Down Goes The King

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Juno POV:

I had bought a two story warehouse a while back, furnishing it as a safe house in case I needed to evacuate Freya, Keelin and Nik. I had several bulletproof vehicles on the first floor, an elevator came with the building fortunately, only one way up that intruders would know about. I had discovered a crawl space that had a metal ladder built into the brickwork that went down for about a hundred feet.

I had made my way through the tunnel underneath the warehouse, wanting to know where it led. I found the exit about a mile North of the warehouse. I had showed Nick the way down, not wanting him to reveal it to Adalind in case anything bad happened. The upper floor had been completely rebuilt, it was creaky and falling apart when I bought it. I built two bathrooms and three bedrooms, with a large kitchen space in the center of the room.

Nick had to convince Rosalee to help Adalind make the sedative for Juliette. I opted out of helping with the sedative, knowing how disgusting the process is to make it. I gave each of them gas masks, preventing the rank smell of Adalind's dead mom from reaching their noses. The sedative required aged dead Hexenbiest, and Adalind's mother was the best and closest option.  Adalind proved her loyalty to the group when she tested the sedative on herself, suppressing her Hexenbiest nature willingly.

She also proved that it was highly effective when she couldn't woge or use any magic. The only thing we needed was Juliette to take it. "I could try forcing her to drink it." I suggested. "She might see that coming though, you already had the upper hand on her once. She won't let that happen again." Hank responded. "If worst comes to worst, we'll just have to shoot her. She's not the same person, and she never will be." I said to Nick, giving him a side hug, knowing he hated the last resort.

"If Kenneth paid for her bail, she's going to be working with him." Nick said. We heard the door to the Shop opening, "Everyone stay here." I said, pulling out my gun and exiting the back room. Trubel was looking around for us. I put my gun away leading her to the back room. "What's going on? You've been away for a couple weeks now." I said, giving her a tight hug.

"I've been away on business, but that's not why I'm here. There's something going down at your old house and in the neighborhood, Nick. I just killed a Hundjäger." Trubel responded. "We have to go now." I said, summoning guns, knives, and swords for everyone. Hank, Trubel, Nick and I went to Juliette's old neighborhood, slaughtering all Verrat that got in our way. Almost every car that we passed had three to four Verrat agents inside.

"Streets clear." Hank called out. "We can't enter the houses, the owners are alive but out of town." Trubel said, hearing several heartbeats in the house across the street. "Let's go see what's happening inside Juliette's house. Nick, Hank, follow me." I said, holding my gun up as we made our way into the house, clearing it of any threats. "Clear." Hank called from the guest bedroom. I could smell blood, a familiar scent.

"Nick. In here." I called out, seeing a box on the floor that had blood pooling out of it. Nick approached the box, kneeling down and opening it. He started choking up, backing away from the box and falling to the floor. I looked inside seeing Kelly's head. "No. No. NO! NO! NO! NO!" Nick cried out, completely traumatized and heartbroken. I rushed to him, grabbing both sides of his face firmly.

"NICK! NICK! Calm down, I need you to listen to me! Kelly is alive, she's coming back! She only lost her head, she will come back! She's an Upgraded Vampire with a magical ring, as long as the ring is on the body she'll come back!" I shouted, doing my best to get through all that grief. The kitchen door opened, and we heard someone walk in.

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