Lost Memories

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Juno POV:

Nick, Renard, Wu and I had planned a surprise getaway for Hank. Nick and Wu sat on both sides of his desk as he turned his chair to face them. "What?" He asked them. "Stop it." Nick said smiling. "Get out." Wu told him. "You're no longer welcomed in this Precinct." Nick said, crossing his arms. "Really?" Hank asked, putting his paperwork on his desk. "Not for three weeks. What are you still doing here?" Renard asked him, pulling his chair with him in it. Nick and Wu grabbed Hank's keys, jacket and briefcase pushing him in his chair to the exit.

"I may or may not have chartered a private jet for you. In the trunk of your car you'll find two duffel bags. One full of luxury and comfy clothes and the other full of money. You just tell the pilot where to go and the crew what you want and it'll be brought to you. I paid for full kitchen services, so the menu won't be limited. Remember, snatch/feed/erase don't let yourself starve." I told Hank hugging him before pushing him in his car. Juliette got into a minor accident, hallucinating that Nick was everywhere. She had the hospital call me instead of him. I drove her home, seeing that she was making sure he wasn't there. Juliette told Nick that she needed space from him while she worked out her mind.

Nick moved in with Monroe temporarily, I was staying in a hotel under a fake name. Juliette had called me, needing to know if others could see what she was seeing. I found her sitting on her stairs, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Alright, let's get you sorted." I told her, taking her hand and moving her to the couch. "Juliette, do you trust me?" I asked her, crossing my legs facing her on the couch. "Yes, of course, Juno." She responded, sitting like I was. "If I told you that I could help you regain your memories, would you trust me to walk through your mind with you?" I asked her.

"How would we do that?" Juliette asked. "All you have to do is take my hand, close your eyes and focus on your past. Open your mind to me." I told her, holding out my hand. She took a deep breath, sighing and placing her hand in mine. Juliette closed her eyes and I followed suit. When we opened our eyes we were in a bright, white, hallway with doors on either side of us. "Where do we start?" Juliette asked. There was a black door at the end of the hallway, that will be her last, most triggering memory. "I'd pick any door but the black one, we will save that for last. Let's start with an upbeat memory." I told her, opening the door behind me. We walked through, finding ourselves on Juliette's doorstep facing the street.

Nick was walking up the steps, "Juliette, can you get the door, please? Juliette, door!" Nick called out, carrying heavy boxes. Suddenly Juliette herself was responding, surprising both of us. "Baby, you're gonna hurt yourself." Juliette told Nick. "That's part of the plan. Then you'll have to take care of me. I think these are the encyclopedias." Nick grunted out, carrying the boxes inside. He sighed, straightening his back. "Well, a couple of more loads should do it." Nick said heading back out. "I'm gonna start unpacking then." Juliette told him, opening one of the boxes. He looked back at her, "What?" She asked him.

"You're still okay with us moving in together, right?" Nick asked her. "Are you?" Juliette asked in return. "I don't know." Nick said, half smirking. "You, um...you starting to have second thoughts?" Juliette asked, stepping into his space. I covered my ears and looked away, not wanting to see my brother swooning his girlfriend. The room went dark and we stepped back into the hallway. "Wasn't so bad was it?" I asked her. She smiled, "No, that was really nice. Being able to handle one memory at a time makes this much easier." Juliette responded, smiling. "I'll go in with you but I'm going to sit off to the side until we go on to your last memory." I told her, opening the door behind her.

We walked in seeing that it was a Christmas Party, I gave her hand a quick squeeze before finding somewhere to sit. Juliette and I went through six more rooms before she gathered the courage to go through her latest memory. We walked in, seeing that we were inside the trailer. "You see these books? They're filled with drawings made by my ancestors, and others who had the same ability, problem, whatever you wanna call it. And the drawings are of Wesen, which is how they like to refer to themselves. And that's what I can see. What the Grimms can see. They're like species that exist within us. Well, some of us. Anyway, there are Blutbad, and Bauerschwein, Fuchsbaus and Eisbibers, And they're all in these books. Juliette, really, I am not making this up." Nick told her, showing her the pages.

The room faded and we were back inside Juliette's home. "You did it. You've accessed control of your memories, I'm sure the smaller memories will come back in time." I told her, celebrating our victory. "We need drinks." Juliette said, getting up and walking into the kitchen. I saw that I had a bunch of texts from Renard that Nick had gone rogue. Sucked into a Wesen's allure, most likely a Musai in the works. I asked Renard to get Nick to a holding cell. "Here you go." Juliette said, handing me an opened beer. We sat in silence drinking for a few moments. "I have to ask, do you believe him?" I asked her, putting my beer on the table.

"He seemed so...sincere. He brought me to Monroe the night that I went into a coma. He was supposed to show me something, something that Nick can see that others can't." Juliette said. "Well those books and the trailer that Nick showed you, belonged to Aunt Marie and me. He told you that he was a Grimm, I'm a Grimm too."  I told her. "Can you tell me what a Grimm is?" Juliette asked. "A Grimm is someone who can see into the heart of darkness. Someone who sees things other people don't understand. I'm going to show you what Wesen are on another day, and I'll explain myself and my abilities better later. I need your help with Nick. A Wesen has manipulated Nick's mind and only his love for you will fix him." I told her, leading her to the front door.

While I drove us to the Precinct, I explained that the Musai had kissed him and taken his mind captive essentially. When we arrived we saw a sketch of the Musai's current lover, bleeding to death in a cell on Nick's desk. Renard found Juliette and me standing over his desk. "We found him at the victim's house. We took his gun and put him across the way from Anton." Renard told us leading us to the holding cells. Nick was staring Anton down, holding onto the bars. "Nick. Please look at me. Look my way, Nick. You have to see me, open your eyes." Juliette told him, reaching through the bars to grab onto Nick's face. I could see the magic of the Musai's kiss fading away. He gently grabbed onto her forearms looking around.

"Juliette. What are you doing here?" Nick asked, looking from Renard, to me, and back to Juliette. "I'm here for you, just like you were there for me." Juliette answered, letting him go. "Thank you. Thank you." Nick said, leaning his head against Juliette's before hugging her. "Marshall." Renard said, nodding his head indicating for me to follow him. "We have the Musai in interrogation room one." He told me, before disappearing into his office. I took a deep breath trying to control my anger before walking into the interrogation room.

"This is your chance to walk away from Portland forever. I don't want to find you anywhere in the Pacific Northwest. I'll have you flagged by the F.B.I. to be followed and monitored constantly until it drives you insane. If I find you in Portland I'll kill you myself. You dared to touch my brother, I'll pull you to pieces myself. Are we clear?" I asked her. She woged, her hands were still cuffed to the center of the table as she tried to back away. "You're a Grimm too?" She asked. "If I ever see or hear about you, I'll make your death a spectacle." I told her, uncuffing her and opening the interrogation room door.

"Come on Juliette, let's get some real drinks and I'll drive you home." I told her, guiding her away from Nick until we were all in a better mood. I took her to the nearest bar I could find, I knew I would be driving so we were pretty free and loose with our drinking. Alcohol just numbs my hunger for blood, I don't even get tipsy or buzzed. I used to when I was just a Witch and a Werewolf but since becoming a Tribrid, drinking and drugs don't affect me anymore. "This has been a long, strange day." Juliette said, taking a shot of whiskey afterward. "At least we got some of your memories back. Tomorrow we deal with Wesen introductions." I told her, touching glasses before taking shots together.

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