Death and Coins

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Juno POV:

I was at brunch with Monroe and Nick, talking about Hank. "He's not himself. He's been acting weird. I'm just, you know, worried about him as to what he saw." Nick said, talking about Hank seeing Brinkerhoff in Wildermann form. "Has he said anything?" Monroe asked about Hank. "Oh he had a lot of questions immediately after seeing a woged Wildermann, this jackass decided to gaslight his partner." I said, tabling about but not looking at Nick. He ignored my comments. "No, but I can tell there's something not right." Nick responded to Monroe's question.

"Hank's got to be shook up about this in some way. You know, I mean whether he's talking about it or not. When I saw him looking up at me, he was freaked. And it's a look I've seen before, let me tell you. I'm sure you're hoping it will just go away. And he won't say anything, but look, this is not, like, your ordinary nightmare, okay? He knows he was awake. And his brain is trying to process the unprocessable. I mean, what did you think when you first saw one woge?" Monroe asked Nick. "I thought I was going crazy." He responded. "Right, well... Hank's probably going through the same thing, you know?" Monroe said, trying to help Nick.

"You know with you, it was one thing. He was hit, he was knocked out. He was a little dazed. But I mean, he saw Brinkerhoff change." Nick said, exasperated by the circumstances. "That is so not going to make it any easier. Trust me, mental hospitals are chock-full of people who have spent their lives trying to wrap their minds around things they've seen and can't explain." Monroe told him. "Great." Nick said, drinking his coffee. "But hey, look, with Hank, maybe it'll be different, you know? He's a cop. He's already seen a bunch of crazy stuff. With any luck, it'll wear off in a couple, three years." Monroe said, rubbing his face.

Nick and I went to the Precinct, Hank brought us coffee. "Thanks, you don't look like you slept too well." Nick told him. "I didn't." He responded, while he was taking off his jacket I dosed his coffee with a potion to give him more energy until he got home at the end of the day. "What's going on?" Nick asked. "The usual suspects, tossing and turning. Must have been something I ate. What did you get from interpol?" Hank asked. I thanked Hank for the coffee while Nick told us who our target is. "File on Akira Kimura." Nick told us. "Ah. Yeah. One of the guys responsible for killing your parents. It's a great way to start your day." Hank said sarcastically.

"And get this, they tied him to the beating death of a coin collector in Hamburg. Turns out the victim was the dealer who sold the three gold coins to Sam Bertram here in Portland." Nick continued. "I'm not sad those coins disappeared. You know, that's a nasty-looking guy. The hell is that thing on his face?" Hank asked. "It's called the Aegishjalmur." Nick answered. "And it means what?" Hank asked. "Helm of awe. It's a symbol the Vikings wore for invincibility." Nick explained. "You know what? Im going to trust my flak jacket." Hank joked. "We got our last known whereabouts on Mr. Invincible?" Hank asked. "Lisbon, fourteen months ago." Nick told us.

Nick and I arrived at The Governor Hotel, pretty gruesome crime scene apparently. "Where's the body?" Hank asked. "First floor, room at the back. It's a little messy." Sergeant Wu told us. "Well, what do we know?" Nick asked. "Uh, male, mid forties. Looks like somebody took a weed wacker to his throat. Checked in three weeks ago under the name Nathaniel Adams. Clerk says he kept to himself, paid his rent, listed his home as New York City." Wu continued as we walked in. "There was no sign of forced entry, maid discovered the body about an hour ago." He told us as we saw the body.

"You weren't kidding about the weed wacker." Hank said. "Looks more like a hatchet." Nick said. "Except his head's still here." Wu chimed in. "Who rolled the body?" Nick asked. "Nobody. That's the way the maid said she found him." Wu answered. "Someone came here after he was already dead." I said. "The pattern on the carpet matches the blood on his shirt." Nick added. "That could have been the killer. There's no wallet, nothing in his pockets. Maybe a robbery." Hank suggested. "There's nothing in the room except for a coat hanging behind the bathroom door. Nick found a rental key to a car outside with camera equipment.

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