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Juno POV:

Hank had been spending most of his time going through old case files and books from the trailer. He found some Wesen connections to cases from before his partnership with Nick. He had been particularly stuck on one case, it was from about seven years ago. Hank had convinced Nick and I to help right a wrong. We only had thirty-six and a half hours to solve Craig Ferren's case. He had shot two brothers in their home and was soon to be put to death. He claimed that the brothers were monsters and were about to eat him. "Hank, meet us at the trailer with the case file, I have a good idea of what we are dealing with." I told him, bringing Nick with me to the trailer.

When Hank arrived we traded files for books, specifically on Wendigo's. I took a picture of the page, wanting to show it to Craig Ferren. We stopped at his girlfriend's house, wanting to get to know Craig on a personal level. I knocked on her door, "Monique Dyson? Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin. I'm Special Agent Marshall. I want to help Craig Ferren before it's too late." I said, holding out my identification. "I was the arresting officer." Hank said from behind me. "I thought you looked familiar." Monique said, stink eyeing Hank. "Why do you want to help him?" She asked me. "A number of cases I've worked on have caused us to go over old case work, with a new perspective. I need your help to help Craig. May we come in?" I asked.

"Come in, we can talk." Monique said, stepping aside and pointing to her sitting room. She explained how they met at University, he dropped out to serve in the army. That he was a very patriotic man, but Iraq had changed him. He would down booze with his meds. Never a good combination, especially with PTSD and Depression. She trusted deeply in Craig that it was self defense and not murder, that he saw what he saw. Monique gave us letters that Craig had written. Nick, Hank and I left to meet with his Attorney. After speaking with him with what little time he had, he gave us pictures that Craig had drawn, Wendigo's. The Attorney said that the Kreski brother's, the ones that tried to kill Ferren. "Thank you for your time." I told him, leading my brother and his partner out of the office.

While we were in the court house I found my way to the District Attorney, needing a moment of her time. I compelled her to get me warrants to previous and current addresses of the Kreski brother's. We needed to dig up the ground and find the victims bones. She had no choice but to comply, despite the fact that she was actively prosecuting him. I called Sergeant Wu, getting me a work address for the living Kreski brother. I sent Nick the picture I took of the book, he and Hank went to talk to Ferren while I went to talk to the Kreski brother. "John Kreski?" I asked, holding up my I.D. as I walked closer. "If it's about Craig Ferren I have nothing to say." He replied, looking at his clipboard. "Well the case is being reopened by the F.B.I., let me ask you something. Are you more of an arm guy or a foot guy?" I asked, stepping into his space. "What the hell are you talking about? Are you crazy?" John asked backing away.

"Come on, John. I know you and your brother liked tearing into people. Ferren drew this, looks an awful like a Wendigo. Like you. It's only a matter of time before I have evidence." I threatened following after him with a picture. "Ferren is the monster! He killed my brother, tried to kill me, and he's gonna die for it! You go to hell." He shouted, woging in my face, I looked below his eyes keeping my Grimm nature a secret. He put his hands on me pushing me back into a metal frame. I grabbed his wrists, "Now I'm going to put you in holding for putting your hands on an officer. John Kreski, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an Attorney, if you cannot afford an Attorney, one will be provided for you. If you decide to answer questions now without an Attorney present, you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an Attorney." I told him, mirandizing him.

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