Chapter 2: A Flicker of Light

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The soft glow of the lamp bathed Y/N in warm light as she sat curled up in her favorite armchair, an old, tattered book in hand. She wasn't really reading, though. The words blurred before her eyes as her mind wandered. Outside, the faint sounds of the bustling New York streets filtered in through the slightly open window, but here in her little corner, everything was still and quiet. Peaceful.

Cebrus lay at her feet, his head resting on her leg, the steady rise and fall of his chest matching the rhythm of her own breathing. She absentmindedly reached down to scratch behind his ear, a small gesture that brought him comfort. She was just beginning to lose herself in the quiet, heavy prose of the book when her phone buzzed, shattering the stillness.

The sudden noise made her jump, but Cebrus remained unbothered, his eyes lazily fluttering open for a second before closing again. Y/N glanced at the screen and saw Calie's name flash across it. She sighed, knowing that any chance of calm was about to vanish the moment she answered.

"Hey," Y/N said softly, placing the book down on the armrest.

"OH MY GOD, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHO I JUST MET!" Calie's voice came through the speaker, so loud that Y/N had to pull the phone away from her ear.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, waiting for the rest of the story. "Who did you meet?"


Y/N remained silent, knowing her friend was too excited to hear her yet. She listened as Calie rambled on, her voice filled with excitement and disbelief. After a few more minutes of frantic shouting, Y/N spoke up quietly, cutting through Calie's exhilaration.

"Are you calm now?"

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by an exaggerated sigh. "Yes, okay, fine. I'm calm. But do you understand what just happened? I've loved him since forever, and today, of all days, I actually meet him during my shift at the hospital! I can't believe it."

Y/N smiled, settling back into her chair. "That's great, Calie. So, what happened? Did you talk to him?"

"Well, I didn't talk to him much," Calie admitted sheepishly. "I kind of just stood there like an idiot, but he was so nice, Y/N. And taller in person. I didn't expect him to be that tall!"

Y/N chuckled softly. She had heard all about Calie's long-standing crush on Chris Evans over the years. He was the one person Calie would lose her cool over. Y/N didn't follow celebrities or movies much, but she knew who he was from Calie's stories and the few pictures her friend had shown her. And yes, the man was undeniably handsome.

"He asked me if the coffee was any good," Calie continued, "and I just mumbled something stupid like, 'It's okay.' I wanted to die right then and there. I could've said something clever, but no, I just had to make it awkward."

Y/N laughed lightly, picturing the scene. "It sounds like you handled it better than you think. Besides, you met him, which is more than most people can say."

"Yeah, I guess," Calie sighed, but her excitement hadn't faded. "He's in town for some movie. Apparently, they're shooting parts of it nearby. I'm going to find out where and—wait. You don't even care, do you?"

Y/N shrugged, even though Calie couldn't see her. "It's cool. You've talked about him enough that I feel like I've met him myself."

Calie groaned. "You're hopeless. Anyway, I was calling to check if we're still studying this Saturday? I need to catch up on some anatomy, and you need to get ahead on your law stuff."

"Yeah, of course," Y/N said. "Saturday works."

"Awesome. I'll bring snacks. See you then." Calie hung up before Y/N could reply, leaving her in the quiet again.

Y/N set her phone down on the armrest and let out a small sigh, her gaze drifting to the open window. She envied Calie's ability to get so excited about things, to live in the moment and not get weighed down by the past. It was something Y/N hadn't been able to do in a long time.

Her thoughts inevitably turned back to her family, as they often did when she found herself alone. The memories came in waves—her mother's laughter, her father's anger, the hospital room, and the unbearable guilt that clung to her like a shadow. It was always there, no matter how hard she tried to escape it. 

Her father's face flashed before her eyes, the way he had looked at her the last time they spoke, the regret in his voice as he told her he loved her. But it didn't erase the years of pain. And now, both of them were gone, leaving her alone with the crushing weight of it all. Tears welled up in her eyes, and before she could stop them, they spilled over, silently tracing down her cheeks.

Y/N wiped at her eyes, frustrated at herself for crying. She thought she had cried enough over the years to be numb by now, but the pain was always there, simmering just beneath the surface. She wondered if she would ever be allowed to be happy. If she could ever let go of the past and stop blaming herself.

Cebrus, sensing her distress, lifted his head and nudged her hand with his nose. Y/N looked down at him, her vision still blurry from the tears, and managed a small smile.

"Hey, buddy," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm okay."

But Cebrus wasn't convinced. He stood up, his tail wagging slightly, and placed his paws on her lap, nuzzling into her chest. Y/N couldn't help but laugh through her tears, the sound soft and weak, but real. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly as he did his best to comfort her.

"Thank you," she whispered, resting her cheek against the top of his head. For a moment, the weight of the world felt a little lighter. Cebrus had a way of grounding her, pulling her back from the edge when the memories got too heavy. He was her anchor, the one thing that hadn't abandoned her.

Y/N closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting the warmth of Cebrus's body calm her. Maybe she wasn't happy now, but there were small moments of peace. And for now, that would have to be enough.

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