Merging A Spit Personality

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Juno POV:

We had been at an award ceremony for Captain Renard, the food and booze were free. I had kept my drinking hidden from the others in case we were called out. Being surrounded by so many people made me hungry, I could hear all of their heartbeats pounding in my ears. Especially Captain Renard's, he was nervous and happy speaking in front of so many people. His Zauberbiest nature loving the prestige and gratitude of his peers. As expected, we were called out to a murder and a home invasion. I drove Nick and Hank out to the crime scene, letting Juliette take Nick's car home.

We found that a senior in high school had been murdered nearby and dragged to the alley we were currently standing in. Nick had the unfortunate pressure of answering a phone call the victim received. Nick had to explain that our victim, Brandon Kingston was murdered tonight. The next morning we went to Brandon's friend's house. The three friends came to answer our questions. "When was the last time you saw Brandon?" Nick asked. "We were all at Zell's last night." Jenny answered. "Brandon, you three... anybody else?" Hank followed up. "Kevin. He was too upset to come over." Pierce answered. I let Hank and Nick handle the questions, I could smell two types of Wesen, I could also smell Brandon's blood. One of these three definitely killed Brandon, none of their heartbeats were erratic.

So either we are dealing with a psychopath or they weren't in control of themself. We learned that they were a part of a decathlon, whoever won represented the school. That gives each of them motive, but only one of them smells like blood. If I could get them alone, maybe I could identify which person had killed Brandon, but there were several other kids there. As we walked out Hank asked Nick if any of the people inside were Wesen. Nick and I didn't see anyone woge but I could tell that there was at least one probably two Wesen in the house.

"I could smell Brandon's blood, one of his friends killed him." I told Nick and Hank as they walked to their car. A car came screeching to a stop outside the house, and a man jumped out. "You the cops?" He asked. "You are?" Hank asked in return. "Don Anker, Decathlon coach at Mill Park High School. I just came from Brandon's house, his parents are a mess. I hope you're working your asses off on this one, 'cause let me tell you something. Brandon was one of the finest young men I have ever known, and if I find the son of a bitch that did this before you do, you're not gonna have anything left to find." Mr. Anker said, getting louder as he went on. "Hey, you are talking to cops and a Federal Agent. Cool the temper." I told him, showing him my badge.

"I don't give a damn who I'm talking to. You understand? I have known that kid since he was in the first grade!" Mr Anker shouted, woging into his Lowen form. "Now you are talking to two Grimms and a Kehrseite-Schlich-Kennen. Calm down now. We need a way to contact you." I told him, holding my hand out, waiting for a contact card to be handed to me. He woged back, instantly calming down, knowing he could be in deep shit. "Now go on inside." I told him, watching as he subtly hurried inside.

Nick and Hank ran background checks on the coach, I ran background checks on all the kids parents. All of them came up clean, one was a geneticist, the others were lawyers and business owners. Later in the day we were called out to the schools football field, Jenny had been attacked as well. "It's fair to assume that whoever did this, killed Brandon as well. This leads me to believe one of the three boys killed Brandon and Jenny to keep the competition slim." I said to Nick and Hank. "There's something in her hand." Hank said, gently shifting Jenny's body for Nick to grab what was in her hand.

"To pierce, my champion. Love, Mom." Nick said, reading the engraving on the bloody watch Jenny was holding. "We need a warrant ASAP." I said, holding out an evidence bag for Nick to place the watch. We drove out to Pierce's house, finding him playing basketball in different clothes than earlier. "Pierce, right?" Nick asked, getting out of the car. He turned, "Uh, yeah. Yes." Pierce answered. "Have you been here since we saw you this morning?" Hank asked. "Uh, yes." Pierce answered confused. "Anyone here with you?" Nick asked. "Just my mom. Is there something wrong?" Pierce asked.

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