Chapter 41: A Gentle Rhythm

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Y/N hummed softly to herself as she continued cooking, her smile gentle and natural. The kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma of roasting vegetables and simmering sauce, and there was a warmth to the room that felt as if the tension between her and Scarlett had melted away. For the first time in days, Y/N felt a strange sense of calm. She stirred the vegetables, focusing on the rhythm of the cooking to keep her nerves in check, when she heard footsteps entering the kitchen.

Scarlett's soft voice carried over, accompanied by Rose's babbling. Y/N's heart did a little flip at the sound, and she turned the stove down to low, quickly wiping her hands on a towel before walking over to them. Rose was in Scarlett's arms, happily cooing and reaching out to Y/N with her little hands.

"Hey there, little Star," Y/N greeted with a warm smile as she leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Rose's forehead. The baby's giggles were enough to melt her heart. "You wanna see what I'm cooking?"

Scarlett raised an eyebrow but smiled as Y/N took Rose from her arms and walked her over to the stove. Y/N cradled the baby in one arm while pointing to the simmering food with her other hand.

"Look, Rose. We've got vegetables, chicken, and some mashed potatoes for you. I'm making sure everything's just right so you can enjoy it too," Y/N explained softly, talking to Rose as though the little girl understood everything. Rose, for her part, just gurgled happily and tried to reach out for the vegetables on the counter.

Scarlett stood by, watching the scene unfold, her gaze steady on Y/N. It was impossible for Y/N to forget her presence; even if she wasn't looking directly at Scarlett, she could feel those green eyes on her, following her every move. A light blush crept onto Y/N's cheeks as she realized just how much attention Scarlett was paying to her.

After a few more minutes of entertaining Rose, Y/N gently handed her back to Scarlett. "Here, you take her for a bit while I finish up."

Scarlett took Rose, settling the little girl on her lap. She leaned back in the chair, one arm securely around Rose as the other hand played with her tiny fingers. Every few seconds, Rose would let out a laugh, and Scarlett's face would light up with a matching smile. Y/N couldn't help but glance at them out of the corner of her eye, feeling a warmth in her chest at the sight of them together. Scarlett's playful interaction with her daughter brought out a softness in her that Y/N was still getting used to, but it made her smile nonetheless.

As Y/N continued cooking, she suddenly remembered something. She walked over to her bag, catching Scarlett's attention. Both Scarlett and Rose watched curiously as Y/N rummaged through it. With a playful grin, Y/N pulled out a toy for Cebrus—a squeaky ball—and tossed it toward the dog, who barked excitedly and chased after it.

"That should keep him busy for a while," Y/N said with a satisfied grin.

Then, she turned back to her bag and pulled out a soft, star-shaped plushie. With a fond smile, she walked over to Rose, who was still sitting on Scarlett's lap, and handed it to her. "This is for you, little one."

Rose's eyes lit up as she grabbed the plushie with both hands, immediately hugging it to her chest and then—predictably—putting it into her mouth. Scarlett's smile widened in surprise as she faked Rose's voice, "Thank you, Y/N!"

Y/N giggled, leaning down to press another kiss to Rose's forehead. But as she straightened up, she noticed Scarlett looking at her with one eyebrow raised, clearly expecting something. Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes playfully before leaning down again and pressing a quick kiss to Scarlett's forehead.

"There. Happy?" Y/N teased, quickly walking back to the stove before Scarlett could respond, her cheeks flushed.

Scarlett chuckled softly, touching the spot where Y/N had kissed her. "You're lucky that was cute."

Y/N turned off the stove and began plating the food while Scarlett placed Rose in her high chair. They worked in quiet synchronicity, with Scarlett grabbing the cutlery and Y/N placing the plates on the table. After setting out the food, Y/N went back to her bag one last time, pulling out a small bottle of juice for Rose and pouring it into a tiny baby bottle she had bought specifically for her.

"You really came prepared," Scarlett remarked as she watched Y/N with a curious smile.

Y/N shrugged casually, though her heart was racing again. "Well, I figured I'd need to make a good impression on the most important girl in your life."

Scarlett's gaze softened, and she smiled warmly. "You already have."

Once everything was set, Y/N sat down next to Scarlett, with Rose happily sipping on her juice in her high chair. They started eating, the mood relaxed and comfortable. Scarlett took a bite of the roasted chicken and hummed appreciatively.

"This is really good, Y/N," she complimented, giving her a genuine smile.

Y/N looked up from her plate, her nerves calming a bit as she grinned. "Thanks. I'm glad you like it."

Scarlett leaned in slightly, her voice dropping into a teasing tone. "You know, you're full of surprises. I didn't know you could cook like this. It's... kind of hot, actually."

Y/N felt her heart skip a beat, and she tried to play it cool, taking a sip of her wine. "Well, if I knew it'd impress you, I would've cooked for you sooner."

Scarlett laughed softly, her eyes twinkling as she leaned a little closer. "Too late for that now. You've already won me over."

Y/N blushed at the flirtation, but before she could respond, a small thud caught their attention. They both turned to see Cebrus happily gobbling up a piece of food that had fallen from Rose's high chair. Rose, of course, found this hilarious and started giggling uncontrollably, her little hands clapping together in delight.

Scarlett laughed, shaking her head. "Looks like Cebrus is getting a second dinner."

Y/N chuckled, glancing down at the dog. "He deserves it. He's been good all night."

They continued eating, the conversation flowing easily between them. Scarlett asked Y/N about her week, and they shared stories about their day-to-day lives. Y/N found herself relaxing more and more, the nervous energy she had felt earlier dissolving into the easy comfort of their interactions.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" Y/N asked, finishing her wine.

Scarlett leaned back in her chair, thinking for a moment. "I was actually thinking of taking Rose to the park. Maybe you'd like to join us?" She smiled softly, her heart pounding as she waited for Y/N's response.

Y/N's eyes lit up with genuine interest. "I'd love that."

As the evening wore on, the air between them became lighter, more comfortable. And for the first time in weeks, Y/N felt like she could breathe again. Even though Scarlett's flirtations kept her heart racing, there was a sense of ease in how they interacted now—like they were finally finding their rhythm.

By the end of the meal, Y/N couldn't help but smile as she watched Scarlett playing with Rose, laughing as the little girl babbled nonsense and waved her star plushie in the air. There was a contentment in the room, a quiet peace that Y/N had been longing for without even realizing it.

When the last of the dishes were cleared away, and Rose was starting to yawn, Y/N caught Scarlett's eye across the table. There was something unspoken between them, something warm and real, and Y/N knew she was ready to face whatever came next. 

They had time, and for now, this was enough.

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