The Wedding

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Juno POV:

Rolek had been declared dead, we were all walking out of the hospital when I spotted three men in the parking lot. "Trubel, Josh, stay in the hospital for a moment." I told them, pulling my gun out of its holster, putting a suppressor on the end of it. Passing another to Nick, "We do this quietly. These are Verrat, you can always tell because they always wear black and look like they are smelling something in the air." I told Nick.

We made our way into the parking lot, I had a knife in my other hand, trying to be as stealthy as possible. One of the Verrat were looking in Josh's car, I put my gun in my waistband. Wrapping my free hand around the man's mouth, I slit the Verrat agents throat. Placing the bloody body on the floor quietly, I made my way towards my next target, throwing the knife through his eye.

Nick had his target at gun point, but a noise had distracted him and the Verrat pulled his gun back out. I jumped in front of Nick, getting shot four times before Nick shot him in the head. I grabbed onto one of the bodies, drinking their blood to heal my wounds. I vanished the dead bodies to the woods, nobody would be able to figure out how they got there. Nick had Josh stay with him and Juliette, knowing that Josh needed protection.

I had moved the trunk and cane to Nick's house, inviting Monroe and Hank to his house. "If there's a key in here, I have no idea where it is." Juliette said, exhausting all options. "Speaking of lost things, have you seen my Grandmother's vase?" Juliette asked. "No." Nick replied. I sniffed the air, going up to Nick and Juliette's bedroom. Hank had followed me up, "What are you smelling?" He asked. "Adalind Schade." I growled out. "What was she doing in here?" Hank asked, looking around for anything abnormal.

"She probably stole something of Juliette's. This is going to be catastrophic if we don't figure out what she's doing." I responded. We went back downstairs, working on putting everything back. "Hang on. Let me see that cane." Hank said, pulling the handle off and pulled a pin out of its slot, turning the cane over a key fell out. "Holy shit, Hank! Fuckin' A, man!" I yelled, high-fiving Hank. He handed over the key, knowing that Nick was not to be trusted with them.

One Week Later

We were at Monroe and Rosalee's rehearsal dinner, both sets of parents were there. Everyone had a lovely evening and planned to have an even better day tomorrow. I had dropped Trubel at home when Rosalee called me crying, saying that her sister had ruined her dress. "Rosalee, I made duplicates, I made other dresses with alterations, you have your pick ready and waiting. No need for tears, take some advil and get your beauty sleep." I told her. Once I knew she was calmed down, I hung up the phone and went to bed.

The next morning, Trubel and I were at Nick's when Juliette had left to help Rosalee pick a dress. She came back twenty minutes later...happy to see Nick. We planned on wearing sunglasses so that the Wesen can't see us. Renard had called me, saying that Adalind had performed a spell on herself, turning into Juliette. The spell woulf affect Nick's ability to see Wesen if he slept with her.

Renard also said that he had made a potion to cure what she had done. Nick and Juliette had already left when Renard arrived at his house with the cure. He had just handed it to me and turned around when a Verrat agent shot him in the chest three times. "NO!" I yelled putting my hand out, seeing his head explode off his body. I rushed Renard to the hospital, using all my energy to boost my speed.

I had compelled the best doctors to work on him, not willing to lose him. Just as he went into cardiac arrest a blonde woman walked in, slowing time down as she approached Renard. She pulled out a Red and Black two headed snake from her purse. The black end of the snake bit Renard on the chest and the red end bit her on her chest. She dropped the snake to the floor and it turned to dust. "Who are you?" I asked her. "I'm Sean's mother, Elizabeth. Who are you?" She asked back.

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