Chapter 6: An Unexpected Customer

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The small café was quieter than usual as Y/N walked in, the smell of freshly brewed coffee welcoming her. Sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the polished tables and comfortable chairs. She took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm as she stepped behind the counter.

"Morning, Y/N," Randy greeted her with a lazy smile, leaning against the espresso machine. He was tall, with dark hair and a mischievous gleam in his eyes that always seemed to be present, especially when he was talking to her.

"Morning, Randy," Y/N replied, giving him a polite smile. She placed her bag under the counter and tied her apron on, preparing for the shift ahead. 

"So, big plans for the weekend?" Randy asked, his tone playful as he watched her move around the café. He leaned in slightly, flashing what he probably thought was a charming smile.

Y/N glanced at him briefly, not breaking her stride. "Studying with Calie, as usual," she said, keeping her response casual.

"You know, you could do something more fun," Randy suggested, his voice dropping a bit as he winked at her.

Y/N simply smiled, shaking her head slightly. Randy's flirtations were a daily occurrence, something she had grown used to. He wasn't exactly subtle, but she never reciprocated his advances. She appreciated the banter, but that was as far as it went for her.

Randy seemed to take the hint, chuckling as he grabbed his jacket. "Well, I'm heading out for my break. Hold down the fort while I'm gone, yeah?"

"Will do," Y/N said, waving him off as he walked out the back door.

With Randy gone, Y/N settled into her routine. The café was slow today, the usual morning rush replaced by a steady trickle of customers. Most people were likely at work or school, leaving the café to the few who were either working remotely or taking a leisurely break. She took a moment to check the tables, wiping them down and making sure everything was in order. A couple of customers sat quietly in the corner, engrossed in their laptops, while a middle-aged woman read a book near the window. It was peaceful.

Seeing that everything was under control, Y/N decided to take a moment for herself. She pulled out the book she had brought along—the same one she and Calie had been talking about earlier. It was a romance novel with just the right amount of drama, the kind of story that pulled you in with its emotional tension and complex characters. She loved these moments, when she could get lost in a book, even if just for a few minutes.

Y/N settled onto a small stool behind the counter, her eyes quickly scanning the pages as she became absorbed in the story. The café was quiet, the gentle hum of the espresso machine and the occasional clink of a spoon the only sounds around her. It was a perfect way to pass the time on such a slow day.

After what felt like fifteen minutes, the soft chime of the doorbell broke through her concentration, signaling the arrival of a new customer. Y/N glanced up, closing her book as she stood. A tall man had just entered the café, holding a small child in his arms. The man looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties, his face slightly familiar but not enough for her to place him. He had a friendly, easygoing presence, and Y/N couldn't help but smile as he approached the counter.

"Good morning!" she greeted him warmly as he came up to the register, adjusting the child in his arms. The little girl was about a year old, with bright eyes and a curious expression, her tiny hands gripping the man's shirt.

"Morning," the man replied, smiling back. His voice was deep but soft, and there was a hint of amusement in his eyes as he glanced around the cozy café. "I'll have a medium black coffee and... hmm, what do you recommend for someone with a sweet tooth?

Y/N smiled, her eyes briefly flicking to the baby in his arms before returning to the man. "I'd suggest our chocolate chip cookies. They're pretty popular."

"Sounds perfect," the man said, nodding. "One coffee and a cookie, then."

As Y/N rang up the order, she glanced up at him, curiosity getting the better of her. "I'm sorry, but you look a little familiar. Have we met before?"

The man raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the question, but he smiled. "No, I don't think so. My name's Chris."

Y/N nodded, scribbling his name on the cup. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Chris. I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you too, Y/N," Chris replied, his smile widening slightly. There was something genuine about the way he said it, and Y/N found herself relaxing even more.

She moved to start making his coffee, her hands working quickly as she wrapped up the cookie. After about five minutes, she called out his name. "Chris?"

The man walked back to the counter, still holding the baby securely in his arms. Y/N handed him the coffee and cookie, her eyes drifting to the little girl, who was now looking directly at her with wide, curious eyes.

"She's adorable," Y/N said, unable to resist smiling at the baby. "What's her name?"

Chris glanced down at the child, then back at Y/N, shaking his head slightly. "Oh, she's not mine. She's my friend's daughter. Her name's Rose."

Y/N's smile softened as she looked at Rose. The little girl reached out her tiny hands toward her, and Y/N, giggling softly, gently grabbed one of her hands. "Hi, Rose," she said, her voice warm and playful. "Nice to meet you too."

Rose cooed in response, her little fingers curling around Y/N's. The moment was sweet, and Y/N found herself charmed by the baby's innocence. 

Chris smiled at the interaction, shifting Rose slightly in his arms. "She's a handful sometimes, but she's a good kid."

"I can tell," Y/N replied, still smiling at Rose as the baby continued to stare at her, clearly fascinated by the new face. "It must be fun, though."

"It is," Chris said, his tone light. "But I'm just the babysitter today."

Y/N laughed softly, stepping back slightly. "Well, you seem to be doing a great job."

"Thanks," Chris said, his smile turning into a grin. "I'll take the compliment."

They talked for a few more minutes, exchanging small pleasantries about the weather and the quiet day. Y/N found herself enjoying the conversation more than she expected, though she still couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen Chris somewhere before.

Eventually, Chris glanced at the time and shifted Rose in his arms again. "Well, I should probably get going. Thanks for the coffee, Y/N."

"Anytime," she replied, giving him a small wave as he turned to leave.

As the door closed behind him, Y/N stood there for a moment, feeling an odd sense of familiarity lingering in the air. She shook it off quickly, though, and returned to her small stool behind the counter. Picking up her book again, she opened to where she had left off, but her mind kept wandering back to Chris and Rose. 

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