Diana's Decision

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Juno POV:

It had been a couple of days and Wu claimed to have mastered his version of a woge. He told me to push him, basically to make him hulk out while we were training. I pushed him far enough by preventing him from breathing, he woged, tossing me off of him with ease. He then woged back before going in for another strike, recognizing it was me.

We were all impressed with his control, basically a new, stronger Wesen on the loose. We had agreed to keep any Wesen related work away from Sean. Telling him that it was Kehrseite crimes. Trubel and Meisner had contacted me, letting me know that Black Claw had taken Diana. I knew I had to tell Adalind before Sean contacted her again. I rushed to Nick and Adalind's safe house, seeing her in her pajamas, apparently she had just gotten up.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! JUNO! You can't just scare the shit out of me like that!" Adalind screamed, jumping in fright. I fell forward in laughter, not expecting her reaction to like that at all. "I so did not mean to frighten you. I need to know if Sean has contacted you again." I said to Adalind. "No. Why? What's going on?" Adalind asked. "Black Claw has taken Diana. I'm going to get her here, to you. Nothing will stop me from completing my goal." I answered.

Adalind had tears pooling in her eyes, I reached out and pulled her in for a tight hug. "I will get her back. You will have your daughter again. If she calls out to you or Sean calls you, don't take his calls. Don't leave the safe house until I bring her here. I'm going to ask Trubel and Rosalee to stop by so you don't get cabin fever." I continued, helping her to calm back down.

"I can't thank you enough, Juno. You've done so much for me, for Kelly, and now for Diana too." Adalind said, thanking me. "I'm capable of devastating power, I do my best to use it to help others." I replied, telling her once more not to leave and not to answer and contact from Sean and Diana. I went to Sean's house finding a for sale sign out front. I walked in seeing Sean packing.

"Are you moving again?" I asked. "Yes, Black Claw purchased me a small mansion in the center of the city. I want you to come stay with me there,  be a part of this with me. I have someone for you to meet." Sean told me, taking my hands. I stood on my toes, kissing his lips. "I'll go pack a couple bags. Text me the address and I'll meet you there tonight." I responded, kissing him again before leaving. I told Nick and Hank of my plan, letting Nick know to be there for Adalind. I needed Hank waiting for me, outside the mansion.

I had brought three bags with me, dropping them inside the mansion. There were nine Black Claw agents inside, along with a strange suited man. "I'm glad you made it, come meet the man who is endorsing me for Mayor, Conrad Bonaparte." Sean introduced walking me over. "You are even more lovely than Renard describes you to be. It's my sincere pleasure to meet you Ms. Marshall." Mr. Bonaparte said, taking my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bonaparte." I replied, shaking his hand. "Conrad, please. I have a feeling we are going to be friends." Conrad said, giving a sickening smile. I gave an evil smile in return, slowly taking my hand back, trying not to be rude. "Let's change the world." I told him, letting him believe I was on his side. Conrad had left soon after, planning on returning in a few days. Most of the agents remained, apparently guarding Sean.

"There's someone else I want you to meet." Sean said, ushering me to the stairs. I could feel power radiating from above me, letting me know exactly who is here. A pretty blonde girl, no older than eight came around the corner at the top of the stairs. I closed my eyes, feeling my power pool in the center of my chest before bursting out of me, leaving Sean and the guards unconscious.

"What did you do to my dad!" Diana asked, sending me flying backward. "He's just asleep, just as the others are. I needed a moment to talk to you alone. Do you remember me?" I asked Diana. "You were the one searching for me in my mind. I thought I killed you." Diana said confused. "You did kill me. Your father and I are Vampires, it takes more than that to put us down. I need you to understand something about the people in this house." I told Diana, urging her to come sit with me.

"Where's my mom?" Diana asked. "She's safe. I want to take you to her. I'm going to talk to you like an adult because I know you are more mature than you let on. These people, aside from your dad, are terrible and dangerous. They seek to rule the world, killing the humans for being less than. If you come with me now, I can get you to your mother, tonight. You will have your father in a short amount of time. I just need to get him away from these people. He's working undercover for me, helping me dismantle them." I explained to Diana.

"How long?" Diana asked. "A couple months, a year at most." I answered. She sighed, thinking over what I said. "Take me to my mom, please." Diana said nicely. I rushed upstairs, packing her a bag. "Come on, I have a friend I want you to meet. He's going to take you to your mom. I have to trick the guards and your dad for now. But I promise you, you will have your dad back in short order. Pinky promise." I told Diana, holding my pinky up for her to link.

She linked her pinky with mine, showing me a tremendous amount of trust. I brought her out to Hank, passing off the bag, and introducing them to each other. I went back in the house, leaning against the wall where she threw me and snapped my neck. Knowing that none of them would know what happened if I was unconscious with them. I woke up on the couch with Sean holding my head. "Hope, what happened?" Sean asked.

"I don't know, Diana knocked you all out first and then she blasted me against the wall. She broke my neck with her magic. Powerful little thing." I answered. "She disappeared or she ran away. The one thing Bonaparte didn't think of was cameras around the place." Sean responded. I texted Freya to go over to the safe house and place cloaking spells on Diana. Spells that would prevent me from finding her.

"Don't worry, we will find her. If you can find me a map, I'll be able to locate her." I told Sean, standing by a tall desk. He snapped his fingers and one of the guards went searching about the house, looking for a map. About five minutes later they returned, map in hand. In that time Freya had texted me back letting me know that the spells were complete. I summoned black salt, pouring it over the map. As soon as I started the map burst into flames.

"It looks like someone is keeping her hidden. My magic will be of no use to us. I'm sorry." I told Sean, seeing the sadness consuming him. "I just had her. SHE WAS HERE!" Sean shouted, smashing up vases and lamps. "Don't worry Sean, we will find her. I have a strong feeling she's safe. If she could take all of us out, I think that others should be afraid of her." I said, hugging him from behind.

Bonaparte had rushed into the house with his own guards. "What happened? Tell me!" Bonaparte demanded, using his magic to choke me. I used my own magic to fill my lungs with air before kicking Bonaparte in the chest. "I'm a Grimm, and I'm stronger than you. Don't ever use your magic on me." I told Bonaparte, standing over him while his guards pointed their guns at me.

"If any one of you fires your weapons, I will personally make sure each and every one of your deaths are painful." Sean said, standing back to back with me. The guards holstered their weapons in a disgruntled manner. "You ever pull some shit like that again and I'll cut your fucking eyes out." I whispered to Bonaparte. He quickly got to his feet, fixing his suit and tie. "My apologies. Perhaps I misjudged you." He replied, briefly eyeing Sean then motioning to his guards and leaving.

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