tea Shop, finding Rosalee just before she walked in. "Hey, Rosalee. Sorry to bother you but I could use some insight. I have money for your time." I told her, grabbing a backpack full of packaged cash. "Come on in, Juno. Always good to see a friendly face, especially when they bring me money." Rosalee joked in response. She opened the door, seeing broken containers and ingredients on the floor. "Oh, no. What have you done?" Rosalee asked, walking further into the shop seeing the cat crate had been destroyed. We could hear growling coming from above.

Rosalee and I very slowly looked up seeing Adalind's cat attached to the ceiling. "Slowly walk toward the door, we are going to use it as a shield." I told her, grabbing her arm and gently pulling her back toward the door. The cat dropped to the floor, screeching at us. I grabbed a firmer hold on Rosalee, yanking her behind the protection of the door. The cat smacked into the door and sprinted out into the street. We shut and locked the door, taking a deep breath before someone knocked. I opened the door, finding Monroe on the other side. As soon as he came in we slammed and locked the door again. "What the hell is going on?" Monroe asked. "Adalind's evil poisoned cat got out." I told him, sitting on the counter. "How?" He asked, looking around at all the damaged goods.

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