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Author's Note:

⚠️ There will be SMUT, entry level stuff. It'll be wilder later. ⚠️ @supperno writes the smut for me, I edit what I like into the story.

Juno POV:

Hank had decided to throw a Christmas party at his house, inviting Monroe, Rosalee, Trubel, Sean, Nick, Juliette, Wu, my family and me. He had invited a few work friends, making it a larger party. I leaned against an entry, watching almost everyone I love and care for making merry. I took a sip of my eggnog, I felt someone standing next to me so I turned to face them. "Happy Holidays." Sean said, clinking his glass with mine.

"Happy Holidays, Sean. Anything that I could get you for Christmas this year?" I asked him. Sean looked around like he was trying to find someone, he stepped backward pulling me with him. He looked above us, seeing mistletoe hanging on the arch way. Sean looked from my eyes to my lips in repetition. "Only if it's alright." Sean said. I grabbed him by his tie, pulling him in for a searing kiss.

I could hear some people gasping and talking about us. I pulled back, and wiped my red lipstick off his lips before grabbing his chin between my thumb and index finger. Be careful Sean, once I start I can be quite...insatiable. You don't want to start something that you can't keep up with." I told him, taking him by the tie and kissing his cheek before going to talk to Hank. "You know we  all saw that right?" Hank asked, switching out my glass of eggnog for whiskey.

I downed the whiskey like a shot, using magic to refill the glass. "Hope they enjoyed the show." I responded, drinking my whiskey and filling it over and over again. "Do you have any blood bags? I'm feeling ravenous right now." I asked Hank. "I don't need to hear about that. Check the cooler in my garage." Hank responded, plugging his ears. I walked out to the garage, struggling to keep my supernatural features under control. I tore into a blood bag, letting the blood settle me down a little.

I heard the garage door open, I finished the blood bag quickly. Vanishing any blood on my face and in my mouth. I turned finding Sean standing before me, agitated it seems. "You can't just kiss me like that, say something so suggestive and walk away. You can't expect me to not want to be just as insatiable as you." Sean said, taking steps forward as I took steps back. He had me pinned against the wall, but not really I could overpower him if I wanted to. "You don't understand Sean." I said, trying to keep control.

"Explain to me what I don't understand." Sean said, I could see his struggling not to woge. "If we have sex, I'm going to want to feed on you. I lust for your blood, I don't think I'd be able to stop. Everything about you calls to me, and I don't know why. That scares me, doesn't it scare you?" I asked Sean. He didn't respond, instead he leaned in kissing me aggressively.

We battled for dominance of the kiss for a while before I let him win, wanting to see where he would take it. When we broke apart for air, he forced my face to turn away, kissing and sucking on my neck. Sean had found my sweet spot, making me let out a breathless moan. He groaned loudly in my ear, making me shiver as he looked back at me.

"You sound so beautiful." Sean whispered before claiming my lips again. "You'll sound beautiful begging for a release." I whispered back, seeing him look at me in confusion. I flipped our positions, hearing him gasp as his back hit the wall. I leaned into his neck, smelling his cologne and his blood. The smell of his blood made my eyes roll back. I could hear his racing heart, and I could smell it rushing about his body, making me want to drain Sean dry.

I got even closer, making our bodies flush together and brought my lips to his neck. Running my fangs lightly against his neck made him shudder and gasp. Sean tilted his head, exposing more of his neck to me. I held eye contact as I ran my hand down his chest, pausing at the top of his pants. I cupped his already hard dick giving it feather light strokes before wrapping my hand around the top and started to slowly stroke it.

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