Chapter 15: Chef And Hero

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Y/N stood in the kitchen, her phone propped up against a jar of flour as she skimmed through various baby-friendly recipes. She sighed heavily, muttering under her breath. "What on earth is baby puree with quinoa? Do babies even eat quinoa?" She scrolled further, eyebrows furrowing as she came across an article on "finger foods for toddlers."

"Healthy, easy-to-chew, rich in nutrients... okay, but does that mean no salt? Or can I just add a tiny bit?" She shook her head, flustered. "I don't even know what a one-year-old can and can't eat." 

She had cooked for herself and her friends countless times, even impressing them with her culinary skills, but never had she faced the daunting challenge of making food for a baby. Her eyes darted between pots and pans as she pulled together ingredients—soft carrots, sweet potatoes, a little chicken. In the back of her mind, she could hear Scarlett and Rose in the living room, watching something on TV, Rose occasionally babbling.

After another minute of scrolling, she sighed in resignation. "Alright, Rose. Hope you like mashed sweet potatoes with a side of chaos." She chuckled to herself, assembling the meal and tasting it as she went, adjusting the seasoning for Scarlett and herself while keeping Rose's portion plain.

As the smells of food filled the kitchen, Y/N relaxed into her task. Thirty minutes later, she had somehow managed to prepare a healthy dish for Rose—mashed sweet potatoes with soft-cooked carrots and chicken—and a more flavorful version for herself and Scarlett. She threw a few pieces of raw meat into a bowl for Cerberus, who sat eagerly watching her from the corner.

"Okay, little one," Y/N murmured, grabbing the plates and setting them on the table. "Let's hope you like this."

Scarlett, looking visibly calmer than earlier, called from the couch. "Is it ready?"

Y/N nodded, brushing her hands on her apron. "Yeah, come sit down. It's all done."

Scarlett stood up, carrying Rose in her arms, her steps slower than before but more composed. She sat at the table, pulling Rose onto her lap and immediately began to feed her daughter.

Y/N watched her for a moment before stepping forward. "Here, let me," Y/N offered, taking the spoon from Scarlett's hand. "You eat first, I'll feed her."

Scarlett's eyebrows shot up in mild surprise, and she scoffed softly. "You're going to feed her?" she asked, an edge of teasing in her tone. "You sure about that?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, giving Scarlett a small, exasperated smile. "Just eat. I can handle it."

Scarlett huffed, her usual sharpness softening, but she still muttered, "Fine. But if she starts crying, it's on you."

Y/N just smiled, already focusing on Rose. She gently offered the spoon to the little girl, who, to her surprise, eagerly took the bite. "See?" Y/N said, casting a glance at Scarlett. "Not so bad."

Scarlett didn't respond immediately, but she finally picked up her own fork and began eating, her grumbling quieting down. After the first bite, she paused, her eyes widening slightly. "Okay, I'll give you this—you can cook."

Y/N gave her a small smile, continuing to feed Rose. The three of them sat in relative silence, broken only by the soft sounds of Rose babbling between bites. Y/N found herself talking to Rose, her voice gentle and full of warmth. 

"Is that good, Rose?" Y/N asked softly, offering her another spoonful of mashed sweet potato. "You like that, huh? You're a good eater, aren't you?"

Rose giggled in response, making soft sounds of approval. Y/N smiled, feeling a strange sense of calm as she interacted with the little girl. She hadn't expected to feel so comfortable around Scarlett's daughter, but Rose's innocent nature made it easy.

Scarlett, meanwhile, watched them quietly. Her usual sharp, guarded expression softened as she looked at her daughter interacting with Y/N. A small smile tugged at her lips, and for a moment, there was no tension between them. Scarlett seemed to relax into the moment, her walls temporarily lowered.

When Rose finished eating, Y/N wiped her mouth gently before passing her back to Scarlett. "There you go," Y/N said, sitting down to eat her own meal.

Scarlett accepted Rose with a soft, grateful smile, holding her close. "Thank you," she said quietly, her voice unusually sincere.

Y/N just nodded, giving her a small smile before focusing on her own plate. The silence between them felt less awkward now, more comfortable.

Suddenly, Cerberus barked, breaking the moment. Both Y/N and Scarlett looked at him before exchanging a brief laugh.

"Thanks for your help, too," Scarlett said, glancing at the dog. Cerberus wagged his tail, seemingly pleased with himself.

Scarlett then looked back at Y/N, her expression a little more vulnerable than before. "I... I'm sorry for how I've been acting," she admitted, her tone softer than usual. "I just don't trust people easily. Especially around Rose."

Y/N looked up from her plate, her expression calm. She nodded, understanding. "It's fine," she replied quietly. "I get it."

Scarlett looked away for a moment, then back at Y/N. "Your apartment is... nice," she said, shifting the conversation.

Y/N shook her head slightly. "It's not mine," she said. "It's my best friend's place. She's probably at work right now."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow. "Your best friend? Huh. Must be nice to have someone you trust like that."

Y/N nodded, not offering much more than that, her usual quietness settling back in.

Before they could continue, there was a knock on the door. Y/N stood up and opened it to see Chris standing there, smiling.

"Hey, I'm here to pick them up," Chris said with a small wave.

Scarlett stood up, gathering Rose in her arms. "Thanks for everything," she said to Y/N, her voice genuine this time.

Chris smiled at Y/N, offering a quick thank you as well before turning to leave with Scarlett and Rose. As they walked to the car, Y/N stood in the doorway down the block, watching them. For a moment, everything seemed calm again, the chaos of earlier forgotten.

Y/N stayed by the door, watching as the car drove away, her thoughts quiet, but her heart feeling a little lighter than before.

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