Chapter 49: Reunions in Disguise

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Y/N stood in front of the bathroom mirror, holding the mask and metal arm in her hands, frowning slightly at her reflection. The outfit Calie had chosen for her was... interesting, to say the least. She wasn't entirely sure who this "Bucky Barnes" was, but she had a feeling this was one of Calie's geeky interests. Still, Y/N put on the costume, pulling on the sleek black pants, boots, and the arm that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, Calie was waiting for her with her phone already aimed. The camera shutter clicked, and Calie grinned, looking at her screen before bursting into laughter.

"Look at you! Hot Bucky Barnes!" she teased, showing Y/N the picture.

Y/N frowned, tilting her head slightly. "Bucky who?"

Calie's jaw dropped as if Y/N had just committed some kind of unforgivable crime. "Bucky Barnes! From the Avengers! He's like... Captain America's best friend, and he has a metal arm, just like that." Calie tapped the prop arm Y/N was wearing.

Y/N nodded slowly, not entirely getting it but deciding not to question it further. "Right. Well, at least I don't look ridiculous, I guess."

"You look amazing," Calie reassured her, tossing Y/N a helmet. "Now come on, we're taking your Harley."

Y/N smirked, her mood brightening at the thought of riding her motorcycle. She grabbed her keys and helmet, and the two of them headed to the garage. Calie squealed in excitement as soon as she saw the sleek, black bike, running up to it and practically hugging it. 

"This baby is pure power," Calie gushed.

Y/N chuckled, slipping on her helmet and climbing onto the bike. The roar of the engine made her heart race as she revved it. Calie climbed on behind her, and within moments, they were off, the wind whipping around them as they zoomed through the streets toward Chris' house.

About twenty minutes later, they arrived, parking the Harley beside an impressive row of cars that undoubtedly belonged to other guests. Y/N could already hear the thrum of music spilling from the house, and as they walked inside, she was hit with a mix of awe and curiosity. The place was decked out with Halloween-themed decorations, dim lighting, and cobwebs strung across the ceiling.

As they made their way through the house, Y/N glanced around at the crowd. There were a lot of people—most of whom she didn't recognize but assumed were celebrities based on the way Calie kept mumbling their names under her breath.

"That's, like, the guy from that superhero show... oh, and she's the one who was in that horror movie last year..."

Y/N wasn't paying much attention, though. Her mind was elsewhere, and she couldn't shake the nervous energy bubbling up inside her. She scanned the room, her eyes searching for Scarlett, but so far, there was no sign of her.

"Come on, let's get a drink," Calie said, pulling Y/N toward the kitchen. She quickly made them both cocktails, handing one to Y/N as they stood by the counter. Y/N took a sip, but her attention kept drifting back to the living room, where people mingled and laughed.

Finally, Calie nudged her and pointed toward the far corner of the room. "There. Look."

Y/N followed her gaze, and her heart skipped a beat. There, talking to a man in a mask, was a redhead in a sleek black jumpsuit. When the woman turned slightly, Y/N's breath hitched. It was Scarlett.

And she was dressed as Black Widow.

Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Scarlett, who was completely immersed in the conversation with the masked man. The way the black outfit hugged her curves, the confidence with which she carried herself—it made Y/N's pulse quicken.

Calie smirked when she saw Y/N's reaction. "Told you, she's a knockout. Go talk to her."

Y/N hesitated, but before she could say anything, Calie gave her a gentle push. "Go. You've been trying to find her sincewe came here. What's the worst that could happen?"

With a deep breath, Y/N nodded and made her way across the room, her eyes never leaving Scarlett. As she got closer, Scarlett must have felt her presence because she suddenly turned, locking eyes with Y/N.

For a brief second, neither of them moved. It was like the room went quiet, and it was just the two of them standing there. Y/N's lips twitched into a small smile, and Scarlett's eyes softened. The tension between them was palpable, a mixture of relief and unresolved feelings.

Scarlett excused herself from her conversation and walked toward Y/N, her hips swaying slightly as she approached. "You finally made it," she said, her voice low, though there was a teasing edge to it.

"I was convinced," Y/N replied, her voice equally soft, though her eyes were drinking in every detail of Scarlett's appearance. "You look... incredible."

Scarlett's lips curled into a smirk, but her eyes were warm. "So do you. I didn't know Bucky Barnes could look that good."

Y/N let out a small chuckle, shaking her head. "Apparently, I'm Bucky Barnes tonight. Not that I know who that is."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "We're going to have to change that. He's one of my favorites."

The air between them was charged, and Y/N found herself searching for something to say, something that would bridge the gap that had formed over the past week. But before she could, Scarlett closed the distance between them and pulled her into a hug. It wasn't dramatic or overwhelming, just Scarlett leaning in, resting her head briefly against Y/N's chest.

"I missed you," Scarlett murmured, her voice barely audible over the music.

Y/N wrapped her arms around her, holding her close. "I missed you, too," she admitted, the words coming out almost as a sigh of relief.

They pulled back slightly, but Scarlett didn't let go completely. Her hands rested on Y/N's arms as she looked up at her with a soft smile. "I'm sorry for being distant. I didn't mean to make you feel like you did something wrong."

"I was just confused," Y/N said honestly. "But I'm glad we're here now."

Scarlett smiled, her fingers gently squeezing Y/N's arm. "Me too."

Just then, Calie appeared beside them, grinning like the Cheshire cat. "Awww, look at you two, all sweet and stuff. Now, can we please go dance? I didn't come here to stand around!"

Scarlett chuckled, turning to look at Y/N with a raised eyebrow. "What do you say, Bucky? You up for a little dancing?"

Y/N laughed softly, feeling a lot lighter than she had in days. "Why not?"

And with that, they joined the rest of the party, dancing and laughing.

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