Blutbad In The Forest

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Juno POV:

Nick returned to the Precinct about an hour later, devouring the food I picked for him. "We usually don't get Greek. What happened to the burgers like usual?" Nick asked Hank. "Don't look at me, it was a nice change of pace though." Hank said, finishing his drink. "Well, I think we've done all we can for today, pick it up again tomorrow?" I asked, looking from Nick to Hank. They nodded, we each went out to our vehicles, I saw a black Suburban idling across the street. I put gloves on,  then my helmet, and started my bike.

As soon as I started riding down the street, the car turned around to follow me. I started speeding, watching as the Suburban kept up with me. I did something that the driver didn't expect, I crashed my bike. I heard the car come to a stop, and the sound of heavy steps was heard. I laid there, pretending to be dead with my eyes open. Waiting for them to come into view. "Agent Marshall, dead." Captain Renard said. I rushed at him, forcing him against a brick wall.

He woged, showing his horrid half human half Zauberbiest. "What are you?!" He demanded. I pulled off my helmet, revealing my Grimm nature. "I'm capable of things you couldn't nightmare over. You will stop your spying on me, you will stop your Hexenbiest or Hexenbiests from spying on me and my Aunt Amelia. You will not reveal that I am a Grimm to anyone. You will work with me, like you should have been the entire time." I said, compelling his cooperation. I released him from being stuck to the wall before disappearing in front of him.

I appeared outside Nick's house, just as he was walking up the steps. "Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me!" He said, sitting on the steps, clutching his chest. "Sorry, crashed my bike intentionally and compelled the Captain. He kept following me, he had a Hexenbiest poison me. I'm making him work with me now." I told him, explaining my torn and bloody clothes. We saw a station wagon zoom down the street, but we left it alone for now. "What the hell happened to you?" Juliette asked seeing my appearance.

"Things just got a little rough with the road. Nothing a shower won't fix. You know me, Juliette. I just somehow heal fast." I said playing it down. We all had dinner together before I spent the night in their guest room. The next morning I rushed off to my apartment for a fresh set of clothes and to go buy another bike. Nick had texted me that he was bringing Monroe with him out to the woods later in the day. I responded that I would be joining them after seeing the Captain.

I found him sitting in his desk, going over paperwork. "Good to see you Cap, did you miss me?" I asked sarcastically. "What exactly are you? You crashed your bike, played dead, and then held me against a wall. Are you some type of Wesen-Grimm hybrid?" He asked. "Stay still." I compelled him, closing his blinds and rushing around his office, making sure there were no recording devices. I found a small microphone and its receiver, quickly smashing them into bits. "You want answers, only you get to hear it, and on my terms. The Precinct has too many ears, too many sets of your own apparently." I told him, motioning to the smashed electronics.

"You will mention our meeting today, to nobody. You will mention none of your questions about me to anyone. If you have questions you come to me privately, without recording me or trying to get an upper hand on me." I compelled him, not giving him much wiggle room to find a loophole. I rushed off to the woods, leaving my bike in the parking area and speeding into the woods on foot to meet up with Nick and Monroe. "This is where I found his body." Nick told him. "Weird vibes out here." Monroe said. "His gun was pointing this way. But I found some buckshot right here. And some strands of hair." Nick continued.

"I found the hair. And the buckshot." I said, stepping forward. "Where'd you see her?" Monroe asked. "Well, I saw something over this way. But Juno wouldn't let us follow it." Nick said, pointing off deeper in the woods. "Will you stop saying "It"?" Monroe asked. "All I know is that it was a Blutbad and it had long hair." Nick replied. We walked in silence for a while, finding Burdock Root growing. Monroe explained its healing properties, I hadn't heard about it before. I summoned a small hatchet, cutting up a good amount of the Burdock Root and sending it to the trailer.

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