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Juno POV:

We sat down with the Keary's, I had to compel them to give us answers, calmly. I know that they just want to see their boy but Daniel is dangerous, and we need to get him sorted before the Council comes. "We need to know exactly what happened a year ago when you first started noticing a change in Daniel's behavior." Juliette said. "This all came out of nowhere. And it's just kept getting worse." Mr. Keary said. "What about before that, say, a month or two?" Juliette asked. "Well, we were on vacation." Mrs. Keary said, looking at her husband. "Where did you go?" Nick asked as he came up behind us.

"Egypt. Israel, Jordan. With a tour group." Mrs. Keary answered. "How was Daniel on the trip?" Juliette asked. "He got the flu. He was sick...for about three days. They gave him antibiotics and then he was fine." Mrs. Keary answered over her husband trying to say that Daniel was fine. "Did they happen to do anything like a Culture?" Juliette asked. "No, they just said it was the flu, and that he could've gotten it anywhere. He was swimming in the Jordan River. We were in the Dead Sea, we were hiking." Mrs. Keary listed off some of their activities. "My bet is on the water from the Jordan. We need to check him for rare parasites." I said to Juliette. "We are taking our son home." Mr. Keary said, getting up and finding someone to sign David out of the hospital. "Why aren't you stopping him?" Juliette asked.

"To be honest, I'm a little conflicted. From what I've heard if David is a Grausen; and we don't cure him and the Council doesn't kill him, then he could grow to be one of the worlds most notorious killers. The Council knows of David's existence by now, Rosalee was obligated to call them." I explained. I dropped Juliette off at her house, I was about to drive off when Nick hopped in my car. Juliette got back in as well. "What's going on?" I asked Nick. "We need to get to the hospital. The Council has arrived and knows that Daniel is at the hospital." Nick said, buckling himself in. "Didn't they say they were in Jordan?" Juliette asked as I started driving. "Yeah, why?" I asked in return. "This could be a parasite, I might know how to fix this." Juliette answered. "Well it's a good thing I didn't tell Rosalee that the parents had taken Daniel home, we may only have a gain of a few minutes on the Council member." I replied, driving to the Keary house.

I compelled entry into the house, finding Daniel asleep in his bed. Hank had met us at the Keary house, I had Mrs. Keary invite him in and put him as guard outside Daniel's room. Juliette talked with the parents about what type of parasites he could have picked up when he went swimming. I heard a creak from upstairs, I pulled my gun rushing up to Daniel's room. Just as Hank was opening the door I heard the window smash inside Daniel's room. I saw the Council member leaping through the window, I jumped out after him. Hank was hot on my trail, battling with the Pflichttreue, the Wesen Council member, he looked like a white spotted tiger. I could hear Daniel's voice rushing heart beat, and his slowing breath. "Daniel! We only want to help you! We stopped the man that was chasing you!" I called out.

It had started storming and the rain was coming down hard. Mr. Keary, Nick and Juliette met up with me in the woods. "I think I know where he's gone. We built a fort together." Mr. Keary said leading the way. "It's really cold if he's out here much longer he could die." Juliette told us. Mr. Keary led us to the fort, where we found Daniel curled up on himself. We turned him on his back, Daniel's lips were blue, so were his hands and feet. He was soaking wet, he might have fallen in a puddle. "We need to get him back to the house." Nick said, moving to pick Daniel up. "No, no, no, wait. If it's a parasite, Daniel's cooled temperature won't make him a good host. The parasite will die. Just give it a moment, if it doesn't work we bring him in." I said. Daniel's face had grey lines growing and decreasing in volume.

"Wait. What is that?!" Mr. Keary asked frantically, seeing yellow worm like creatures crawling out of Daniel's nose and ears. The parasite turned black and fell off Daniel's face. I pulled an evidence bag out of my jacket, scooping up some of the dead parasite for testing. I grabbed Daniel up in my arms, speeding him back to the house. "Get a warm bath going!" I shouted into the house, not knowing where the mother went. I heard the water running from upstairs. I grabbed a blanket from the couch, wrapping Daniel in it before I vanished his freezing shirt and pants. I passed Daniel to his mother, who gently placed him in the water.

"How did you do that?" Mr. Keary asked as he came inside his kitchen entrance. "You will not remember me taking Daniel back home. You ran him to your wife." I compelled him. I then went back to Mrs. Keary, compelling her to remember her husband carrying Daniel to her. While the parents were talking to Nick and Hank, I gave Daniel a couple drops of my blood to help boost his temperature and help his immune system. Hank had brought the Council member who we now know as Alexander to the Precinct. Nick and I brought him to an interrogation room, with Daniel Keary's medical report. I sat Alexander down, removing the handcuffs.

"What does this prove?" Alexander asked. "Daniel was infected by a parasite that caused him to be what you and the Council call a Grausen. It's not possession by Demon, it's not mutation, and Daniel has been cured." Nick answered. "You're a Grimm. You should know better. I need to see the boy." Alexander said, distastefully. "No. You don't. And you need to take my word for it, because of what our ancestors and the Council agreed to at the Charter of Wittenberg in 1682. Take the report with you when you go." Nick said getting up and walking out. I took that as my opportunity to speak to Alexander.

"That was an epic drop the mic moment, you have to admit it. There was one thing you didn't recognize. We are Grimms, and you will take this medical report with you and share it with the Council and all their apothecaries like Rosalee. You will drive the fear of Grausens away from the Wesen community or you'll deal with me. I'm much more durable and driven than you'd think, if I find that the Council is still killing infected children, you will all face my wrath. I will leave none of you alive. Do you understand me?" I asked Alexander, leaning over the table with my Golden, veined eyes and fangs showing. He sat up in his chair, fixing his jacket. "We are quite clear. Good day." Alexander said, grabbing the report and leaving the interrogation room.

I took all the books we had on Grausens back to Juliette's house letting her write about the parasite and how it was removed. Nick's ancestors would be rolling in their graves having a Kehrseite both reading and writing in their books. I really only have one Grimm ancestor and that was my grandfather Ansel. What I wouldn't give to have known my biological family, I'm grateful for being placed with people who had the same gifts as me. I stayed for Dinner with Nick and Juliette before going back to my hotel. I don't sleep like most Vampires do, I feel amped up most of the time. I only really need sleep after magically exerting myself, which I don't get to do enough because I could destroy a city with that type of constant power use.

10 hours later

We were called out to a homicide in a residential district. The house had been broken into and robbed, the son of the homeowner had one of his arms ripped off and had been tossed about. Wu came in seeing the damage, "Whoa, what did this?" He asked, seeing the blood splattered on the ceiling. "This is too dangerous for you. It might be too dangerous for Nick. I know you want to deal with it all, but some things are just too big for Kehrseite-Schich-Kennen." I told Wu, instructing him to help with the bagging and tagging of evidence. "You can't kick me off my own case." Nick whispered to me. "I can when the Wesen responsible can tear you to pieces. You simply aren't as resilient as Hank and I are." I explained to Nick, who still wanted to argue.

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