The Prophet

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Nick POV:

It's been a couple weeks and Juno had gone radio silent. Eve has been staying with us, scouring the books for an answer to the monster on the other side of the mirror. "Nick, do you know when Juno is coming back? I'm freaking out, thinking somethings going to snag me from the shower." Adalind said. "I wish I knew, she's probably too busy to respond." I responded.

"I hope she's being careful, she avoided New Orleans for over twenty-eight years. There had to be a good reason for her to suddenly have to go there." Adalind said as she opened the refrigerator. "Trubel said that they'd be on their way back, bringing a few additional people with them. She wasn't specific." I replied as I helped her make breakfast. "Well we are always open to new friends, right?" Adalind asked.

"If Juno and Trubel trust them, then I will as well. Juno rarely gets it wrong, an annoying fact she likes to point out." I told her. "I think Kelly has missed Juno, what do you think?" Adalind asked, holding our son up to me. "If you're asking if our son looks depressed I'm going to go with no. Could he miss his aunt, absolutely. But she's coming back soon and then we'll have our answer." I answered as I took Kelly from her.

My phone started ringing so I laid Kelly down. "Nick, we got a case of home invasion." Wu informed me. "Any bodies?" I asked. "None so far, but it's a real weird one. He keeps asking for Hope." Wu answered. "I'll let her know. Keep him in a holding cell for now." I responded before hanging up. I called Juno's phone, knowing that our perp must know her. "What's up, Nick? We are just outside of Oregon now." Juno said over the speaker.

"That's good news, we have a case of home invasion and the invader is asking for you." I responded. "Ooh fun! I'll see you in a couple hours. I brought them back Nick. All of them." She replied before hanging up. "Ok, guess she didn't want to hear my response." I said aloud. "What did she say?" Adalind asked. "She brought them all back." I answered. "What's that mean?" Adalind asked. "I think she brought all of her biological family members back to life." I replied.

Juno POV:

I called Rebekah in the other SUV, we decided to split her siblings up for the drive back. I had mom, dad, Cami, and Elijah, while Rebekah drove Trubel, Davina, Kol, Finn, and Aurora. "What's going on, Juno?" Rebekah asked. "I'm going to have to get to work quickly. Bring them back to the Penthouse, no murdering Portland's citizens. Snatch, eat, erase, we can't have Vampire deaths here." I told her and everyone in her car.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll let Freya know to get the rooms prepared." Rebekah answered as she hung up. "You have to go to work?" Dad asked, disappointment in his voice. "Yes, apparently the guy that broke in to our victim's house has requested me personally. It's likely that I've dealt with this person before." I responded. "So you are with the police?" Dad asked, clarifying my position.

"I'm with the F.B.I. but I compelled my Director to send me here so I could protect my brother while he learned about Wesen." I answered. "Are they dangerous?" Mom asked. "No more so than Werewolves are to me. But all of the problematic Wesen are dangerous for Nick. If it weren't for my Supernatural healing I would be littered in scars from all the fighting I've done. " I told her. "How long have you been at this?" Elijah asked. "For over a decade now. I started seeing them when I was fifteen." I answered.

We had made it to the Penthouse soon after, pointing everyone to their rooms. "Your Mom and I have talked, we want to see the scars." Dad told me as I went to my room to change. "Are you sure, you won't like the results?" I asked, wanting them to be sure. Elijah had sped to my room, joining the three of us. "I would also like to see." He told me. I removed my pants and shirt, standing in boxers and my bra, allowing my wounds to reopen from all the battles I fought in.

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