Mistakes Were Made

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Juno POV:

Hank had returned from his vacation, well rested and ready to work. Nick drove Hank and I out to a crime scene, Franco had shot a guy in the kitchen, his potential partner was already dead in the living room. Wu gave us the brief description on what we were walking in on. The woman had no defensive wounds, could have been natural causes. The house was torn up on the inside like the couple were on a PCP rage. We looked at the guy Franco had shot, four bullets to the chest. Green ooze leaked from his nose into his mouth, he had bloodshot eyes and irritated eyelids.

The CSU team fingerprinted him and swabbed his green ooze before bagging up the body. As the cops were leaving the scene, I saw a man across the street in a tall top hat, singing in French, looking up and down the street. I took a picture of him, getting a good image of his face and clothes. He had a sickening grin on his face, spotting me and then walking away, continuing his singing. I've seen something like this in the books, I can't remember exactly but the state of our victims and the singing stranger feel very familiar. Nick drove Hank and me to the Morgue, where we waited for a report on our victims. The Medical Examiner told us that there must have been a clerical error, that the body had been declared dead three days ago. The Medical Examiner also said that the mucus wasn't normal, they were running panels for toxins.

They had ruled out normal street drugs, and alcohol. Juliette had called me, asking when I would show her a Wesen. I told Nick and Hank that I would check in on them later, and that I was going to help Juliette. She picked me up from the Morgue and drove me to Monroe's house. I knocked on his door, waiting for him to answer. "Hey Juno, hey Juliette. Is everything okay?" Monroe asked, letting us in. "Yeah, we just have a giant favor to ask. Know that you will be compensated for it, and I'm sorry that she chose to come to you." I told him, patting his arm and snapping my fingers on my opposite hand. There were two distinct thuds from above.

"What was that?" Juliette asked. "Just me paying Monroe." I told her. "There's two suitcases full of cash upstairs for you." I said to Monroe. "You know, checks work great too." He told me smirking. "Yeah, but if you need money fast, you have it on hand here." I countered. "So what's the favor you are asking for?" Monroe asked, looking between Juliette and me. Juliette brought up the night that Nick had brought her here, for Monroe to show her something. "What did Nick want me to show you?" Monroe asked, trying to buy himself time. "That's what I mean, 'cause I can pretty much remember everything else and I remember I passed out here before you can show me. So I want you to show me now. And I'm not gonna leave til you do." Juliette told him.

"Damn it!" I heard Bud shout from the kitchen. "Sorry, is someone here?" Juliette asked, not wanting to intrude. "Hey Bud! We're in here!" I called out to him, making him aware of our presence. "Juliette, Juno! What are you doing here?" Bud asked us. "They're here for, uh..." Monroe said but stopped talking, trying to indicate it was about Wesen. "A clock, a watch? What? What?" Bud asked excitedly. "A woge." Monroe said sourly. Juliette looked at him a little confused. "You, you're not serious." Bud said, panic radiating off him. "We are. But stay calm, everything will be okay." I told him, side hugging him.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Do you know what you're saying?! I mean, she's with, you know, and he's...he's been very clear about...you know, and we just can't...you know!" Bud rushed out trying to avoid any Wesen terminology. Juliette just looked worried and confused for Bud. "Bud, she's got most of her memories back, it's time for her to know the truth." I told him calmly. "My memories have come back Bud, and don't forget you told me Nick was a Grimm." Juliette said, calling Bud out. "You remember that? I never meant to say that. That was a mistake I took it back. Remember that?" Bud asked. Juliette turned to Monroe, "What's a woge?" She asked him.

I covered Bud's babbling mouth, keeping him from trying to dissuade Monroe. "Bud, whatever you're scared of, I'm not." Juliette told him. "Bud, no more arguments. I'm doing this." Monroe said firmly. "Okay, but please, do it in a place where she can get proper medical treatment." Bud said. "What?" Juliette asked looking from Bud to me. "All I'm saying is you should do this in the Spice Shop with Rosalee." Bud continued. "He's being dramatic about the medical treatment. But maybe he's right, maybe we should move this to the shop." I told her, and then Monroe.

"You're coming with us Bud, no arguing, grab your coat and keys." I called out to him as Monroe, Juliette and I left the house. I sent Nick the picture I took of the strange man, having a feeling it was the Wesen we were looking for. Monroe opened the door for us when we arrived at the Spice & Tea Shop. "Juno, Bud, Juliette, and Monroe. Everything alright?" Rosalee asked sighing, already having a good feeling of where today was going, seeing Monroe close the Shop for the day. "We need to show Juliette a woge and Monroe might not be the best person to go first." I told her bluntly.

"Maybe you could talk them out of it." Bud said to Rosalee, hiding against one of the shelves. "Rosalee don't you think it's too late for that?" Monroe asked stepping closer to the counter. "I don't." Bud commented. "I mean, after all she's been through and seen, I just...I don't want to lie to her." Monroe continued, ignoring Bud. "I think you're right. But not without a little prep first." Rosalee replied, stepping in front of Juliette. "Woging is like embracing their literal inner animal. Just like when we were in your mind, I'm right here and we will be seeing everything together." I told Juliette as we walked into the back room.

"This is a Fuchsbau." Rosalee said, woging for Juliette. She stayed in her Wesen form for a few moments before returning back. "Oh, my God." Juliette said, trying to rush out of the building. "Oh, no you don't." I said, grabbing her arm. "That was real, and that was what Nick wanted you to see." I told her, keeping her in place. She took a few deep breaths, "I don't really know what I just saw, but if that's what Nick wanted me to see, I saw it. You're a Fuchsbau and that means you're a Wesen?" Juliette clarified. "That's right." Rosalee answered. "And what you just did right there is called a woge." Juliette said, getting her facts right. "Yes." Rosalee confirmed.

"Uh, so we're done." Bud assumed, hoping this was over. "And you're a Fuchsbau, too?" Juliette turned to Monroe anxiously. "Uh, not exactly." Monroe said. "Monroe and I are the most similar." I told Juliette, then turned to Rosalee. "I need you to hold onto her while I show something of myself to her with Monroe." I told Rosalee. I summoned a change of clothes and floated them into the other room. "What are those for?" Bud asked. "For me when I change back." I answered. "What are you?" Juliette asked Monroe. "I'm a Blutbad." Monroe said. "I'm what's called a Tribrid, I'm a Vampire, a Werewolf and a Witch. It'll be easier to see us than for us to explain." I told Juliette.

"Hold her tight, I might scare her more than Monroe." I said to Rosalee."Remember, we are still just Monroe and Juno here. It's just us with more animal characteristics." Monroe said. I shifted as quickly as Monroe woged, turning into my large black and white wolf. Monroe's woge was much less startling for Juliette than seeing me become a Werewolf. No surprises there, she's known me for four years now and never expected anything like this. Monroe woged back as I walked into the other room and went back to my human form and changed clothes. I walked back in the room with a new outfit on, "Bud, you're up." I told him, leaning on the table. "What? Me? I didn't know I was going to have to woge." Bud said panicking.

I took his hands, "Bud, woge like your wife and kids life depends on it. Let Juliette see you." I compelled him, seeing him swiftly woge into his Eisbiber form. Juliette looked at him with amusement and smiled. "What are you?" She asked him. "I'm a...I'm a...brain freeze." Bud said, needing assistance. "Eisbiber." Rosalee said in an obvious tone. "That's me." Bud said, pointing to himself. "Okay. All right. So you're an Eisbiber, a Fuchsbau, a Blutbad and a...?" Juliette looked to me to finish off her list. "I'm a Tribrid and a Grimm, but I'm not Wesen." I told her again. "And what about Nick? Is he Wesen?" Juliette asked us. Everyone said "No." emphatically and repeatedly.

"He's like you." Rosalee told Juliette. "Except, of course, he's a Grimm." Monroe continued. "That means that Juno and Nick know what you are." Juliette said. "Yeah." Bud said nodding. "Right." Monroe clasped his hands together. "Um...anybody got a drink?" Juliette asked, putting her hands on the table. "Excellent idea." Monroe said. I snapped both hands, and pretty much everything everyone wanted appeared on the table. Whatever wasn't there was summoned immediately after, this was a day for drinking. Nick texted me that the dead woman had also gone missing from another city where she was declared dead. She came alive during the autopsy that our Medical Examiner was conducting.

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