Five Living Grimms

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Juno POV:

Trubel and I had gone to Nick's house for dinner one night, being joined by Monroe, Rosalee, Hank, and Wu. When I walked into the kitchen and seeing the limited amount of food, I knew that we would be in trouble with Trubel's appetite. I duplicated all of the dishes, knowing that we were basically feeding a bottomless pit. They spoke of Nick being the Best Man, and Juliette being the best Maid Of Honor.

Trubel had went to wash her hands when Monroe was asking questions. "How much do you actually know about Trubel?" Monroe asked Nick. "Not a lot, but Juno is the one mentoring her." Nick had responded. "If you have questions about Trubel, ask her yourself. Nobody likes being spoken of behind their backs." I whispered to Monroe as Trubel came back. "Come on let's eat." Trubel said, rubbing her hands in excitement. "You like spaghetti?" Rosalee asked.

"No. I love spaghetti." Trubel said, dead serious. "She's not joking, she could go through packs and packs of it. I can't make enough." I said, pouring Trubel and me glasses of wine. I grabbed one of the bowls I had duplicated. "Move your plate. Eat your salad first." I told Trubel, placing the whole bowl of spaghetti in front of her. "Can I say something, Trubel?" Rosalee asked.

"Sure." Trubel responded, giving Rosalee her attention. "I know I don't really know much about you. But I'd like to say that I think you're doing a pretty good job handling this, considering how incredibly difficult this must have been." Rosalee said. "Well, I really didn't expect to live this long." Trubel responded.
Everyone looked down, saddened by her response.

"Excuse me." I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I left the room. I went to the bathroom, letting some grief pool in my chest at the loss of her hope to live. I splashed some cold water on my face, toweling off before rejoining the dinner party. Trubel had eaten all the spaghetti from her bowl by the time I got back. "Do you want more?" Juliette asked. "Sure." Trubel said getting up to get more. "No, stay. I got it." Juliette said, taking her bowl into the kitchen.

"You remember the first time you saw a Wesen?" Rosalee asked. "Yeah I remember. It was in one of the foster homes I grew up in." Trubel answered. "I was thirteen when I found out I was a Fuchsbau." Rosalee responded. "You didn't know?" Trubel asked. "You don't really know when you're a kid. Kind of hits you later. But at least we had family to tell us what was going on." Monroe said looking between Rosalee and Trubel.

"You really didn't have anyone to help you through this?" Rosalee asked. "Nope." Trubel said taking the fresh bowl of spaghetti.  "When did you find out?" Nick asked. I let Trubel explain her first time meeting a Wesen before taking the attention off of her. Hank and Wu were just silently observing and listening, not having much to say for this part of the conversation.

"I think that's enough questions for tonight, regarding Trubel. I was fifteen when I saw my first Wesen. It was a Nuckelavee, getting aggressive with a woman. He saw me in the car and started sprinting away. That night I went to Aunt Marie where she explained what my life would be like. It scared me so bad that my magic almost blasted her into the trailer." I told everyone.

Nick's house phone rang, Juliette answered it and handed it to Nick. "He says you won't know him, but he needs to talk to you." She explained as she handed the phone over. "This is Nick Burkhardt. Who is this?" Nick asked. "I'm sorry to bother you. I just need to know if you're the police detective." The stranger asked. "If there's a problem, I need to know who you are." Nick responded. "Yeah, there's a problem. I'm not sure it's yours. You sound like you're busy, I'll call you back." The man said, ending the call.

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