Reconstructing The Department

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Juno POV:

I had to compel everyone in our Precinct to forget Nick and Sean's fight. I relocated Nick, Adalind, Diana, and Kelly, bringing them closer to my penthouse. Sean had moved out of the mansion, not wanting to be associated with any of the memories of Black Claw. It was nice to see that he truly didn't agree with their regime. It took a little while for him to forgive me but for the good of the city it had to go down the way it did.

Eve had changed since being touched by the Stick, she was feeling things that Juliette felt. No love or hatred, just more than Eve was supposed to be capable of. Trubel had been keeping an eye on her, wanting to make sure she wouldn't turn on us like Juliette had. She had been wounded by Conrad Bonaparte, not expecting him to be a Zauberbiest. It was sometimes hard to be around Eve, while I detested the woman Juliette became, I missed the woman who loved my brother.

Rosalee and Monroe were planning on moving, buying a place big enough for them and kids. I offered to buy them thirty acres in the woods and build them their own Demesne. The exterior was stone with large ornate windows, I had used magic to build the home. Combining both Rosalee and Monroe's dreams for a woodland mansion. There were wings of the house dedicated to Wesen ancestry such as the Egyptian Anubis and the German Blutbad.

In each wing the design of the building was dedicated to the culture. They planned to teach their children all about Wesen history. How it's important to remember what their ancestors fought for and to preserve peace for the future. Rosalee had gone for her first check up appointment and found out she was carrying triplets. Monroe was worried that he wouldn't be a good father, being the odd and quirky man that he is.

Nick and I had been working on reassuring him, he was Nick's best Wesen friend and introduction to this world. A lot of our cases wouldn't have been solved without Monroe, he's been a great friend and I've done my best to repay him in anyway that I can. Rosalee as well, without her knowledge on Wesen medicines we wouldn't have been able to save many of our victims.

Sean had decided to promote Hank to Captain as he had won the election for Mayor. I had compelled Wu the position of Detective and he partnered up with Nick. Adalind had made an agreement to share Diana three nights a week with Sean. Trubel and Rebekah had decided to travel to New Orleans and reclaim some stolen items.

I gave Trubel Daylight Rings, if she decided to turn Vampires, they'd need to be able to get around. Knowing the possibility of other Upgraded Vampires, I created daggers made to destroy the enemy Vampires for Trubel and Rebekah. I also made rings for Rebekah and Trubel, preventing any kind of supernatural death.

Trubel POV:

I could feel a tension in the air as we passed the sign welcoming us into New Orleans. "Are you okay, my love?" Rebekah asked while driving. "I'm alright. I can feel a...presence out here." I responded, taking her hand. "I feel it too. We are going to have a bloody good time together here. I have ashes to collect." Rebekah said, parking the car on an empty street. We walked down the road, finding the party streets.

I looked around, never having seen such large amounts of jovial people. "Beautiful isn't it? My family built this city, we died here." Rebekah said, eyeing the lights. "Must be tough walking these streets." I responded, taking her hand and walking into the closest bar. "This place is familiar, my siblings and I may have frequented this establishment." Rebekah said, ordering us drinks from a blonde bartender named Cami.

Rebekah had changed her appearance, using one of Juno's rings to disguise herself. "What's going on?" I asked. "The man who just walked in, he was responsible for Kol and Finn's death. Marcel Gerard." She whispered. Her grip on the bar tightened, causing the wood to splinter. I took her hands in mine, letting her break my hands instead of getting us noticed. Once she looked down she released her grip on my fingers, letting them reset themselves.

"I'm sorry, darling. I didn't mean to do that to you." She apologized. "I took your hands so that your rage doesn't expose us. We will take care of him. We need to know more about what's going on in the area first." I responded, kissing the knuckles on her left hand. Cami had been compelled to join us when we leave. Marcel had taken an interest in her while he was in the bar.

She followed us to a hotel we decided to stay at confused as to why she left her shift at the bar. "How did I get here? Why am I with you?" Cami asked. "Be calm, you have no reason to fear us. The man you were talking to, what do you know of him?" Rebekah compelled her to respond. "He's charming, clearly has anger issues with habits of manipulating others. He craves controls and walks about in a domineering manner." Cami answered calmly.

"She looks like me, I bet that's why he finds her attractive." Rebekah said to me, which I quite agreed with. "I don't really look all that like you." Cami said, not trying to be rude, just observing Rebekah's disguise. "Oh, really?" Rebekah asked, removing her ring and revealing her true features. "You look like you could be my younger sister. Weird." Cami responded, staring at Rebekah.

"I like her. She could be useful." I told Rebekah, sitting on the bed. "Useful for what?" Cami asked. "We could make you strong and powerful. We just need help on getting information." I answered. "How would you make me powerful? Are you Witches?" Cami asked. "No, we are not Witches. My niece is, but that's beside the point. We are Vampires, I'm an Upgraded Original Vampire. I come from the first family of Vampires." Rebekah answered.

"Oh, so you're insane. Got it." Cami responded as she tried to escape. I rushed to block the door, letting the veins crawl beneath my eyes. "Maybe you're not insane." Cami said as she backed away. I returned to my spot on the bed, watching as she sat down across from me. "We are Vampires, darling. We want to offer you immortality in exchange for your eyes and ears." Rebekah told her calmly.

"Why me? Why offer me all this for me to do these acts of spying?" Cami asked. "Because Marcel won't see it coming. We need to know everything we can about him and who he's with." Rebekah answered. "Are you up for this?" I asked Cami. "Just do it." Cami said. I pulled out a small knife and cut my wrist, holding it up for her to drink from. Once she had enough, I snapped her neck and laid her out on the couch. "This is the start of a war in the Quarter isn't it?" I asked Rebekah.

"I have that feeling. We will outlast everyone else, that I can be certain of. Juno wouldn't have let us come here if she wasn't sure that we would make it back safely." She responded, lying back on the bed with me. "I should go and get us some blood bags, she won't want to feed from a person for the first time." I said to Rebekah, kissing her knuckles before dashing off to the nearest hospital.

I had stashed as many blood bags in a backpack as I could when I was stopped by two local Vampires. "Whatcha got in the bag little lady?" The shorter man asked. "Don't really see how that concerns you. Back off or this will get bloody." I answered, pulling a knife out. "You think that'll stop us?" The other man asked, starting to laugh.

"I really hate it when men underestimate me and laugh when they think they have the other hand." I told them, placing the bag down and hook-kicking the shorter man about fifty feet away. The taller man advanced on me, putting his hands on my jacket collar. "Strangers aren't welcome in the Quarter. Marcel will want to meet you." He told me, smiling in a disgusting way. I plunged my fist through his chest, pulling his heart out. "Killing Vampires in the Quarter is against our laws." The shorter Vampire said.

"I don't care about your laws, you approached me first." I responded, throwing the knife through his throat. He fell to his knees, pulling the knife out as he bled, waiting to heal. I took my knife back, using it to sever the head from the body. "I'm so sick of men." I said to the head before tossing it down on the ground. I picked up the backpack and sped back to the hotel.

"What happened to you?" Rebekah asked, seeing all the blood. "Two of Marcel's goons tried to intimidate me. I killed them, apparently that's against one of the Vampire laws?" I asked rhetorically. Cami gasped awake, groaning in pain at her neck and the lights. "Drink this, and put this ring on. It'll protect you from the sun." Rebekah told Cami bluntly.

"We'll show you the ropes and you'll be protected by us. You can come with us when this is over if you want." I offered. "I need to know what happened to my brother before we leave." Cami responded. "We can get to that. First we need to bring Marcel down. He killed at least two of my brothers." Rebekah said to Cami, letting her know just how personal this was for her.

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