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Juno POV:

I was with Sean and Andrew Dixon's camera crew, watching him record a video of him endorsing Andrew Dixon for Mayor. A skinny red head stood to my right, Rachel Wood, making sure Sean got his lines right. "How was that? Is that alright?" Sean asked when they cut the cameras. "Looked good to me." I said, winking at him. "It was great. Just what we need." Rachel told him.

"You don't need me to do another one?" Sean asked. "Actually, I do." Rachel responded, having the makeup team come and work on him a little more. "Oh, okay. How did I screw up?" Sean asked, chuckling. "You didn't, but it would be great if we could get one a little less police captain and a little more neighbor." Rachel responded, holding his gaze. "You can do that darling, just pretend like you're talking to me." I said to him, kissing his cheek and gaining his attention.

"How about I take my gun off?" Sean offered. Rachel laughed, thinking it was exceedingly funny. I put my hand in my pocket balling my fist, causing Rachel to feel like her hair was being pulled. "Let's go again." Rachel said, walking away, rubbing her scalp. "She wants you. And I don't share." I told Sean, taking his gun for him while he recorded his endorsement one more time. "She's a little too friendly. Coming on a bit strong." Sean responded later, taking his gun back.

"If she doesn't keep her hands to herself, she will lose those hands." I said to Sean as we drove to the Precinct. "She could just be trying to work the system, ensure that I work with Dixon's group." Sean offered the idea, but I quickly shot it down. "No, she's into you. And I'm going to fuck her up if she puts her hands on you. You...are mine." I told Sean, kissing him on the lips firmly. "I'm yours." Sean said when we broke apart for air.

Sean went to his office and I went to my desk, finding Nick already working on a case. A man, Allan Eiger was with his wife Elizabeth on Diamond Lake when he got knocked in the water and was attacked by a "monster." Elizabeth had taken pictures of what attacked her husband, he was dragged under and murdered by the Wesen creature. She showed us the image of what attacked, a Wasser Zahne, an aquatic Wesen.

I texted Sean to call me if Rachel asked to meet up. I don't trust her to be with him alone. Nick, Hank, and I went to the Diamond Lake, seeing a sign for the "Diamond Lake Monster" that looks exactly like a Wasser Zahne. I stayed outside the shop, watching the people while Nick and Hank questioned the shop owners, Oliver and Wayne Dunbar, brothers. There was a bald man, lurking by the water with a smirk on his face.

I walked toward him silently, not wanting to spook him till I spoke. "See something funny?" I asked him, gaining his attention. "No, I was just uh...thinking about something I saw the other night." The man slurred out, clearly inebriated. "Was it when the man was attacked?" I questioned him. He lost all humor from his face, "No...that was a...was a tragedy." The man half burped half groaned. I placed a spell to track him as he walked off, having a feeling that he was our killer.

Nick and Hank came out of the shop, with little to no answers. "The older brother, Wayne was lying. I could hear his heart racing, and I could smell his brother's guilt."  Hank told me. "Did either of them woge?" I asked Nick. "Yeah, they are Luisant-Pêcheurs." He answered. "Not what we are looking for but they could be in business with him. The Wasser Zahne goes in the water, makes some trouble and drums up business for the shop owners." I told Nick and Hank.

"I say we do a stakeout and watch the brothers, I think I know who the Wasser Zahne is. We'll need two vehicles." Hank responded. Nick had went out to get the food this time. While we waited for him to come back Wayne and his brother Oliver argued incessantly. Sean had texted me that Rachel wanted to run lines for a new endorsement video and wanted me there.

I texted Trubel to come take my place in the stakeout. Having Hank explain the case we are working. I met with Sean at the location he sent, meeting him in the lobby as we were met by Rachel. We listened to Sean give the prewritten speech, it sounded almost like an order. "How's that?" Sean asked. I gave a sideways thumb, it could use a little work.

"Can I make a suggestion? Instead of saying, "this city," try saying "we." "We deserve safe streets, it'll be easier for the voters to get behind you if you make it clear you're part of their community." Rachel told him. I do agree with her on that front. "Remember Sean, you aren't talking to your staff, you're talking to your neighbor. Go for warmth." I commented and he nodded. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom." I said before he tried his lines again.

As soon as I stepped out of the room, Rachel shut the door and locked it. Thinking that I wouldn't be able to hear her. "I think we're gonna need to run it...more than once." Rachel said seductively. "Listen, I'm here for my friend Andrew and the people of Portland, not for you. Unlock the door before my girlfriend kicks it down." Sean replied, walking away from Rachel. "My mistake." Rachel said, and I heard the door unlock.

I went back in her office, "Was there a problem with the door being open?" I asked, playing it like I didn't hear her coming onto him. "The phone calls were getting too loud." Rachel responded, still blushing from embarrassment. I smirked and held eye contact with her, licking my teeth under shut lips, wanting to spit on her. Sean found his rhythm with the speech getting comfortable with it.

Nick had texted that Trubel had killed the Wasser Zahne and Wayne Dunbar had dove into the lake, getting shot to death by water police. "Come on gorgeous, let's go home." Sean said, taking my hand as we walked out. I looked back at Rachel, letting my gold eyes show at her, shocking her as we left. "Did she really think she has a chance?" I asked Sean when we were in the elevator.

"I'm getting real tired of her shit. I'm here for my community, and my friend Andrew Dixon. I believe that he will make a great Mayor." Sean replied. "You should say that when speaking to the public. I've met him, he seems genuine and he's a great Politician. Good with the government, good with the people, all he needs is to be put to work." I said as we exited the elevator.

Two Days Later

Rebekah had asked me to gather our friends who were willing to fight with H.W. against Black Claw. Meisner asked to have them blinded on the way into the hideout, preventing them from knowing exactly where they were. We had brought Monroe and Rosalee, Adalind, Hank, Wu, and David the military Vampire I turned a few years back. David was all for working with H.W., motivated now that he was part of a movement again.

"Where's Sean?" Rosalee asked. "Sean is going to be deep undercover, believing in their movement kind of deep. So he is not to be trusted until Black Claw is defeated in Portland." I answered. "Listen, we'll help you when you come to us and when the fight finds us, but we aren't going to be going out looking for trouble." Monroe said, wrapping his arm around Rosalee's shoulders. "And I wouldn't ask you to. I wouldn't put you in danger that I wouldn't let Nick face." I responded.

"Hey, I'm running low on funds. Could you help me out?" David asked, I could tell it was hard for him to ask for help. I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Never be afraid to ask for help. And I can give you a check, but you should work on your compulsion and make yourself rich." I told David, handing him a check for five million. "You look familiar." Nick said as he walked closer to us. "Yeah, he heckled us while we dealt with the El Cucuy." Hank chimed in.

"Listen guys, since I met Juno, I've changed. I hunt down criminal Wesen, making sure they are guilty before exacting vengeance." David said, showing how much calmer he has become since they last saw him. Me healing his wounded brain helped quite a bit but they don't need to know that. "Everyone needs to know how to fire weapons. Who all hasn't handled a gun before?" Trubel asked, holding up pistols in each hand.

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