Hank Sees The Truth

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Juno POV:

Nick, Hank, Jarold and I drove past the shop where Hayden works, trying to see if Jarold knew anyone. Unfortunately he didn't see any of his wife's family in the shop. "We'll talk to the boss. Now if Hayden is here, leave it to us. Stay in the car." Nick told him, making the ride along rules clear. While Nick and Hank approached the boss, I walked among the workers. I could hear the boss talking about Hayden, one of the workers heartbeats sped up. He's Hayden's pack member, I'll be following you now. While the three of us got back in the car I had Hank roll up his windows. "Al, one of the mechanics inside, he was all kinds of nervous as you mentioned Hayden. We have to follow him, we need to do a stakeout until he leaves. You guys stay on him, I'm going to go get a motorcycle." I said to the group before leaving.

1 hour later

I had returned with a new bike and helmet, just in time to see Al trying to leave out the back of the shop. I called Nick letting him know I was in pursuit and to track my call. I arrived out to their property first, hiding my bike and helmet, Hank, Nick and Jarold came soon after. Jarold identified Hayden and his sons Kyle and Todd. I saw Al sitting in the trailers door. "Let's find Carly." I said, opening Nick's door. Jarold was told to stay in the car for the time being. Nick and Hank went forward, approaching the men. I had one hand on a sheathed knife behind my back and the other one on Jarold's door. I could smell gunpowder and carbonized steel, that means guns. When Nick and Hank demanded that they turn down the music I could hear rope swinging on metal.

I opened the door, releasing Jarold, he went and tackled Hayden to the ground. Demanding the return of his daughter. I saw a well with a rope moving about a bit. "Hank I got her!" I called out running to the well in human speed. Nick made his way back to Hank and me. Hank pulled Carly out of the well as Hayden and his boys started shooting at us. I waved my hand in a large circle, creating a temporary, invisible shield. Allowing us to seek shelter in the nearby barn. As we ran up to the top floor we found the ritual site. "Don't let them get me. Don't let them get me." Carly pleased. Hank grabbed her arms tight, getting her to focus. "We're not gonna let that happen." Hank told her.

I looked to Nick, "It's time before we deal with all of them." I whispered. "You don't know them! They're gonna hurt me!" Carly shouted, insisting that we keep her safe. "I need you to calm down and listen." Hank tried to reason with her. "You don't know what they're gonna do to me!" Carly shouted, I could see the Coyotl gold in her eyes. "I know what they're gonna do! We are here to help you!" I shouted to Carly, pulling my gun looking through the cracks in the barn. She was trying to get out of Hank's grasp to save her dad. "They'll kill my dad! Then they'll get me! Let me go!" Carly screamed, freeing herself of Hank only to turn into Nick's grasp, holding eye contact with a Grimm.

She started backing away in fear, "Carly we aren't going to hurt you. We need you to focus right now." I told her, spotting Jarold being pinned by one of Hayden's sons. "He's gonna kill me!" Carly yelled, grabbing onto Hank. "Carly, he's my partner!" Hank yelled back. "Let me go!" Carly yelled, shaking Hank off and woging on full display. Hank pulled his gun on her, "No!" Hank shouted, aiming at Carly's head. Nick jumped in the way, knowing he had no choice now. "It's just Carly." Nick said, waving his hands lowly. "No, it's not Carly. You don't see what I do. She's changed. Now, I'm not crazy! I saw her." Hank said, still holding his gun up.

"I saw her too." Nick said. "I saw her as well." I followed after Nick. "No, you didn't. Nobody does." Hank yelled. "We saw her change. Hank, you're not crazy. Hank, what you saw really happened. And we saw it too. Okay. We see what they are, but right now, she's just Carly." Nick told him, stepping aside and revealing a human Carly. Hank lowered his gun, confused. "You couldn't see what I saw." Hank said, shaking his head. "I can, Hank. Hope can too. We have so much to tell you. Just like we saw Brinkerhoff and the Wildermann. And others that you haven't seen." Nick told Hank. "Then you're both crazy too." Hank countered.

"I thought I was. Then I found out it was a lot more complicated than that. Hope helped me figure this out. We don't have time to talk about this right now. Just, you have to believe me, Hank. I know what you've been going through, and I know what you've seen, and we've seen a lot more of it for a lot longer." Nick said, breathing hard. "I'm sorry, Hank. I didn't mean for that to happen. I just... I thought he was gonna kill me." Carly said. "Why?" Hank asked her. "We are Grimms. Typically known for killing them, she's called a Coyotl, so is Jarold and Hayden and the rest of the guys out there. We will fill you in on all of this later, but you have to work with us right now." I told him, before we heard Hayden yelling.

He was walking up the steps, I had Carly behind me with my gun pulled. "We can work this out, fellas. There's no need to get serious. Whoops. I just want to talk. Not armed. Glad to see you're okay, sweetie." Hayden said, spinning around, showing that he wasn't packing a gun. "Don't even fucking look at her. I'll cut your eyes out of your skull." I said to Hayden stepping forward. "You're under arrest." Nick said, stepping to Hayden's right side. "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." Hank finished. "Oh, come on, guys. You know this is never going to court. You fellas. You have no idea what you're dealing with. Let me show you why." Hayden responded, woging and running at Hank.

Hayden may have been a Coyotl but Hank had over a hundred pounds and six inches on him, pistol whipping him to the ground. Hayden woged back, "Coyotl, right?" Hank asked Nick. "Yeah, Hank. That's the second one today." Nick responded, temporarily holstering his gun. "That's right he's a Grimm. So is she, and I want her to cut out your eyes." Carly told Hayden while he laid on the floor. "Anything happens to me, they'll kill your all!" Hayden yelled. Hank turned him over, handcuffing him. "Time for you to scream." Nick told Carly. She nodded, running out screaming bloody murder. "He's kill them! Make him stop!" She screamed.

Four woged, Coyotl's ran in, seeing Hayden cuffed on the ground. Nick, Hank and I had our guns pulled on all four of them. "Guns on the ground." Hank instructed. "Two Grimms!" One of them said as they all laid their guns down. I summoned three pairs of handcuffs, giving them to Hank and Nick while I ran out to help Jarold fight the last Coyotl. When I got outside, I found Carly beating the last cousin with a large metal pole. "Nice work you two. Let's be sure he's dead." I told them, kicking the cousin in the back of his neck, hearing a disgusting snap. We called in paramedics and other units, needing more vehicles to bring the cousins in.

While Hank was talking to Jarold and Carly about all his new knowledge, he assured them that nothing had changed for him. That they were still family in his book. Nick and I were heading to file our paperwork when Wu walked with us. "Hey, so let me get this straight. In the last six hours, you've arrested five villains, saved a damsel in distress, and reunited a family. While I filled out three dozen overtime reports and scrubbed out the coffeemaker. Yeah, we've all put in a rich, full day." Wu snarked, as he walked off. Nick and I sat close to Hank. "We know today has been rough..." I started but Hank cut me off. "Don't even try. Today Ms been one of the better days of my life." Hank said. "Really?" Nick asked. "Yeah." Hank replied, nodding.

"How?" Nick asked, wanting to know how it could have been a better day. "Because I might be crazy but now I know I'm not alone." Hank answered. "Hank, Nick, we need a lot of drinks tonight. Let's do it at someone's house so we don't have to drive." I said grabbing my keys and my helmet, Nick and Hank followed after me. We ended up at Nick's house, having the most space for people to crash. I summoned some of the books to the house when we arrived. As Nick grabbed bottles and glasses I sat down with Hank.

"Hank, I think it's time you learned my truth before we start drinking. My name is Juno Burkhardt, I'm Nick's adopted sister. I come from a magical family, also from a line of Grimms. My father was an Original Hybrid of Vampire and Werwolf descent. My mother was a Werewolf Alpha and Queen of her pack. My Grandmother was a Witch, when I was born I was sent to live with the Burkhardt family. I'm what is called a Tribrid, I'm a Witch, a Vampire and a Werwolf all at once." I told him as Nick poured our drinks.

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