Wesen Fascism

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⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️ Blood letting in a rather gruesome manner. If I can plot out a way to bring back more of the Mikaelson's would you guys want that?⚠️

Juno POV:

Sean had been fit before I made him a Vampire, after he drank blood for the first time his muscles became more defined and his features became slightly sharper. It seems that when I make people Vampires that they become more beautiful, probably to draw in the humans. Rebekah had texted me, letting me know that they had been all over Europe, killing Wesen and getting their asses kicked in equal measure.

I had been having dinner with Nick and Adalind when we heard a motorcycle crash outside. "Stay here. Grab your gun and watch the cameras." I instructed Nick and Adalind as I rushed outside seeing Rebekah and Trubel beat to shit beside a crashed motorcycle. "Rebekah! Trubel!" I shouted rushing to them, removing their helmets.

Rebekah spat blood out of her mouth, holding her arms close to her chest like she was in pain. "Help Trubel! She needs....your...blood!" Rebekah coughed out. Without hesitation I bit into my wrist, forcing Trubel to drink my blood. All of her wounds healed and the color returned to her skin. She woke up, drinking more of my blood until she released my arm.

"Werewolves have teamed up with Black Claw. Rebekah said that your blood would heal us. She was bit too." Trubel told me. I went back to Rebekah, biting into my other wrist and letting her drink my blood. Once Rebekah had healed, she sat up and smiled at me. "You remind me of your father. Only in the sense that he protected his family with everything he had." Rebekah told me, gently rubbing my cheek. "Come on, let's get you to the Penthouse." I told Rebekah and Trubel, sending the bike to the parking garage.

I texted Nick that the noise was Rebekah and Trubel and that I would be taking them home. "I'm starving." Trubel said, holding her stomach. I summoned a handful of blood bags, passing them back to both of them. "We're almost home." I responded as I drove into our parking garage. We all went up the elevator to the top floor, Trubel rushed out to make Spaghetti.

"I thought you were going to expand her taste palate." I said to Rebekah as we watched Trubel. "I did, but this is her favorite. Eats it almost every day." Rebekah said, patting me on the back as she went to sit down. "I'm going to make you guys some pills of my blood, easy to keep on you, easy for me to send to you." I told Rebekah and Trubel as I grabbed a large bowl and a small knife.

I took off my shirt, leaning over the bowl as I stabbed myself in the neck, letting the blood flow. "What the fuck?" Trubel asked, mildly disgusted at what I was doing. "My wounds heal too fast for me to try to fill this big of a bowl with my wrists." I responded, feeling faint. Rebekah handed me a wet towel and a blood bag from the refrigerator. "Thank you for both." I said to her, cleaning myself up and drinking the blood.

I waved my hand over the bowl turning my blood into solid pill form. "So who's Meisner?" I asked them, waiting for one of them to tell me. "Martin Meisner, he works for HW. He worked with Agent Chavez on trying to control rogue Wesen. The Wesen who want to expose themselves to the Kehrseite. He helped Adalind in delivering Diana and her escape back to the States." Trubel answered as she poured the sauce onto her pasta.

"I want to meet him." I responded. "We will talk to him about it." Trubel said gingerly. "You misunderstand, I will meet him. There is nowhere on Earth that he could hide from me, tell him that. He may as well reveal his location before I hunt him down." I told her, making my position clear. "I'll let him know, no need for hunting." Rebekah said, pulling out her phone and texting Meisner. "Thank you, Aunt Beks. You can tell a request from a demand." I told her, clinking glasses with her.

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