Chapter 26: A Series of Embarrassments

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After an hour of poolside fun, everyone reluctantly got out of the water. Y/N helped Chris clean up, gathering towels and organizing toys while Cebrus ran around the yard, happily chasing his own tail. Calie and Scarlett headed inside first to change, laughing and chatting as they disappeared into the house.

Once the cleanup was finished, Y/N grabbed her bag and headed to the bathroom. She quickly opened the door, but as soon as she stepped inside, her breath hitched. There, standing in front of the mirror, was Scarlett—completely unprepared for Y/N's sudden entrance—wearing nothing but a set of red lace underwear. Her curves were highlighted by the rich crimson color, and for a moment, Y/N felt her heart stop.

Scarlett, slightly surprised but composed, glanced at Y/N through the mirror. "Oh, I didn't—"

But before she could finish, Y/N's face turned beet red, and she stammered, "Sorry! I—I didn't know—uh—" Without thinking, she quickly turned on her heels and fled the bathroom, closing the door with a soft thud behind her.

Her cheeks were burning as she stood outside the door, her heart racing. 'Of all things to happen', she thought, biting her lip as she tried to calm herself down. For five agonizingly long minutes, she stood there, not knowing what to do. When Scarlett finally emerged, dressed in a casual set of clothes, they exchanged no words. Scarlett gave her a tiny, knowing smile as she walked past, but Y/N couldn't meet her gaze, her face still flushed.

Once she was sure Scarlett was gone, Y/N darted into the bathroom, shut the door behind her, and leaned against it, letting out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. Her mind was racing as she quickly changed, still thinking about the sight she had just witnessed. When she finally emerged, dressed and a little calmer, she followed the sound of voices to the living room.

Chris, Calie, and Scarlett were already settled on the couch. Scarlett was feeding Rose, her movements slow and gentle as she cradled the baby in her arms. The only open seat was next to Scarlett, but as Y/N approached, she felt a wave of awkwardness wash over her again. Instead of sitting next to her, she was about to settle on the floor next to Cebrus, hoping to avoid the tension.

Calie glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "Y/N, what are you doing?"

Y/N, caught off guard, stammered, "I just thought I'd sit here with Cebrus..."

Before she could finish, Scarlett's sharp voice cut in, leaving no room for argument. "Stop being silly and sit next to me."

The authority in her tone made Y/N freeze. She quickly nodded, swallowing her nerves as she made her way to the empty spot next to Scarlett. As she sat down, she made sure not to look directly at her, trying her best to ignore the fact that Scarlett was still feeding Rose right beside her. 'Oh god', Y/N thought, feeling her heart pound faster.

Rose finished eating and immediately reached out her small arms toward Y/N, babbling and smiling. Y/N couldn't help but smile back, taking the baby into her arms. "Hey, princess," she whispered, her nerves easing a little as she bounced Rose gently on her lap. But as Rose giggled, she suddenly grabbed Y/N's fingers and stuffed them into her mouth.

Y/N wrinkled her nose, confused for a moment until a sweet, unfamiliar taste hit her senses. Her face twisted in realization. 'Oh no'. Her eyes widened, and in a flash, she handed Rose back to Scarlett, quickly standing up. "I—I'll be right back!" she blurted out, rushing to the kitchen.

The others stared after her, confused for a split second before bursting into laughter. Even Cebrus barked as if he understood the situation. Y/N ran to the sink and spat into it, frantically rinsing her mouth.

When she came back to the living room, still looking a bit pale, Scarlett chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "If you wanted to try it, Y/N, you could've just asked," she teased, grinning. "I could've gotten you some fresh ones."

Y/N wanted to die of embarrassment right then and there. She buried her face in her hands as the group continued to laugh, Calie nearly doubling over in amusement. "Even Cebrus is laughing at you!" Calie teased, pointing at the dog, who was wagging his tail happily.

Y/N finally sat back down on the couch, her face still bright red. "I hate all of you," she mumbled, but there was no real malice in her voice, just pure mortification.

After a few more moments of laughter, Chris stood up and clapped his hands together. "Okay, now that we've had our fun, how about we watch a movie? I was thinking... Avengers?"

Calie grinned. "Hell yeah! I'm down."

Y/N just nodded, still embarrassed but not wanting to seem rude. "Sure, whatever you guys want."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow. "Have you seen it before?" she asked, curious.

Y/N shook her head. "Not really. I'm not much of a movie person as you know..."

Scarlett's smile softened, a little impressed. "Well, you're in for a treat."

As the movie started, Y/N found herself watching Scarlett's character, Natasha Romanoff, on the screen with awe. The woman was a force of nature—graceful, strong, and beautiful. Y/N couldn't help but stare, completely captivated by Scarlett's performance. Every movement, every line delivered was mesmerizing.

At one point, Y/N glanced over at Scarlett, only to find her already watching her with a knowing smile on her lips. Scarlett didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes made Y/N's cheeks heat up all over again.

As the movie continued, Y/N couldn't stop her mind from wandering. She wasn't just thinking about Natasha Romanoff on the screen. She was thinking about Scarlett—the real Scarlett—sitting right next to her, so close that she could feel the warmth radiating from her. 

Scarlett leaned back on the couch, shifting her position slightly, and Y/N felt her heart race as her leg brushed Scarlett's. The contact was brief, but it sent a jolt through her system. Y/N tried her best to focus on the movie, but it was impossible with Scarlett so near.

Toward the end of the film, when a particularly intense fight scene played out, Scarlett glanced at Y/N and whispered, "So, what do you think so far?"

Y/N blinked, pulling herself out of her thoughts. "It's... amazing," she admitted, her voice quieter than usual. "You're amazing."

Scarlett smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Thank you. I'm glad you think so."

Y/N couldn't help but smile back, though her heart was still pounding. It had been a day of surprises, to say the least. And she wasn't sure what was happening between her and Scarlett, but whatever it was, it felt... significant.

As the credits rolled, the group chatted casually, discussing their favorite scenes. But all Y/N could think about was the way Scarlett had looked at her throughout the night—the silent exchanges, the teasing remarks, the tension that had grown between them, subtle yet undeniable.


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