Chapter 53: Calm Before the Storm

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Y/N breathed heavily, her feet pounding against the pavement as she ran through the park, the early morning air cool against her skin. Cebrus was running right beside her, his pace matching hers as his tail wagged happily. It was 6 in the morning, and the world around them was still quiet, the city just beginning to stir. She hadn't slept much, her mind too busy with the thoughts from the night before—Scarlett, Chris, Calie, the party. Everything felt distant, and yet it was all she could think about.

She slowed her pace, feeling the tension in her muscles as her breathing began to steady. No one had written to her yet. Not Scarlett, not Calie. But it was early, and Y/N convinced herself they were probably still asleep. She gave Cebrus a quick scratch behind the ears before heading home.

Once inside, Y/N fed Cebrus, watching as he happily ate his breakfast, his tail thumping against the floor. The sight brought a brief smile to her face. She sighed, heading to the bathroom to take a shower, hoping it would clear her mind. By the time she stepped out, the clock read 7 AM. The day had barely begun, but Y/N felt the weight of it already pressing down on her.

She dressed quickly, throwing on comfortable clothes and grabbing her bag. Her exams were coming up soon, and she needed to focus. She had to block out the noise, the doubts, and the confusion. She had to finish strong—this was her last year.

Y/N made her way to the library, the comforting aroma of coffee filling her senses as she picked up a cup on her way. She grabbed something small to eat too, figuring it would keep her fueled for the study session she had planned. When she arrived, she quickly headed inside, making her way to her favorite table—the one she and Calie always shared.

But Calie wasn't here today.

Y/N breathed deeply as she set down her things. She carefully pulled out her law book, spreading her notes and assignments across the table in neat piles. It was a ritual now, one she knew well. She'd been studying so much, preparing for her final exams, and the routine gave her a sense of control—something to hold on to in the chaos of her mind.

For the next four hours, Y/N worked diligently. She took notes, highlighting important sections of the text, her focus unwavering. She allowed herself a few small breaks, sipping on her coffee and staring out the window, but each time, she quickly returned to her work. As the hours ticked by, the familiar exhaustion of studying settled in. She leaned back in her chair, letting out a deep sigh, her thoughts wandering back to the group.

Images of the night before flashed in her mind—Scarlett dancing with RDJ, Calie laughing, the conversations that had excluded her. She thought about what she had confessed to her parents the night before at their graves, the painful words she had released into the night air. Y/N shook her head, trying to push the thoughts away. She couldn't afford to lose focus now.

She pulled her headphones from her bag and slipped them into her ears, drowning out the world with music. The soft rhythm helped her concentrate as she turned back to her book. Another half-hour passed, her pen moving steadily across the page.

Suddenly, Y/N felt a light tap on her shoulder.

She removed her headphones and looked up, blinking in surprise. "Carolina?" she asked, her voice calm, despite the unexpected interruption.

Carolina smiled at her, her brown eyes warm as she sat down beside Y/N. "Hey, I didn't expect to see you here so early. I've been meaning to ask, how's studying going?"

Y/N smiled back, appreciating the small break in her routine. "It's going okay. Exams are coming up fast, so I'm just trying to stay on top of everything. You?"

"Same," Carolina said, letting out a dramatic sigh. "You know how it is—law exams are no joke. I feel like I've been buried under case files for weeks."

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