Wesen Camp

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Juno POV:

I had compelled Sean to control his anger, not wanting him to become destructive as a full Zauberbiest. To control his bloodlust and to follow my orders without fail. Now that Sean is a Vampire I can fully compel him to follow my commands. Training his new strength and speed was a different task. He was basically a child with a loaded gun, not sure where to point it.

I let Rebekah, Trubel, and Hank train Sean. Each brought a different element to fighting, Hank was big and strong with experience fighting me and the others. Rebekah taught him strength and speed control while Trubel showed Sean how to fight an unwilling and unpredictable opponent. Henrietta worked with Sean, teaching him how to use his new magic.

Knowing that Zauberbiests and Hexenbiests crave power, I made sure to keep the training sessions outside and away from the penthouse. Never revealing the location of where my family lives. Juliette had been arrested for assaulting two people in a bar, Nick and Rosalee had visited her, trying to find the person they once knew. I could feel that the Hexenbiest inside had attached to her rage and resentment, she was no longer the Juliette that we loved.

Nick, Hank, and I were called out to an "animal attack" off the highway. A young hitchhiker named Gary Groff had been attacked by some type of Wesen with large teeth and claws, there were half-human footprints. "Based off the wounds I think we are dealing with a Lowen." I said to the guys when the CSU team had finished their work. "We need Monroe." Nick said, pulling out his phone and taking pictures.

We went to the Shop, showing the pictures to Monroe and Juliette. "Oh, that looks Lowen, more than likely." Monroe said, passing Rosalee the phone. "Not Fuchsbau. Could be Blutbaden." Rosalee suggested. "I'm sorry? With those toes?" Monroe questioned her. "Yeah, well, definitely Wesen." Rosalee responded, handing Nick his phone. "What was the condition of the victim?" Monroe asked.

"Sort of a midnight snack." Hank replied. "You guys want me to go out there and have a sniff around?" Monroe asked. "Yes, please. Here's the money for the leg work and however long the case goes." I told him, handing him a check. I drove Monroe out to where the body was found, followed by Nick and Hank.

"You say the body was partially consumed?" Monroe asked, following the scent. "That's what it looked like." Hank answered. "The animals could've fed after he died." Nick suggested. "I don't think so. This feels more like a hunt." Monroe replied. "A hunt?" Hank asked. "Not all of us are reformed you know? Yeah look at this, no shoes, stripped down going old-school." Monroe said, following footprints.

We found a fence that was bent at the bottom, like someone had crawled under it frequently. "We should see who owns this. If the killer got through, they could be in danger." Nick said. "Or they could be the danger." I replied. I had Nick on speaker phone with Monroe in my car as we drove onto the property, seeing a 'Iron Hans Ranch' sign. "Wow, I've actually heard of this place. I think it's like a coming-of-age camp for boys." Monroe said. I ended the call as Nick and Hank got out of their car.

"It's like a Wesen Men's Movement deal, you know? I actually went to one as a kid. Then they sort of died out for a while." Monroe continued. "Can I help you?" An older man asked, walking up with his son from the looks of it. "Yeah, I'm Detective Burkhardt. This is Detective Griffin, Special Agent Marshall and Monroe." Nick stated, holding up his badge.

"You the owner of this property?" Hank asked. "I am. Albert Bowden. This is my son, Todd. Is there a problem?" Mr. Bowden asked. "We're investigating an attack. Happened down on the highway. A man was killed." Hank answered. "Then what are you doing up here?" Todd asked. "There's a possibility the suspect crossed through your property." Nick said.

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