Helping A Fellow Traveller

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Juno POV:

Adalind had been working overtime to find Diana. Heartbroken that she lost her baby, thinking that Prince Viktor had taken Diana. She had attacked Renard in the parking lot of his apartment complex. We were called out to a double homicide off the side of the road. "The attack was pretty violent. Hard to tell how many people were involved. Looks like we've got at least three sets of footprints." Wu told us as he led us to the body.

"I can only smell our victims. What about you?" Hank asked me. I let my enhanced vision take over, seeing three different scents getting mixed. There was a black knight chess piece covered in one of the victims blood, but it smelled of the attacker. I put gloves on, looking around before I sniffed the black knight smelling a woman's cologne. "Our attacker was a woman." I answered, handing the bagged chess piece to Hank.

Wu named our victims and listed their arrest records. Richard Hector Dunn could have had a chance if he didn't meet Kirk Lewelyn Firebaugh, a convicted rapist. I'm guessing they tried stopping the woman who killed them, thinking they would overpower her. Wu went back to the station to see if they had vehicles registered to them.

We found next of kin for Kirk, driving out to his brother's apartment. He woged into his Lausenschlange form when we told him that Kirk had died. We asked if he knew where his brother was going last night. He responded that Kirk and Rick were going out drinking. Wu had texted the make and model of the truck that Kirk owned, the brother didn't know where it went after Kirk took it last night.

"Now your brother's friend, Rick. Was he a Lausenschlange too?" Nick asked. "Nah. Klaustreich." The brother answered. "Anything else we need to know?" Hank asked Kirk's brother. "Look, I don't know what you think happened, but nobody could have taken my brother and Rick and lived to tell about it. Except maybe you two." Kirk's brother said pointing to Nick and me. The truck had been dumped by the St. John's Bridge, the woman was smart enough to pick an area without cameras.

"Two guys driving down the highway late at night, did they have the killer with them?" Hank asked, gloving up before touching the car. "Or maybe they picked the killer up somewhere else. Well, whoever it was, I'm guessing they didn't know what they were getting into." Nick said opening the doors on the left side. Hank looked around the backseat and under the passenger seat for anything abnormal.

No finger prints that didn't belong to Rick or Kirk, couple beer bottles and whiskey bottles on the floor. Hank found a singular fresh French Fry, we sent Wu out on a hunt to find which fast food restaurant had the fry's cut. Nick went to talk to Renard, offer him support over the loss of his daughter. Wu went to twelve different fast food locations before he found footage of the driver of the truck.

"I was a little surprised to see who was driving." Wu said as he pulled up the recording. "I fucking called it." I said, seeing a young woman with short hair and gloves on. "Not exactly your average stone-cold killer." Wu said sarcastically. "She doesn't look very old." Nick said. "Thinking 19 to 21 going on deadly." Wu told us before closing the computer. We made copies of her picture, planning on circulating it in the community.

"What kind of female young Wesen could take on a Klaustreich and a Lausenschlange?" Nick asked, holding the chess piece. "You're speaking rhetorically right?" Hank asked back. "I don't think she's Wesen. I didn't smell anything that would clue me in." I told them. "Well then what?" Nick asked. "I'm not an expert, I've just been in the game longer than you have." I responded.

Nick went to collect Monroe, taking him on a drive. Hank volunteered to stay back at the Precinct while Nick, Monroe and I went out. "Wow taking on a Lausenschlange and a Klaustreich at the same time? That takes some seriously large...well, in her case, figurative cojones." Monroe said when we told him who had been killed so far. "What kind of Wesen do you think she is, Monroe?" Nick asked.

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