Carnival Killer

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Juno POV:

Rosalee had asked me to be her Maid Of Honor. I told her that I was flattered but if Nick was to be Best Man, we couldn't have two Grimms center stage. I offered to fund the wedding in its entirety, flying people out, paying for hotels. Rosalee agreed that it might not be the best plan to have me as Maid Of Honor.

We were called out to a double homicide, no forced entry, discovered about an hour ago. Nick found a Carnival Stub from last night, maybe they brought some entertainment home. "Can I see it?" I asked, holding out a gloved hand. "Carnival Metamorphosia. I don't like the looks of this, we need to go check this out." I said, passing the card to Hank.

"At least we know where they were yesterday." Hank said, pulling a matching ticket stub from one of the girls pockets. "This is bad news, I have a feeling that Wesen are being forced to woge repeatedly. The more they woge for extended periods of time, the less control they have in day to day life." I explained to Nick and Hank.

We went to the Carnival's location waiting for the people in front of us to pass in their tickets. "No tickets. No fun." The ticket-taker spoke loudly. Nick, Hank and I walked through without tickets. "Hey let me see those tickets." The ticket-taker told us, trying to stop us. We all showed our badges in return. "That'll work. Go right on in." The ticket-taker said turning back to new customers.

"Who's in charge here?" Nick asked the man. "That'd be Mr. Hedig. He's in the last tent at the end of the midway. Can't miss him...the guy with the whip and the gun." He told us and we walked away to find the Show Runner. We watched the shady show, seeing a Dämonfeuer spit fire towards the audience and woging back.

"Are you both seeing this?" I asked Nick and Hank. "How could we not?" Hank asked in return. The show had a "Beauty and the Inner Beast" with a female Hundjäger as both parts. "This is criminal behavior in the Wesen community. I might have to contact the Wesen Council, remember Alexander? He would kill the Ring Leader for this, probably all the Wesen too." I said to Nick and Hank.

"Let's not make any rash decisions here." Nick replied. I texted Rosalee and Monroe, telling them about the Wesen Carnival. "Now, every so often, something appears that is so horrible, so vicious, it cannot be tamed. For this beast is the demented turmoil of man himself. Hidden from view until it is too late. Do not be fooled by the way he looks now. Show us. Show us what you are." The Ring Leader commanded, having a curtain removed from a caged man.

The man in the cage turned away, groaning in pain before turning toward the audience as a woged Blutbad. The Blutbad bent the metal bars, going out into the audience, the Ring Leader pulled his fake gun and "killed" the Blutbad. "He's dead. Let this be a warning to you, ladies and gentlemen. That there are monsters amongst us in the world. Beware. Beware." The Ring Leader spoke to the audience.

"We gotta shut this shit down." I told Nick. "We have to do it right though. At least not in front of all the people. We don't even have the Ogre Gun to stop the Siegbarste that was up there." Nick replied. "I could rip his spine out through his mouth." I told him. "Not in front of the people." Nick said once more. We waited for the audience to clear out before going to speak to the Ring Leader and his people.

I let Nick and Hank take the lead on questioning. When Hank showed the pictures of the girls, the Blutbad couldn't hide his red glowing eyes. "That's a nice trick you guys do onstage. Want to tell me how you do it?" Hank asked. "Magic. It's how we earn a living. Illusion's important. Without it, we'd be left with what? Reality. And as you know, reality can often be not very pretty. And I assure you, whatever magic we do in the show did not kill those women." Mr. Hedig responded.

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