Chapter 42: Acting It Out

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Y/N quietly followed Scarlett upstairs, holding her hand as Scarlett led her into the bedroom. Rose was already beginning to look drowsy, her little eyes fluttering as Scarlett gently laid her down in the small bed next to hers. Y/N stood back, watching Scarlett's soft and tender movements as she tucked Rose in, smoothing the blankets around her and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Scarlett began singing quietly, a soft lullaby that seemed to fill the room with a peaceful, calming energy. Y/N's heart swelled as she listened to Scarlett's soothing voice, the gentle melody wrapping around them. There was something so intimate and serene in the way Scarlett cared for Rose, something that made Y/N feel like she was witnessing a precious moment meant just for them.

After a few minutes, Rose drifted off into sleep, her tiny body still as her breathing became even. Scarlett stopped singing and stood, her eyes lingering on her daughter for a moment before turning to Y/N. Without a word, she reached for Y/N's hand, entwining their fingers as she gently pulled her out of the room.

They walked downstairs together, Y/N quietly squeezing Scarlett's hand as they descended the steps. Once they reached the bottom, Scarlett smiled softly. "Go sit in the living room. I'll grab us some wine."

Y/N nodded, her heart beating a little faster as she did what she was told, heading to the living room and sinking into the couch. She glanced around the cozy space, her mind racing with thoughts of the evening so far. The way Scarlett had kissed her earlier... the way she'd been watching her during dinner... everything felt charged with something she wasn't sure she could name yet, but it was undeniably there.

Scarlett returned a moment later with two glasses of wine and a bottle, placing them on the coffee table in front of Y/N with a playful wink. Y/N smiled nervously and reached for the remote, typing in the name of the movie Calie had mentioned earlier. As the title "Don Jon" appeared on the screen, Scarlett raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into an amused smile.

"Don Jon, huh? Do you even know what this movie's about?" Scarlett asked, settling herself on the couch beside Y/N.

Y/N shrugged, trying to play it cool as she poured the wine into their glasses. "Not really. I just remember Calie mentioning it. I'm here for it because, well, you're in it."

Scarlett snorted, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, trust me. This one's a little... different."

She stretched out on the couch, making herself comfortable as she laid her legs across Y/N's lap. Y/N smiled, trying to hide how fast her heart was beating as she handed Scarlett a glass of wine.

As the movie started, Y/N attempted to focus on the screen, but she found herself sneaking glances at Scarlett's character every time she appeared. Scarlett was effortlessly gorgeous in the movie, and the way she moved, the way she spoke, it was hypnotic. The alcohol coursing through Y/N's veins wasn't helping either, loosening her inhibitions as she struggled to keep her eyes off Scarlett.

She wasn't the only one not paying attention to the movie. Scarlett wasn't even looking at the screen. Her gaze was fixed on Y/N, watching the way she was reacting to everything. The corner of her mouth twitched into a knowing smile, but she remained quiet, sipping her wine as she observed Y/N's growing discomfort.

Then, the scene appeared on the screen—Scarlett's character kissing some guy, leaning in close and calling him "baby" in that sultry voice of hers. Y/N froze, her eyes widening as she stared at the screen. She couldn't believe what she was seeing... or hearing. The whole scene seemed to blur in her mind, a mix of emotions swirling as she processed the sight of Scarlett being so... intimate with someone else, even if it was just a movie.

"You okay over there?" Scarlett's voice was teasing, but there was an edge to it.

Y/N swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry. "Uh... yeah, I just... wasn't expecting that."

Scarlett smirked, clearly enjoying Y/N's reaction. She set her glass of wine on the table and, in one smooth movement, shifted on the couch until she was straddling Y/N's lap. Y/N's breath caught in her throat, her hands instinctively moving to Scarlett's waist as the older woman leaned in close, her lips brushing against Y/N's ear.

"Why watch it on the screen when we can act it out... right here, right now?" Scarlett whispered, her voice low and seductive.

Before Y/N could respond, Scarlett pressed her lips to hers, the kiss soft at first, but quickly deepening as Scarlett's hands cupped Y/N's face. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, her fingers gripping Scarlett's waist as she kissed her back, their bodies pressing together as Scarlett pushed her down on the couch.

The kiss was everything Y/N had imagined and more. Scarlett's lips were warm and insistent, her hands exploring Y/N's body as they moved together, lost in the moment. Y/N's mind went blank, her senses overwhelmed by the feel of Scarlett's body against hers, the taste of her on her lips, the soft sounds she made as they kissed.

Minutes passed, though it felt like both forever and no time at all. When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other as they tried to catch their breath.

Scarlett was still cuddled up to Y/N, her body pressed against hers as they lay tangled together on the couch. Y/N's hands were still resting on Scarlett's waist, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on the fabric of her shirt.

"Well," Scarlett murmured, her voice thick with amusement. "I think that was better than the movie, don't you?"

Y/N let out a breathless laugh, her heart still racing. "Yeah... no competition there."

They both started laughing, the tension that had built up between them easing into something lighter, something more playful. Scarlett shifted slightly, resting her head on Y/N's chest as they lay together, their laughter mingling with the soft hum of the television in the background.

"You know," Scarlett said after a moment, her voice teasing. "I could get used to this. The whole you kissing me thing... it's nice."

Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes but smiling as she looked down at her. "Oh yeah? You gonna start demanding kisses now?"

"Maybe," Scarlett teased, grinning as she looked up at Y/N. "You're good at it."

Y/N blushed, shaking her head with a laugh. "You're ridiculous."

Scarlett's smile softened as she looked at Y/N, her eyes warm and tender. "Maybe... but I'm also really happy you're here."

Y/N's heart fluttered at the sincerity in her voice, and she smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Scarlett's forehead. "I'm happy I'm here too."

They lay there for a while longer, the room quiet except for their soft breathing and the distant sound of the movie still playing. It was peaceful, comfortable, and for the first time in a long time, Y/N felt like she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

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