Chapter 11: The Encounter

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Suddenly, Rose began to bounce on Y/N's lap, her small hands reaching out eagerly toward the woman who had just entered the café. A woman named Scarlett, if Y/N remembered correctly. Before Y/N could process what was happening, Scarlett strode up to them, her focus entirely on Rose. Without acknowledging either Y/N or Chris, she scooped the little girl into her arms, her stern expression softening as she smiled at her daughter.

"Hi, my love," Scarlett cooed, ignoring Y/N entirely.

Chris broke the awkward silence. "Y/N, this is Scarlett Johansson, my friend and Rose's mother."

Y/N tried to mask her surprise and discomfort, especially after recalling their less-than-pleasant interaction a few nights ago. She stood up, hesitating for only a second before extending her and to Scarlett in an attempt to formally introduce herself. "Hi, nice to meet you—"

Scarlett didn't even glance at Y/N's hand. Instead, her sharp green eyes narrowed slightly as she raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing sitting here with my daughter and Chris instead of working?" There was a hint of irritation in her voice, a cold edge that immediately put Y/N on the defensive.

Before Y/N could respond, Chris interjected, trying to ease the tension. "She's the girl I told you about, the one who's been helping me with Rose. She's great with her."

Scarlett, not even sparing a glance at Y/N, sank into the seat Y/N had just vacated. "Hmm. Well, go make me a coffee then, if you're not too busy." She waved her hand dismissively.

Chris shot Y/N an apologetic look, clearly uncomfortable with Scarlett's rudeness. Y/N, although slightly rattled, nodded at him, quickly heading behind the counter to prepare the coffee. As she worked, she could hear Scarlett playing with Rose, her laughter and warmth directed entirely at the child. It felt strange hearing such affection from the same woman who had been nothing but cold to her.

Y/N couldn't help but think, Maybe she does have a heart after all—just not for strangers. She brushed the thought aside and focused on the task at hand, brewing Scarlett's coffee as quickly as possible. 

A few minutes later, Y/N returned to the table with Scarlett's coffee in hand. She knelt beside Rose with a small smile, handing the little girl a cookie. "This one's lactose-free and low-fat. Chris told me Rose likes them."

Scarlett's eyes flicked to Y/N, her gaze unreadable for a moment. She gave a curt nod before turning her attention back to Chris. "Thanks," she muttered, barely audible.

Y/N exhaled softly, standing up and stepping back as Scarlett resumed her conversation with Chris, completely ignoring her once again. For the next half-hour, Y/N busied herself behind the counter, occasionally stealing glances at the trio. Scarlett seemed perfectly at ease now, laughing and chatting with Chris while doting on Rose. It was a side of her that felt at odds with the woman Y/N had encountered in the café before.

Eventually, the time came for them to leave. Chris waved goodbye to Y/N, offering her a warm smile. Scarlett, predictably, didn't even acknowledge her. She was too engrossed in a quiet conversation with Rose as they exited the café.

Y/N sighed, watching them go. It had been an exhausting encounter, and the tension between her and Scarlett had been palpable the entire time. Carlos, who had witnessed the entire scene, came up beside her.

"Well, that was... something," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah," Y/N muttered. "Something."

The rest of the shift passed uneventfully, but Scarlett's cold behavior lingered in the back of Y/N's mind. When her shift finally ended, she clocked out and headed home, thoughts swirling about the strange encounter she'd had. Scarlett Johansson was no ordinary customer, and Y/N wasn't sure how she felt about being caught in the middle of whatever dynamic existed between her and Chris. 

But for now, all she wanted was to unwind and forget about the tension of the day. Little did she know, this was only the beginning of the drama that Scarlett Johansson would bring into her life.

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