The Cleansed Quarter

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Author's Note:
In this chapter please know that I understand that Bipolar Disorder is not something some view as a problem; and I also know that there isn't a cure. This is all fiction, so please don't get angry at my story.
_________________________________Rebekah POV:

This city has brought nothing but heartache and death. I had agreed to bring my siblings, Davina, and Hayley back but I'm not staying here. I have a home in Portland, people who like me for me. It's the city I fell in love with Trubel in. I found Juno and Hayley together in the room that would have been Juno's nursery. Despite murdering us, Marcel had boxed a few things away.

We had found some of Esther's grimoires and Hayley's journals when she was pregnant. "I will be leaving this city Nik, with Trubel. We will be returning to Portland as soon as possible." I informed my brother. "You'd leave us? For Portland?" Nik asked in disgust. "Hey! Don't be rude!" Juno called from above us. "It's just Portland!" Nik called back.

"The city where I found love, where Rebekah found love. Where I reconnected with my brother and forged alliances to last at least a few ages. We've accomplished more in Portland than you and your brothers ever accomplished here. You are welcome to join us, but from shared memories you can't behave the way you have in the past, rage and bloodshed in the streets for the humans to find. You never cleaned up your messes." Juno told him, leaving him speechless.

"If any of us dared to speak to you that way we'd have a dagger in our hearts before we could complete our thought." Kol commented. "That is a rather fair observation. Obviously showing favoritism, but it's fair she's his daughter." Finn replied, sitting next to Kol with a cup of blood in hand. "You'd leave me here?" Nik asked Juno.

"Dad, I know you're old but try to keep up. I want you to come with us. You just have to work with us and not fight against us, doing your scheming only lead to mistakes." Juno answered, laughing at his slight embarrassment. "Listen, plenty of my plans have gone to shit. I need you to be able to listen to us when we say that you are wrong. It's not to piss you off, it's to protect all of us." Juno explained, calming Nik down before he exploded.

"You make some solid points. Every angered scheme I enacted ended tragically. Who all is going to Portland?" Nik asked. We all looked at each other, silently voting on who was joining us. "I think we're all going. You'll love your nephew, he's named after you." I answered. "We have work to do before we can go home. I can feel the energy of the Ancestors dying out and something evil is returning." Juno told us.

"That's not all, something reached through a mirror and tried to choke Eve." Trubel informed us, reading a text from Nick. "Who the bloody hell is Eve?" Kol asked. "Nobody you want to meet. Truly horrifying when woged." Trubel answered. "Woged?" Elijah asked. "You'll see it when we get to Portland, with Juno's blood in your system you may start to see the creatures." I responded.

"Listen up everyone, they haven't called me for support yet so it's not an imminent threat. We need to deal with the Quarter and fuck off, are we all on the same page? Since I am the main target, I'm handing out assignments. Dad, you handle any living Witches that had a hand to play in your demise. Mom, you handle any potential Hybrids that could have survived. Uncles Elijah, Kol, and Finn, I want you to work together on killing off any members of your sire line that chose to side with Marcel." Juno instructed us.

"What about us?" Trubel asked. "I want you to take Cami and return to Portland. Get her settled in the Penthouse and wait for me, help Nick and the others if you can. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do." Juno answered. "What about Aurora?" I asked. "Let's get her figured out, come with me." Juno replied, leading me out of the Compound.

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