A New Kind Of Hybrid

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Juno POV:

As we were leaving Mila's residence, the maid who let us in was speaking in Russian with Renard, once we are away I'll ask him what was said. "What did you see?" Hank asked Nick and me. "The skin on Myshkin's hand became transparent when he was healing that kid. I could see his bones. Could you?" Nick asked Renard. "No, no, but what you are describing is a Koschie. I remember meeting one once with my mother in Moscow. He was a healer just like Myshkin. He wore these long Monk's robes, he didn't drink, and according to my mother, he was celibate which is why he came to her. Evidently, the healing fires up his sex drive, and he needed a potion to put the brakes on." Renard answered.

"Myshkin's libido could use some of that. Man likes to party." Hank responded. "Oh, doesn't seem to be suffering too much guilt about his marriage." Nick said. "Or maybe he's suffering too much. He is Russian after all. I'll call a few friends in Moscow, see what I can find out." Renard responded. Nick and Hank went to the trailer with Monroe looking for the Koschie in the books. I went to Nick's house to add a layer of protection to Alicia and Juliette. Whatever her husband Joe is, he's probably stronger than Juliette. Renard had texted that Myshkin had been an assassin for the FSB. I texted Hank that whatever negative aspects to Myshkin's powers, the good he does out ways the bad. Hank agreed that while Myshkin's past is filled with blood, he's also proved himself capable of greatness.

The next morning we were called out to a motel, a man had died of radiation poisoning in the bathtub. This was most likely our killer, as we entered the room, I pushed Nick and Wu back outside to keep them from getting exposed to radiation poisoning. I went into the bathroom, finding a hardly alive man, he was barely breathing but there was a pulse. "I need an ambulance prepped for radiation poisoning and I need the NRC team to my location ASAP!" I called out to Nick and Wu. I could hear Wu calling in a distress signal, urging emergency services to our location first. As I stepped outside of the motel, I made sure nobody was looking as I snapped my fingers and had a new outfit on. I waved my hand over my body, removing any radiation that may have clung to my skin, I don't want to risk touching someone and giving them radiation sickness.

We I.D.'d our radiation victim as the killer upon bringing him to the hospital. We had Myshkin meet us at the Precinct for questioning. "You know a man named Alex Renko?" Nick asked Myshkin. "Should I?" Myshkin questioned back. "You poisoned him with radiation." Hank answered. "And you used to work for the FSB. We know you're a Koschie." Renard said. "We saw you heal that boy." Nick told Myshkin. "It was incredible." I whispered. "You saw it?" Myshkin asked us. He woged into his sickly translucent green form. Myshkin coughed, woging back, "Okay, now I know what you are. How about the rest of you?" Myshkin asked looking at Hank and Renard. "No." Hank said, indicating he's not a Wesen. "It's a long story." Renard said, not woging for him.

"Why did Renko want you killed?" Renard asked. "I promise you I don't know. I'm sorry for what I did to that man. He attacked me. I had no choice. Yes, I was assassin for the FSB. But I wanted to find peace and do penance for the pain I caused. So I swore an oath to God to only do good. Heal the sick." Myshkin answered. "My concern is not your redemption. My concern is that Renko has an accomplice who may still be after you." Renard responded. "I'm already a dead man, mister. And every time I heal, I die a little more. If someone tries to kill me, I'm not gonna fight it again. Why should I? Soon I will be in Hell." Myshkin said. I looked to Hank worriedly. "Well, I suggest that you leave the Country immediately." Renard told him. "My wife misses her home. She would be happy to return." Myshkin responded.

"You're free to go." Renard said. "Ah. I can go. Free... I'm not." Myshkin said, chuckling humorlessly. Hank received a phone call that Renko was awake in the hospital. Nick, Hank and Renard went to the hospital to speak to Renko. While I positioned myself outside of Mila Guryanova's house in case anybody tried to break in. I could hear him having a good time upstairs with one of the maids when Nick, Hank, and Renard arrived. "Someone in the house is related to Renko." Renard said, walking up the driveway. "The maid is with him right now." I responded, opening the front door, leading them in. We could hear shouting from upstairs before the bedroom door was opened. "I told you, I'm not that man anymore. I've changed." Myshkin said to the maid as she went down the stairs, he had a pair of scissors in his chest.

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