Chapter 36: Scarlett Johansson

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Y/N sat cross-legged on the floor, absentmindedly picking up stray books and organizing them into neat piles. Across from her, Calie was sprawled out on the couch, tossing a pillow in the air while Cebrus stood by the mirror, admiring himself with an almost comical level of self-adoration.

"You know," Calie began, watching Y/N with narrowed eyes, "I've been thinking about yesterday."

Y/N sighed, not looking up from the book she was stacking. "Calie, we've already gone over this. I don't understand what you're trying to say."

Calie rolled her eyes dramatically, sitting up on the couch and tossing the pillow aside. "That's the point, Y/N! You don't understand. And I'm telling you—Scarlett likes you."

Y/N's hands stilled for a moment, but she didn't respond immediately. Instead, she busied herself with another book, flipping through its pages as if searching for something. "You're reading too much into things."

Calie huffed in frustration, folding her arms over her chest. "No, I'm not. Y/N, for someone who's so observant with literally everything else, you're completely blind to this."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, finally looking up at Calie. "Blind to what? Scarlett's mood swings? Her confusing behavior?" she asked, her voice calm but tinged with confusion.

"Yes, exactly!" Calie exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "Scarlett is acting weird because she likes you, you idiot! She's jealous. It's written all over her face."

Y/N sat back, blinking at Calie, not entirely convinced. "Jealous? Of who? Carolina?"

Calie groaned, slapping her forehead. "Yes! Of Carolina, of anyone who gets close to you! Scarlett's not used to this. She doesn't know how to handle her feelings for you, so she's acting all cold and distant, but trust me, it's there."

Y/N shook her head, standing up and placing the last book on the shelf. "I don't know, Calie... even if—even if she does like me, she's Scarlett Johansson. A big celebrity, remember? You were always the one talking about how famous and amazing she is."

Calie narrowed her eyes at Y/N, sitting up straighter on the couch. "Do you see her like that? As a big celebrity?"

Y/N paused, her back to Calie as she continued to tidy the room. She thought for a moment before finally answering, her voice soft. "No... not really. I didn't even know who she was until a couple of months ago."

Calie raised her eyebrows, leaning forward. "Exactly. So what's the problem? Scarlett knows that you didn't know who she was. She knows that you see her for who she really is, not the Hollywood version everyone else sees."

Y/N turned around, leaning against the shelf with a sigh. "But that's the thing. Even if I don't see her as a celebrity, that doesn't change who she is to the world. She's... Scarlett Johansson. She's got an entire life that's so far removed from anything I'm a part of."

Calie scoffed, crossing her arms again. "So? You think she cares about that? Y/N, Scarlett is a person, not some untouchable goddess. She clearly wants something real, something normal, and that's why she's drawn to you. You treat her like a regular person. You see her, not the actress, and that's exactly what she needs."

Y/N bit her lip, looking down at the floor. "And what if I mess it up? What if I'm not what she thinks I am? I mean, I barely even know what's going on half the time when I'm around her."

Calie got off the couch and walked over to Y/N, placing a hand on her shoulder. "That's because you're overthinking it. Scarlett likes you, not some perfect version of you. She likes the way you're calm, the way you make her laugh, the way you talk to Rose. She likes you, Y/N. And trust me, you're not going to mess it up just by being yourself."

Y/N met Calie's gaze, her expression uncertain. "But she's always so... distant. One moment she's close, the next she's pushing me away. I don't know what she wants."

"She's scared," Calie said simply. "Scared of getting hurt. It's probably been a long time since she's let someone in, especially someone who isn't dazzled by her fame. You're different, Y/N, and that freaks her out."

Y/N ran a hand through her hair, still unconvinced. "Even if that's true... what should I do? Just... confess to her? What if she doesn't want anything real? What if this is just... I don't know, a phase for her?"

Calie gave her a long look before shaking her head with a small smile. "Y/N, you're not a phase. And I think deep down, you know that. But if you want to sit around second-guessing everything, that's on you."

Y/N frowned, pushing off the shelf and walking across the room. She paused by the mirror, watching Cebrus as he tilted his head, seemingly fascinated with his own reflection. "You make it sound easy, Calie. But it's not."

Calie shrugged, leaning against the couch. "I didn't say it'd be easy. I'm just saying it's worth it. You like her, right?"

Y/N exhaled softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, I do."

Calie smiled knowingly. "Then what's stopping you? You're not afraid of her fame, you're not dazzled by the idea of Scarlett Johansson. You just... like her. The same way she likes you."

Y/N turned back to face her, still looking conflicted. "And if it doesn't work out?"

"Then it doesn't work out," Calie said matter-of-factly. "But at least you'll know, and you won't be sitting here wondering for the rest of your life. Besides," she added with a teasing grin, "if she's willing to put up with all of this emotional rollercoaster stuff, she's probably more serious than you think."

Y/N chuckled softly, rubbing her temples. "I still don't get it, though. Why me?"

Calie laughed, walking over to her again and giving her a playful nudge. "Because you're you, Y/N. You're calm, you're real, and you've got this whole quiet charm thing going on. Trust me, it works."

Y/N sighed, leaning against the wall. "I don't know if I'm ready for something like this. It's... intimidating."

"Of course it is," Calie said, her tone softening. "But that's how you know it's real. If it wasn't scary, it wouldn't matter. But this? This matters. And I think you know that."

Y/N stayed quiet for a moment, letting Calie's words sink in. After a long pause, she finally spoke. "Even if I do like Scarlett... even if she likes me back... what then?"

Calie grinned, her eyes twinkling. "Then you stop thinking so much and just... go with it. See what happens. It's Scarlett Johansson, yes, but she's also just Scarlett. And if you treat her like that, everything else will fall into place."

Y/N nodded slowly, feeling a mix of apprehension and something else—a flicker of hope, maybe? She wasn't sure yet, but she knew one thing: this conversation with Calie had shifted something inside her. Maybe it was time to stop running away from whatever was happening between her and Scarlett.

"I'll think about it," Y/N said quietly, more to herself than to Calie.

Calie smiled, patting her on the back. "That's all I ask. And hey, when you finally figure it out, I'll be here to remind you that I told you so."

Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, yeah."

As they both turned their attention to Cebrus, who was still admiring himself in the mirror, Y/N's mind drifted back to Scarlett's green eyes, the way they seemed to hold so much more than she was letting on. Maybe, just maybe, Calie was right. And maybe it was time for Y/N to stop overthinking everything and let herself feel whatever it was she'd been holding back.

It was terrifying, but maybe that was the point.

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